Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Of course, you can’t pick up from Goodfellas, since we murdered everybody, or rather, everybody was murdered! There’s nobody left. But I think we’re going to figure out a way to do the early years – sort of a prequel. The part of the movie people often like best is the opening third, where all the funny stuff is happening, and there’s so much we could fit in.

Not gonna get my hopes up, cuz the og was casted perfectly...wonder if Scorcese would get involved.
Originally Posted by CP1708

JapanAir21 wrote:
CP1708 wrote:
So Rick McCallum just announced that the live action Star Wars show will be called Underground, but won't be out for 3 years due to costs, and it will be set in the 20 years between episodes III and IV. First........3 effffing years? Second, I don't give a @#$% its something at least. If they ain't gonna give me 22 more movies like they could/should, then at least maybe I can get 22+ hour long stories to roll with. Hurry the @#$% up 3 years.
Gap between III and IV, meaning lots of Obi Wan/Vader, little of everyone else? Unless they show the upbringing of Leah/Luke, but I'd hate to watch some bratty kids playing them.

Won't be out for three years means it won't be on air till 2020.

If it really does come out in 2015 though, I bet a new set of sequels to come out ~2025.

   Ok, first of all, I made a mistake, it's not Underground, it's Underworld, which I do not like at all.  That's too damn close to people thinkin that Lycons and Warewolves will be flying the Millennium Falcon. 

Second, JA, it's Leia.  Not Leah.  Who the @#$% is Leah? 

Third, no.  No Ben, no Vader, no twins, none of that.  Completely outside of ALL that stuff.  At least, as far as I have read, it would be a complete different set of characters within the Star Wars universe.  Characters that we probably have never even heard of, and they'll allude to guys like Palpatine, Vader etc.  May we see a glimpse of somebody?  Chewbacca perhaps?  Maybe.  Just as they brought in glimpses of some of them in the prequels, they would certainly do that here. 

We could see construction of the Death Star.  Bounty Hunters hunting Jedi for the Emperor. (Fett
)  We could even (and I will cross my fingers til they bleed) see Thrawn and his crew.  TONS of material they can come up with, which is why this @#$% needs to happen.  There is too damn much material out there to be used to not do more.  So it's time to get it going.  But I don't wanna see any Gunguns, I don't want a word of garbage dialogue, I want Dexter/Sopranos/The Wire/Breaking Bad/Mad Men type writing, with Lightsabers. 

No %#@*++ Ewoks either. 
I got a friend named Leah, sorry.

Was late at night when I wrote that.

If they had a serious attempt to try and develop a show around the bounty hunters, nerds everywhere would be in glee, including me.

I'm not getting my hopes up for anything too thought-provoking or action-packed, personally.

Goodfellas? It'll just be a rise-of-power show then, because they are on the top of the world at the beginning of the movie.

@ the thought of them making a true-sequel would be funny though, Robert De Niro only dude still alive at the end,
Not gonna get my hopes up, cuz the og was casted perfectly...
You right on that, that cast is ridiculous. 

And how is this series going to be anything more than a new Sopranos?  Isn't Goodfellas, in tv series mode, The Sopranos? 
  I don't know about that.  But I applaud AMC for trying.  I also think the success of Boardwalk Empire is helping this along. 

JA, if it's indeed a full speed ahead series, it will be action/lightsabers/light speed, etc etc we expect with Star Wars.  And given the success of the video games + books, they know damn well what we all want. All comes down to the writers and the stories they go for.  Hopefully they don't do somethin stupid like recast Han Solo and show him and Chewie meeting up, or a young Lando or something that will make me hate George Lucas even more. 
And how is this series going to be anything more than a new Sopranos? Isn't Goodfellas, in tv series mode, The Sopranos? smiley: ohwell I don't know about that. But I applaud AMC for trying. I also think the success of Boardwalk Empire is helping this along.

Cashing in on the success of others, that's all this is an attempt to do, by attaching a name on it. Period-piece TV shows are big right now, I think NBC has one about Playboy bunnies of the 60s too. And yeah, The Sopranos is pretty much it.

JA, if it's indeed a full speed ahead series, it will be action/lightsabers/light speed, etc etc we expect with Star Wars. And given the success of the video games + books, they know damn well what we all want. All comes down to the writers and the stories they go for. Hopefully they don't do somethin stupid like recast Han Solo and show him and Chewie meeting up, or a young Lando or something that will make me hate George Lucas even more.

