Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I remember when everyone was "THIS is where Leo gets his due!" before the movie came out.

I didn't think it was that far off.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

They need to start making these like the olympics. Every four years.
God damn that's a solid idea. 

Be damn near impossible, but that would be a perfect round up for people to vote on on NT.  Like we did the MLB HOF.  Go back, break everything up into 4 year categories, pick the 5 best of everything, then re-vote the Oscars, and list them out.  Would be awesome. 

And impossible. 

But seriously, love the idea of 4 year runs.  Don't know how real life would handle it, have to damn near re-release movies that been out 3+ years in order to "remember" everything. 

JPZ - I'm still hopin this could be the performance for him

Leonardo DiCaprio is set to play a real-life serial killer in the film adaptation of the best-selling novel "The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic and Madness at the Fair That Changed America."

According to Deadline, the team has acquired the screen rights to Erik Larson's 2003 nonfiction novel, which tells the story of the architect of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, and the serial killer who terrorized the event. DiCaprio will star as Dr. HH Holmes, the slick serial killer who covers up as a doctor and lures his victims into the World's Fair Hotel. The structure, which was known as the "murder castle," included a gas chamber, crematorium and a dissecting table.

"The Devil in the White City" is tentatively scheduled to arrive in theaters in 2014.
So I checked out In Time

I really did like a lot of the ideas. The movie is like someone tried to make a mashup of Gattaca, Equilibrium, Children of Men and Bonnie & Clyde ... which fully sounds amazing ... except the studio casted for Step Up 4.

The seeds of something great were there...but instead they gave us Justin Timberlake (who is Justin Timberlake), Olivia Wilde (who seems really cool and smart in interviews but is a robot) and Amanda Seyfried (who's been 16 with DDs in most things for the last...10 years?). That said, Cillian Murphy showed up though...which is probably why they barely bothered to show him in the commercials. Dude belonged in the movie this was supposed to be. I bet he got casted, showed up to work and wondered what the @!++ happened.

And you could just feel the script getting bent towards that MTV crowd, with the punny statements and the easy cornball lines. This was the punniest movie I have seen in my days. They dropped every damn saying about time they could think of into this. The allegory almost works...they just needed that core, that maturity. They needed real leads.

I was surprised that the main leap of faith, their whole idea on sharing time and life and death, still worked for me. People share time with a handshake. Everyone's living on their last few hours until they can earn some more (God forbid they hit 0). But almost everyone's miscast and you could tell the story was dumbed down.

This was by the writer and director of Gattaca, The Truman Show and Lord of War. Feels like the recession forced him to compromise and commercialize his movie just to get it made. Which probably describes what happened to most of the movies last year.

I liked it for what it was though. Even if you had to stop and laugh it half the time. And there are some pretty huge, important things missing like: who started this and why? who made the arm clocks? why did people accept it? how are they born with it? ...but still.

A friend of mine is the director/producer of a documentary about the 1992 Lithuanian national basketball team, which is showing at Sundance this year.

Apparently, its getting a pretty good reception there -- http://www.hollywoodrepor...dream-team-review-284010

It looks like it will get picked up and released in some form, so look out for it if the subject interests you.
Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, 9/11, a kid. 


That was Oscar bait the moment the preview saw the light of day. 

And releasing it right at the end of the year, yeah, not transparent. 
Novel = book? 

No idea what you're talkin dude. 

Only books I read got the words, Wars and Star in them. 

Ok, and some Laker ones, and the Book of Basketball, and some Dolphin ones, Jimmy Johnson, Hurricanes, but yeah, no novels.
They held Dark Knight against itself for bein a comic movie. 

They DAMN WELL better nominate this years or I riot.  Dead serious, I let the first one slide by because they did catch Heath at least.  But they better not stiff Nolan again. 
The year after the Dark Knight, they expanded the field.. which allowed movies like Up, Toy Story 3, District 9, Inception, etc. get nominated in following years.

Studios, producers, and economics certainly were factors (probably the primary ones), but it still responded to a "demand" following such snubs.

And on paper Extremely Loud.. fits the bill, but it was just flatout a bad movie. Usually, even if the movie is clear Oscar-bait, critics still respond positively to it. It seems to be the most common surprise from what I've seen regarding the nominations.
I'm lowkey happy Spielberg didn't get a nod for best director on war horse, though.

