Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I remember seeing a video of them explaining the difference with Mad Max as reference. Don't remember the video though.
Is it possible for someone to explain to me, in a non-spoiler type way, why there seems to be such an enormous disagreement on if Arrival is good or not?

Some people say it was trash, and there are others here that basically imply that this movie should have won Best Picture.  I dont remember seeing such a massive difference in opinions on a movie before.  There seems to be two groups and they are polar opposites.

I plan on seeing the movie eventually.  Just curious if there is any possible way to answer my question without spoiling anything.
OMG Amazon is so f'ing weak bruh!

How do they charge you $4.99 for a Movie Produced by them?
NETFLIX>>>>>>>>> Amazon
I remember quitting Amazon the first time because they added commercials. These mother f'ers really charging $5 for this Movie!?

I'm hot.
About to leave a complaint.
F these MotherF'ers
OMG Amazon is so f'ing weak bruh!

How do they charge you $4.99 for a Movie Produced by them?
NETFLIX>>>>>>>>> Amazon
I remember quitting Amazon the first time because they added commercials. These mother f'ers really charging $5 for this Movie!?

I'm hot.
About to leave a complaint.
F these MotherF'ers
Just buy a firestick and put Kodi on it.  40 bucks later, your problem is solved.
What's even dumber is the chopping down of the sign didn't happen that way, it was actually one of the women who led the front on that got it taken down. They legit wanted to add the scene to make it seem like well theirs one good white guy
I've heard that twice now - can't reason as to why they would need to alter that from its true origin.
Everyone started copying RCk on the scale. Idk why he used it
It's 'just' enough numbers/ratings to understand exactly what somebody thinks of a given movie.
No convo about the Oscar fiasco last night?

Moonlight :smokin
Ali :smokin :pimp:
Viola :smokin :pimp:
Emma :smokin

Casey Affleck doe :rolleyes
OMG Amazon is so f'ing weak bruh!

How do they charge you $4.99 for a Movie Produced by them?

NETFLIX>>>>>>>>> Amazon

I remember quitting Amazon the first time because they added commercials. These mother f'ers really charging $5 for this Movie!?

I'm hot.

About to leave a complaint.

F these MotherF'ers
Just buy a firestick and put Kodi on it.  40 bucks later, your problem is solved.
Yea I need to stop BS'ing. Usually just plug up the lappy but that remote is clutch.
This is like fraternity rules. We just don't allow certain things in here. Doesn't need to be an official rule.
Well, this is fun............

What Would Happen If A Presenter Announced The Wrong Winner At The Oscars?

A curious morsel of Oscar lore originated on March 29, 1993, when Marisa Tomei was crowned Best Supporting Actress for “My Cousin Vinny.” The following year, The Hollywood Reporter and Entertainment Weekly printed rumors that presenter Jack Palance had announced the wrong name ― a seemingly credible possibility given Tomei’s unanticipated victory (she hadn’t earned a Golden Globe nomination, and “My Cousin Vinny” wasn’t typical Oscar fare). These whispers were debunked in the same breath, but the damage was done. As Gawker noted in a 2015 retrospective about the drama, this alleged mishap persists as Oscar mythology.

There’s no tangible reason to believe Tomei wasn’t the rightful champion. PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting firm that tabulates Oscar ballots, employs meticulous checks and balances to ensure no mistakes are made. But the Tomei fodder raises a valid question: What would happen if an erroneous winner is announced during the telecast? Maybe a presenter reads a name from the teleprompter instead of the envelope (which Palance supposedly did), or maybe someone decides to coronate their own winner.

PwC has protocol should such a glitch occur. Heading into Oscar night, only two people know the winners list: Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz, who supervise the counting procedures. They’re the briefcase holders who walk the red carpet every year and often appear at some point during the show.

The tally involves enough “redundancies” to ensure accuracy, as does the stuffing of the envelopes. “It’s him checking me and me checking him, and we do it multiple times against each other to make sure that when we leave and are ultimately handing the envelopes to someone, we’re very confident they’re getting the right envelopes and the contents in them are accurate,” Ruiz said.

Throughout the telecast, Cullinan and Ruiz are stationed on opposite sides backstage. The duo will have memorized the winners, thereby preventing the need to list them on any documentation that could land in the wrong hands. As the night progresses, Cullinan and Ruiz ensure every category’s presentation is factual. Should a presenter declare a false winner for any reason, they are prepared to tell the nearest stage manager, who will immediately alert the show’s producers.

Cullinan and Ruiz, who spoke to The Huffington Post last week, say the exact procedure is unknown because no mistake of that kind has been made in the Oscars’ 88-year history.

“We would make sure that the correct person was known very quickly,” Cullinan said. “Whether that entails stopping the show, us walking onstage, us signaling to the stage manager — that’s really a game-time decision, if something like that were to happen. Again, it’s so unlikely.”

This further punctures the Tomei rumor. Cullinan and Ruiz were not at PwC in 1993, but they are certain it’s a “conspiracy theory.”

