Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Which of you guys are parents?

I Am Sam


Sigh, girlfriend dragged me to The Devil Inside. Pretty bad. Script and entire concept is pretty poor. Audience I watched it with didn't make it any better. Whenever there would be a serious moment, kids would giggle and laugh at words like %@!! or vagina.

That wouldn't have saved the movie though, it's still poorly done. You can nitpick the hell out of this movie and ask why exactly this is a probable storyline.

Only good thing I liked about it was a few of the sets.

If they had a good ending that maybe could have saved this one from being utter crap, but it had a terrible ending too, so yeah, pretty bad.

I could have told you this from the get-go, but it's pretty clear that they're just banking in on the success of Paranormal Activity (Especially III).

It's a decent concept, but just doesn't execute.

I got told it wanted to be Paranormal Activity and Emily Rose, but wasn't nearly as good.

I don't know what that means, but it sounded terrible.
So, yeah, I'm plowing thru Breaking now. Ep 4, season 3, just like that. Yeah. I may be done with season 4 before the Saints play again.
Can't believe buddy from Beverly Hills Cop has shown up. And these Twins that don't talk but carry shiny @#$ axes in their trunks, but damn at how they treated lil lady from next door to Jesse, I was hopin to see more of her......much more. Gus still ain't done nothin cool yet tho, but I know a collision is coming. Season one was eh, FULL SPEED AHEAD since. Turtle bomb.
If you woulda been watching from the jump
, you'd know season 1 was to creep on you and slowly remove Malcolm in the Middle from your memory
... then the episode with the broken plate.

Show was a little miracle from nowhere...experimental, low budget, almost no-name cast and campy premise that shoulda fell apart like Weeds. And it getting an Emmy from day 1, hearing Gilligan was like yeah...got no clue what we're gonna do for season 2, that writer's strike saved us on season 1...

But yeah, cuz of something from the end of season 4...when you said little lady next door I was like
... til I remembered...

And Gus...Giancarlo Esposito...he's cool enough for 5 episodes just chewing gum. You ain't seen Do the Right Thing? Fresh??
Naw, neither movie. And how the hell would I know to watch that show at jump?
I don't even know when it airs NOW? Mondays, Sundays, Fridays? I have no clue. But when season 5 starts, I'll be right there with ya brother, right there with ya.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I got told it wanted to be Paranormal Activity and Emily Rose, but wasn't nearly as good.

I don't know what that means, but it sounded terrible.
By taking advantage of it being shot-on-camcorder/exorcism film, sure.

But there are major plot developments that make the film unbelievable on why these characters are doing things other than advancing the plot, which is normally excusable, but really is hard to accept in this film. It's strange because some of the acting isn't actually terrible, one of the priests I actually kind of enjoyed, but the script and execution of the flow of the film is pretty bad.
Never seen...Do the Right Thing...wait, what??
But...you were an old man when it came out.
Hand ya +*+%% card in.
That's just irresponsible.
By the way, if you want to see an Exorcism/Documentary/Shot-on-film movie, The Last Exorcism is about as good as you'll likely see. I actually enjoyed that quite a bit, the lead actor was good.
Dammit, someone mentions they haven't seen Do the Right Thing, and that's irresponsible?

I said I hadn't seen Pulp Fiction, and people are up in arms?

I mention I hadn't seen SoTD, and folks go crazy.

But someone says they haven't seen STAR WARS, and that goes unpunished?

Eff y'all.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dammit, someone mentions they haven't seen Do the Right Thing, and that's irresponsible?

I said I hadn't seen Pulp Fiction, and people are up in arms?

I mention I hadn't seen SoTD, and folks go crazy.

But someone says they haven't seen STAR WARS, and that goes unpunished?

Eff y'all.


What's SoTD?
^ Gotcha.

I remember ska was getting raked over the coals a few pages back about that movie.
So toine most likely hasn't seen SoTD either; sic'em!

toine: if you haven't seen it, don't waste your time. I mean, if your city has absolutely no wet paint that you could watch dry, and there are no growing blades of grass that you could observe, then give it a watch.

