Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Pain & Gain wouldn't be taken in a draft :lol: but, it has like three redeeming scenes.
PAIN AND GAIN is underrated. it's actually a good entertaining movie. I can't complain or see something bad in the film. from the casting, acting, everything, it was good.
No it's good, based on a true story but directed by Michael Bay so it has some of his flair. The running joke is someone picked it in an all time movie draft --- the best of the best.
I've never even HEARD of Pain & Gain. Is that bad? 👀
I think you just forgot about it. It kinda came and went. I know someone had a avy with The Rock in a Nike tank top from Pain and Gain. Funny story, I watched via eye-hustling. I was on a plane and someone in the seat diagonal from me was watching on a laptop with the subtitles on. I watch the whole movie that way. :lol:
I can go the rest of my life without reading a Film Review and wouldn’t care or miss it. Drivel. Spewing drivel about the drivel they watched that’s “spewing drivel”. Using words like ambitious, trite, Pat, cliche and melodramatic to drivel on about the “drivel” they just watched or wasted brains on. Read one you’ve read most.

Anyway, The Vanishing of Sidney Hall should be watched first and review read never. ******* idiots.

Watch it for yourself, tell me what you think.
I for one enjoyed it immediately and immeasurably.

^f word this s word *** review

I have seen Easy A.

I liked Easy A.

Fun, witty, good cast, Emma/Tucci were great

But uh.......


How the **** do I not remember whoever this is?!?!?! Has she been in anything else???? :lol:

Jesus Christ.

"To the IMDB cave!!!!!"

I have seen Easy A.

I liked Easy A.

Fun, witty, good cast, Emma/Tucci were great

But uh.......


How the **** do I not remember whoever this is?!?!?! Has she been in anything else???? :lol:

Jesus Christ.

"To the IMDB cave!!!!!"
Bro, Aly Michalka. She was one of my celebrity crushes growing up and I wish my high school had anyone even in the same league as her.
I legit really like Pain and Gain but yeah it's just not movie draft material :lol:

It might be Michael Bay's best movie. Also The Rock is actually great in it, might be his best role too.
Pain & Gain is the height of like stupid random comedies that were just feeling themselves, then Dr. T got elected a few years later and nothing could be funny anymore.
The phone ringing and piano’s broken A4 key… finishing As Above, So Below … this :lol:

“Why won’t you talk to me, Scarlett?”
I knew the Pain and Gain would be loved in here. That definitely rights the post about it.

Man, I’m sitting up here watching JFK for the first time since 1992, this isn’t going to cut it.
I’m about to go down the Rabbit Hole for a week. Lioness just put me in a different head space, so I took a vacation.

I’m about to watch nothing but Rabbit Hole **** for a whole week.

We talking ZEITGEIST, The Truth Behind Hip Hop, Hidden Hand Interview, Fahrenheit 911…..

Don’t mind me, I reckon I’ll be posting some bS in here for the week to come.
Watched JFK a few months back and I was in a rabbit hole so I get it
The crazy thing is how you can be showed that JFK was an inside job, and that’s it…you go about your life still saying Lee Oswald killed JFK, when it comes up in general or casual conversation. Programming is real.

You want to understand why AMERICA will always be at War, for my lifetime your lifetime your kids lifetimes your grandkids lifetime, forever. FOREVER.
Watch ZEITGEIST PT2 and Pt3

Years before 911, peep what we did to force our way into WW1
Purposely sinking the Lusitania, killing all 1260 on board. Enraging Americans, had us begging to join the War then.

Welcoming PEARL HARBOR by going against WAR RULES. FDR dared them fools to attack. Before Pearl Harbor 83% of USA were against war. After, 1million Men volunteered.

Shortly after the bombing Henry Stimson who was the Secretary of War is quoted saying “the question was how we should maneuver them into firing the first shot. It was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt as to who the aggressors were”

We halted trade to Japan.
We froze their ASSETS.
Gave military loans and gave Aide to their enemies. (A Direct Violation of War Rules)

I was 1mile away from the Murrah building in 1995, by the time 911 happened my eyes were already open, I never for a minute believed it was anybody other than USA who did that ****.
****** up man.

GOD Damn, I shouldn’t have rewatched that.
FEDERAL RESERVE w/ their Pimping of our Government. Government NEVER EVER EVER being able to get out of debt.
Making us pay taxes to cover their Interest on money they’ve borrowed from the Fed Reserve.

That Order of 6102 😮😮😮😮

The fact we all pay taxes when we don’t, man that’s enough for now. Back to the hole.

Just watch ZEITGIEST if you want a brain burner. **** boring as hell but it needs to be watched. You can skip pt1, it’s about the religion hoax, but it’s actually my favorite part, watch it too.
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