That's where I have issue. They KNOW what we've wanted all along, but how often do they actually deliver?

How many of us were satisfied with the prequels? I'd like to watch that Clone Wars cartoon, but it just seems too light-hearted to me. I can't sit down and watch a cartoon anymore. I can't comment on the books, and I know the video games have had success, but, I'd say Star Wars is more of a success because of it's fans and not because of the Star Wars rights holders actually supplying fans with goods.

Is there any fanbase larger than Star Wars? The stuff just the fans organize around the world is ridiculous. I've met several people involved in that 501st thing, and that was just through seeing these dudes in class dressed like Stormtroopers.

The Blu-ray set is quite lackluster if I say so myself. We know they have archives of stuff that fans would have paid 200 bucks a pop for if they just would've put the effort into it and made it a 15-20 disc set.

I mean Lord of the Rings got a comprehensive set at 15 discs.
Playboy Club was cancelled.

And if they focus on the earlier years you can get a lot of material that isn't necessarily covered in the Sopranos. The time period is the key difference... organized crime in the 50s and 60s is not the same as organized crime in the late 90s-2000s when the Sopranos takes place. RICO changes the game and so much of the Sopranos is based on the advanced methods of law enforcement to take them down, so that's a huge element that's changed. Not to mention, The Sopranos begins with Tony already a player, he gains more power but it's not him rising up from the bottom to the top.. he's already established. Another difference, Sopranos is in Jersey... not New York City or Brooklyn where Goodfellas is centered. Some of the differences might seem minor, but they end up being a pretty different picture when all put together.

So if you get to see more of the early years, working the way up, small time jobs to bigger ones, and I'm sure they can come up with more material. Remember this is the guy who wrote the book Wiseguy that Goodfellas was based on with the film being taken almost word for word out of the book, so I'm pretty confident.
Saw Warrior today... pretty fantastic.

I could tell I would like the movie because The National played over the opening credits and at the end of the film, and I love that band. They did a great job of not trying to pretend they reinvented the wheel or created anything groundbreaking with the story, but the performances of the three main actors were tremendous. They were really able to convey the trauma and history of the family, and considering the brothers only had two real interactions.. that was really impressive. Even if the story and acting was terrible (and it wasn't) the action was still very enjoyable, I found myself rewinding at least 5-6 punches/kicks/takedowns/etc.

After this and I'm sure after The Dark Knight Rises, anything Tom Hardy makes is a must-watch for me. Including Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.. which I need to see soon.
Agree on Hardy.  Dude talked in that movie about as much as the Twins in Breaking, but he was POWERFUL in what he did and did not say.  Gotta be a record for fewest words uttered in a movie yet still well acted. 

And I should have a copy of Tinker sometime this week.  Anxious to see that one. 

I see your point on "early" Goodfellas, that could be something interesting I suppose.  Guess it makes sense that with a series you have much more time to actually show how someone came into power as opposed to 10-15 minutes of backstory like how they showed Ray Liotta's character.  I wasn't sayin I wouldn't give it a look or anything, just worried it would be another Fade to Black type show. 

JA, I should have worded better, I was referring to you saying there wouldn't be much action, etc.  That is the one thing they never lack, dude looked for any reason to bust out a lightsaber and will do so here as well.  In terms of overall what we want, ie more movies, yeah he's stupid.  However, I assume (and I hate you for making me defend him even slightly) he's waiting for technology to catch up, and doesn't want to pay 200-250 million dollars to make movies that he KNOWS he could make much cheaper if tech was up to his par.  I'd punch him in his face if he actually said that, but I bet anything that would be his claim.  Either way, live action show > God damn clone war cartoons season 11.  And I liked the Clone Wars cartoons when they first came out, then he made, remade, kept making, made some more, and then again and I was done.  I get pissed when I see that @#$% now. 

It's time for new material.  ACTUAL, new material. Even if it's adapted from the books, comics, cartoons into live action, whatever.  New material = about !#@#** time. 
Man, been a while since I checked in here. A lot going on.

