Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Are you kidding me? People not only like, but defend Total Recall?

I mean, I swear everytime I talk about movies w/ someone, the convo only serves to further reinforce that I have a much different taste in movies then… well, pretty much everyone.

There is no way you guys are being serious.

SoTD, I can see how that could have a following; I just don't like it, myself.

But Total Recall? Really? I mean, what are its redeeming qualities, then?
Add 30 Minutes Or Less to my list CP.

Danny McBride was awesome, the rest were just meh. Movie was average.

Any movies this month that any of you are excited about? The Grey, but only because of Liam Neeson... And even then I'm expecting it to be nothing special. Really weak month for movies. January is not very good historically anyway for cinema though.
Kev- saw Addicted to Her Love.

Not bad, not bad. Of the 4 movies I've watched after seeing you mention them in here, I'm sure even you would agree that Addicted to Her Love is the worst, I'd go:
The Disappearance of Alice Creed
Addicted to Her Love
One, I say ONE episode and Saul is now my favorite character. OUTstanding introduction. Can't wait to see where this leads.
Originally Posted by CP1708

One, I say ONE episode and Saul is now my favorite character. OUTstanding introduction. Can't wait to see where this leads.
Saul's awesome and all, but wait for Gus... just wait for Gus.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Kev- saw Addicted to Her Love.

Not bad, not bad. Of the 4 movies I've watched after seeing you mention them in here, I'm sure even you would agree that Addicted to Her Love is the worst, I'd go:
The Disappearance of Alice Creed
Addicted to Her Love
Saw this a while ago. Cool movie, not anything special but entertaining
One, I say ONE episode and Saul is now my favorite character. OUTstanding introduction. Can't wait to see where this leads.
hahahaha Like I said earlier, I couldn't remember when he gets introduced to the series. Like Noskey said, though: Gustavo, dog… Gustavo.
You guys need to check our 'The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret' as well, if you havent watched it yet. David Cross and Will Arnet are hilarious as usual. Like Portlandia, it's on IFC.
Thanks to me watching the Robot Chicken Star Wars specials I'm going to finally give the Star Wars movies a try.

Which trilogy should I watch first, the original or the prequel?
have any of you guys seen Lars and the Real Girl starring Ryan Gosling back in 2007?

Movie is about Gosling who plays this homely shy guy who buys one of those love dolls and treats her like his real gf.

it was a decent movie, original concept, Gosling was good in the role
Originally Posted by Noskey

You guys need to check our 'The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret' as well, if you havent watched it yet. David Cross and Will Arnet are hilarious as usual. Like Portlandia, it's on IFC.
Good recommendation, caught up on this show earlier and I was pretty impressed.
Thanks to me watching the Robot Chicken Star Wars specials I'm going to finally give the Star Wars movies a try.

Which trilogy should I watch first, the original or the prequel?

IV, V, & VI is a more 'mature' set than I, II, & III; the 2nd set is just a lot more cheesy, and III borders on just being a love story.
Plus there's like a 20 year gap of time in the storyline between III and IV. Like, timewise, I flows right into II, and II into III, then this huge gap of time, then IV, which flows right into V, which flows right into VI. Also, obviously, since the second set is newer, it's a lot more visually appealing than the original trilogy.
There is no question, you watch the OG trilogy first, then you can watch the new 3. If I was on a CPU right now I'd type a lot more, but just trust me, 4-5-6 first. No question about it.
As stated, the original trilogy is the one to start with. Without a doubt. There are plot twists revealed in the original trilogy that you'll know in the prequels if you watch them first, so watch the original first.

Not just that, but it's the order in which they were made.

I got that Lord of the Rings set in the mail a few days ago, good lord that thing is massive. I don't think I'll ever go through it all.
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