Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Today’s double feature


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I see these lists of top comedies but no Tropic Thunder.
Tf man!?

Top 4 (no order)
Tropic Thunder
Wedding Crashers
Old School

Can't decide for #5
South Park Movie
Super Troopers
Major League
21 Jump Street
Big Lebowski

Tropic Thunder honestly is probably #1 for me. Whole movie is hilarious and so many quotes. The directors cut though is way better than the theatrical version
These instagram ads always get me

Fictional movie/tv national park hats.

Fire swamp- princess bride
Isla nublar- JP
Pawnee- parks & rec
Swamp of sadness- never ending story RIP Artax :frown::frown::frown::frown:
“People believe that the cinema has to, by necessity, be horizontal in its form. That is, go to a great many places and locales. That is not so. It should be possible to make an interesting film in a closet with the door shut. The idea is to reveal human nature and behavior with your camera moves. This presupposes, of course, an interesting story and characters worth revealing.”

-Alfred Hitchcock
Rare opportunity for an afternoon viewing for me.
Knocking out The Perfect Storm.
First time.

Crew just set out. Trying to see won't make it back. I'm thinking there's no way Sully makes it back, and I feel like between the 2 stars, (Clooney & Wahlberg), one of them isn't coming back. I'll go Wahlberg.

“People believe that the cinema has to, by necessity, be horizontal in its form. That is, go to a great many places and locales. That is not so. It should be possible to make an interesting film in a closet with the door shut. The idea is to reveal human nature and behavior with your camera moves. This presupposes, of course, an interesting story and characters worth revealing.”

-Alfred Hitchcock
Rear opportunity for an afternoon viewing for me.
Knocking out Rhe Perfect Storm.
First time.

Crew just set out. Trying to see won't make it back. I'm thinking there's no way Sully makes it back, and I feel like between the 2 stars, (Clooney & Wahlberg), one of them isn't coming back. I'll go Wahlberg.


Now that they're in the thick of the storm, nobody has died yet despite the scare of John C. Reilly going over earlier. The thing is, I feel like earlier in the character development stage of the movie, they were over playing the relationship between John C. Reilly and his son. Once he said 'Someday your mommy's gonna look for a new daddy,' I felt like I was supposed to think 'Welp, he's dead.' So that makes me think that he'll be alright, like they're tricking me.

And then of course there's the black guy on the crew, and we all know how common it is in movies that black guys die 1st, so again, I feel like they're tricking me and he'll be alright.

I have no idea why this movie was made. Like, who was asking for this?

It has always been on my radar because I had heard that it was good. I definitely heard wrong. Probably heard it from C CP1708 .
Think I remember the NBA promoting The Perfect Storm back in 2000 or whenever it was released. Never got around to watching it though.
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