On Star Wars, as much as I personally am a big fan, its crazy to me how popular it remains. Here we are roughly seven years removed from Revenge of the Sith and, as far as I can tell, kids are still as much into Star Wars as they ever were. Whenever I go to my kids school, I see Star Wars stuff absolutely everywhere. Lunchboxes, t-shirts, toys, etc. You can say what you want about George Lucas as a filmmaker, but he's pretty much unparalleled as a marketer.
at Allen checkin in here. And damn, Claire looks damn good in that pic, airbrushed to @#$% but good nonetheless.
Ok, this %$+*@*% fly episode in Breaking is pissing me off to no end already. There better be a freaking point to this.
I just watched the boys from brazil and man that's an awesome movie. I've heard about it for years and finally watched it. Very strange. Good ol fashion vibe. There's some slow parts but it all comes together so nicely. If you have patience

It's about nazis that hid out in south America years after wwII but there is a crazy plot. Don't research the movie just watch It. Took some twists and turns that caught me off guard. Gregory peck and lawrence Olivier star. Oscar nominated

Olivier is so damn good. Crazy range. The movie is also apparently playing in casino during the raid scene

Very recommended
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Thats one of my favorite episodes, CP... It is so genius.

It really is. And there is a point, at the very end. Hope you caught what it was, CP.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Thats one of my favorite episodes, CP... It is so genius.

It really is. And there is a point, at the very end. Hope you caught what it was, CP.

agree completely, feels like a lot of ppl either love or hate that ep tho
Well, right after I typed that, they got to the talking about the hot chick's dad and all that, so I was expecting Walt to say that he was there the moment she passed, but that didn't happen.......and then the very end, after they finally killed that big bad fly, Walt gets into his car and mentions that if Jesse is skimming, he couldn't protect him, etc.  I get that these were 2 important discussions, but @#$% that, it was a waste of an episode.  IF Walt would have admitted being there for her passing, THEN I would have been down for this one. But that's still not out in the open.  Jesse is going to flip if he hears Walt tell him he was there, saw her choking away on her last breath, and did nothing.  That's a problem, a big one, and they merely danced around it with this stupid fly, they didn't actually do anything with it. 

I did however just come across 13 episodes of season 4 for my viewing pleasure. 
  By the end of this week, I should be ready for season 5. 
Has anyone ever brought up the Lee family on here? (Bruce and Brandon).

I love The Crow, and although it hasn't aged well, it's still one of my favorite dark-action flicks to go to.

I can always stop and watch any of Bruce's main stuff, any time. It really makes me wonder what the film industry would be like if he were still alive. Obviously not a dramatic change, but still.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Well, right after I typed that, they got to the talking about the hot chick's dad and all that, so I was expecting Walt to say that he was there the moment she passed, but that didn't happen.......and then the very end, after they finally killed that big bad fly, Walt gets into his car and mentions that if Jesse is skimming, he couldn't protect him, etc.  I get that these were 2 important discussions, but @#$% that, it was a waste of an episode. IF Walt would have admitted being there for her passing, THEN I would have been down for this one. But that's still not out in the open. Jesse is going to flip if he hears Walt tell him he was there, saw her choking away on her last breath, and did nothing. That's a problem, a big one, and they merely danced around it with this stupid fly, they didn't actually do anything with it.

I did however just come across 13 episodes of season 4 for my viewing pleasure.
By the end of this week, I should be ready for season 5.

Yep. The discussions were huge relationship-builders, with Walt trying to protect Jesse from what would definitely push him over the edge. And trust me, this episode, while not progressing the main plot much, is important.

To add to my list of bands y'all should listen to if you liked St. Vincent/anyone else mentioned in here: Blouse. Dream-pop band out of Portland; they put on a damn solid live show, and their album is pretty damn solid as well. Figured I'd go ahead and give em props on here since they more than lived up to expectations tonight.
Spoiler [+]
JA, I loved Brandon Lee's start to his career, Showdown in Little Tokyo, Rapid Fire and then his breakout with The Crow, I thought he was going to be fun to watch, I was bummed to hear about what happened to him. 

I wonder if we'll see another era where there is a lot of martial arts films done in the states.  I thought Jet Li was going to be the kind that could kick out 2 movies a year with that stuff, but he just did a quick 5-6 movies and went quiet again.  At least now he's part of the Expendables, but his stuff was also really good.  Anyone who hasn't seen Hero is missing out on a TREMENDOUSLY Beautiful movie.  Hero blew me away when I saw it the first time.  If people can find it, they certainly need to check it out. 
You should really check out Jet Li's Fearless then. Love that movie and the choreography. So well done. It was his "last" film ever, before he gave butt birth to War
(got talked into seeing it in theaters). Main reason why dude didn't take over here, is because he already had an entire, full career in China.

Dude was an OLD MAN when he finally came over...kinda like Thierry Henry playing for the Redbulls.
I mean he was 37 when he did Romeo Must Die...
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