Ol last week of social studies and the teacher don't give a damn movie.

But yea, I understood expanding the field 1 or 2 films, but doubling it
And especially in a year like this one, where you might as well have had 15 if that's the class of movie getting in.
Not too surprised by the nominees. As long as Midnight in Paris can win at least one of the three main catagories (direction/picture/screenwriting) and Plummer & Bejo win for their supporting roles I'll be good.
Also, went to see The Artist at an actual theater. I couldn't tell from watching the screener, but it was a nice surprise to see the aspect ratio the movie was filmed in. I still can't put it ahead of Beginners as my number two of 2011, but very entertaining nonetheless.
BTW, I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like Slumdog Millionaire. I absolutely loathed it. I would say The Wrestler and Aronofsky were robbed that year, but they weren't even nominated. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Novel = book? 

No idea what you're talkin dude. 

Only books I read got the words, Wars and Star in them. 

Ok, and some Laker ones, and the Book of Basketball, and some Dolphin ones, Jimmy Johnson, Hurricanes, but yeah, no novels.
Those are novels

And on paper Extremely Loud.. fits the bill, but it was just flatout a bad movie. Usually, even if the movie is clear Oscar-bait, critics still respond positively to it. It seems to be the most common surprise from what I've seen regarding the nominations.
Not surprised. Previews looked od cheesy like that other Tom Hanks movie, Larry Crowne
Watched Dog Day Afternoon, City Of God, and The Game in the past two days. Might provide reviews on them later.
Originally Posted by DubA169

told yall it was a terrible year for movies. just look at that list. damn.

2012 should be much better

Never judge cinema by its circlejerks. The Interrupters, universally acclaimed as the doc of the year, is not even a nominee. And guess what? Hoop Dreams, seen as one of the greatest docs of all time and by the same director Steve James, was also not nominated during its year. Award shows are a joke.
Just finished reading Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, excellent novel. The ending wasn't exactly what I expected, and the last third wasn't as prolific as I had thought it would be, but I'm glad. Very well written, magical, odd, truly a wonderful read. Definitely give it a chance Blood Type.
'Niketalk Official Film Awards' has a nice ring to it 

Eh? Eh? Anyone feel like forming a committee of our own? Eh?
Just watched The Game... thought it was the worst of the David Fincher movies I've seen so far (Se7en, Black Swan, The Social Network, Benjamin Button, Dragon Tattoo, Fight Club).

Michael Douglas was tantalizing, that was one of the only things I came away impressed with. The story was trying too hard to be interesting, and it just wasn't. Also felt like Sean Penn was underutilized... only three short scenes or so with him. Deborah Kara Unger, the woman who played Christine, gah I feel like I've seen her somewhere before but I can't place her. Was she the bleach blonde chick in the first Matrix movie?

The near death experiences were supposed to make him appreciate life
.... someone goes through an experience where they nearly drown, fall to their death, placed underground in a cemetery, that would make me appreciate life even less and despise the people that put me through those catastrophic experiences. Who could guarantee that he would get out of the submerged car? Who could guarantee that the giant air bag would be in the right place? How would they know WHERE he would jump? Even IF you find out that it's been a game the entire time, how can you go from the frame of mind of committing suicide to enjoying your birthday party. Realizing that the entire thing was a game would drive me even more insane and make me question again if that was real or not.

Weird movie, seemed pretentious, tried too hard.
White Men Can't Jump

Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. The New York Knicks

Runnin Rebels of the UNLV
The Fab Five

Originally Posted by JPZx

Watched Dog Day Afternoon, City Of God, and The Game in the past two days. Might provide reviews on them later.
Homosexual Pacino Dog Day Afternoon?

Love that one.
Originally Posted by Noskey

'Niketalk Official Film Awards' has a nice ring to it 

Eh? Eh? Anyone feel like forming a committee of our own? Eh?

Sounds interesting...but getting everyone to watch all of the well regarded films from last year....
The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises aren't the type of movies the Academy (old folks) will nominate. Never have, never will.

Don't expect it to happen this time around, no matter how good we think it is
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