And I figured that clip was vague enough. To someone who doesn't know any better, like CP right now, it's Gus out at some loading dock in the desert, stepping into someone's crosshairs. And even if I made it a spoiler, he would obviously still click on the spoiler icon, so he'd see it anyways.
I watched Shaun of the Dead before ska, enjoyed it too.

And the Breaking Bad discussion reminding me I need to start Season 2.
Anyone here watch Misfits?

For the unaware, it's a UK show about five young offenders who get caught up in a strange electrical storm during their community service and they gain supernatural powers (based off their personalities). It's a brilliant show... sharp writing, absolutely hysterical characters and performances, dark and gritty, stands out visually, great soundtrack, and just an overall great show.

Even if you're not a fan of superheroes or powers, you can still like the show I think. They don't get powers and immediately start solving crimes and being heroes, either. Except for one character, they don't even try to be heroes, they're just trying to figure it out. The show balances the superhero mystique and intrigue with grounded performances and focuses on how these young people would react following a strange occurrence. Others are affected by the storm too so you get a variety of different characters popping up.

There's been three series so far, the first two are on Hulu and they're airing the third season now with new episodes coming up on Mondays, although the show has already completed its third series in the UK.
An added bonus with Misfits is Antonia Thomas as Alisha...



Spoiler [+]
I was wondering why she looked so familiar.

Then I clicked the spoiler.
Absolutely loved Misfits...they just have no boundaries. From the getgo, the violence, sex jokes, just really cruel but funny scenarios. The fact that no one's safe. The clever way they managed to tell stories. Cuz I expected dumb and funny, but there's real well done storytelling underneath Nathan killing every scene he's in. The characters. Every one of them hit for me, and even though the stole heavily from whatever, they made everything their own. The show is never ever afraid of taking away almost everything constant and starting from scratch. They go big with their ideas.

And then Antonia Thomas.
It's like Heroes mixed with Skins and Californication. Damn near perfect. I couldn't say enough good things about the show.

...until this year. To me it's 2 six-episode seasons and a xmas special and it's over...Nathan killed it so bad, that he got bigger than the show and dipped to make whatever.

No Nathan and now the show reminds me of them late seasons of Heroes.
The new guy is kinda funny and has some real moments, but Nathan made everyone around him better and chewed up scenery and could make entire episodes by himself and did. Now...sure it's more balanced and they're trying to get more creative with storytelling, but it's trash to me.

It has moments. The season started well and every episode has a little reminder of what makes Misfits so unique. but it went from the easiest show to want to watch more of to barely feeling like looking for it. I mean, they handed the show over to Kelly 'What the **** is brunch?' the slag.
Originally Posted by toine2983

I was wondering why she looked so familiar.

Then I clicked the spoiler.

Originally Posted by MrONegative

 The new guy is kinda funny and has some real moments, but Nathan made everyone around him better and chewed up scenery and could make entire episodes by himself and did. Now...sure it's more balanced and they're trying to get more creative with storytelling, but it's trash to me. 

It has moments. The season started well and every episode has a little reminder of what makes Misfits so unique. but it went from the easiest show to want to watch more of to barely feeling like looking for it. I mean, they handed the show over to Kelly 'What the **** is brunch?' the slag. 
Yeah I was disappointed with that going into season 3, but probably because I watched the whole series in less than a week I still liked season 3 a lot. I think Rudy was still good in his own right, but impossible to replace Nathan. It's definitely my least favorite season, but I still enjoyed it overall. I'm a lot more skeptical going into 4 considering what happens with the two characters in the season 3 finale (keeping it vague to avoid spoilers
) I'm torn on how I liked that ending, on the one hand it's pretty tragic and romantic, on the other I'm annoyed they're gone. I think 3 had more good than bad, but compared to the first two I can understand disappointment.
Indeed they are, and they're airing season 3 weekly on Mondays I believe.

Its about 45-48 minutes per episode so you get your moneys worth.
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