“It was something about the way [Palance] read it, or his reaction to the envelope, that created that rumor,” Cullinan said. “Our team was absolutely sure, and they counted it and recounted it a bunch of times, and it was her.”

HuffPost reached out to Oscar publicist Steve Rohr for details about what exactly would unfold if a mistake is made. “I’ll be in touch,” he said in response. He was not in touch.

2 days later.........

I dropped this in the Oscar thread, figured you guys would get a kick out of this. :lol: That's awfully weird timed. 2 days later, really? :lol:
We don't have an ipic nearby, but we have a Cinetopia which sounds very similar. Lounge seating, reserved seats, food served etc. Wife and I have gone a couple times, but it's rare.
Cinetopia is the **** :pimp: Love that place, but too expensive to go very often.

Sadly, I left my long time job this month, and with that, my movie hook up is now gone. :frown: No more seein every damn thing I wanted at home with a flash drive. :smh: I'm gonna miss it a helluva lot more than I planned for.
Damn man for real? Why'd you leave? Better be for a better opportunity. No creep, but when you sent me some movie script a while back I'm pretty sure it was from your work email, so I know you were at a damn good spot.

Yeah, it was rough. 12 years and I was a rock star there but they wouldn't promote me to a job I was already doing.

My former boss and co-worker both left for a diff job and they put in word for me. So I did get raise but man it hurt leavin. I had family at my job, people who will be with me til death. But the top bosses wouldn't pony up. :smh:

2 weeks after I left, they had to get someone from another department to cover me.......The department I was asking for. :lol:

Bright side, they paid out my 290 hours of PTO on my final paycheck. :pimp:
My man :pimp: Better treat your daughter to something nice with that payout. Office politics is a ***** though, been through that game before too. Glad to hear you got a better setup going now even if you can't get your hard drive of movies anymore :lol:
It came up for Sound Editing and I knew that was a lock for them.
What I don't get, is the difference between Sound editing and Sound Mixing(Which Hacksaw won)

But sound, Arrival is Pinnacle.
I remember seeing a video of them explaining the difference with Mad Max as reference. Don't remember the video though.
I can explain. Sound editing is the placement of sounds being used, nothing crazy, perfectly normal. Foley use is great, if used. (see video). her walking down the street in heels doesn't sound like a T-Rex stomping through

If that doesn't give a smooth answer hopefully Sound mixing's description clarifies it. Mixing is for the concentration of particular sounds during heavy noise sequences. Movies with a lot of noise such as war movies (the usual winners). I havent seen Hacksaw but take any sequence of war where you hear guns and explosions but as a camera is right there in a POV shot as a solider we're looking at Andrew Garfield moving and what not once he speaks we can hear him above the explosions and yelling. Our ears are being directed to his voice because its much louder for that instance of him speaking to everything else. real life we might not be able to hear what our commanding officer is saying on the battlefield but good sound mixing allows us to
We don't have an ipic nearby, but we have a Cinetopia which sounds very similar. Lounge seating, reserved seats, food served etc. Wife and I have gone a couple times, but it's rare.
Cinetopia is the **** :pimp: Love that place, but too expensive to go very often.

Sadly, I left my long time job this month, and with that, my movie hook up is now gone. :frown: No more seein every damn thing I wanted at home with a flash drive. :smh: I'm gonna miss it a helluva lot more than I planned for.
Damn man for real? Why'd you leave? Better be for a better opportunity. No creep, but when you sent me some movie script a while back I'm pretty sure it was from your work email, so I know you were at a damn good spot.

Yeah, it was rough. 12 years and I was a rock star there but they wouldn't promote me to a job I was already doing.

My former boss and co-worker both left for a diff job and they put in word for me. So I did get raise but man it hurt leavin. I had family at my job, people who will be with me til death. But the top bosses wouldn't pony up. :smh:

2 weeks after I left, they had to get someone from another department to cover me.......The department I was asking for. :lol:

Bright side, they paid out my 290 hours of PTO on my final paycheck. :pimp:
My man :pimp: Better treat your daughter to something nice with that payout. Office politics is a ***** though, been through that game before too. Glad to hear you got a better setup going now even if you can't get your hard drive of movies anymore :lol:

***** was still letting a dude dl movies to a flash drive for him like it's 2002? Man Kodi is now your hookup.
Amazon won tonight.

They beat NETFLIX to the Oscar.

Beasts of No Nation should have one though.
I'm going to watch Moonlight tonight but then I'll follow up with Manchester and see what's what. I can't see it being a better film than Beasts though, maybe Beasts was up against better films, or perhaps a year removed, the Academy can fathom Awarding a streaming service, who knows.
You gonna be depressed tonight.

Didn't get to 99 Homes this weekend (might watch tonight if I get some time,) but I did watch Girl on the Train.

Honestly, I thought it was much better than Gone Girl. I really enjoyed the film. In reading some of the user reviews on IMDB after, I see a lot of the criticism came from folks who read the book before viewing. I never read the book, so I went in to the film with an open mind. I thought Emily Blunt was fantastic in her role, and I loved the pace and the events leading up to the finish. I'll give it a solid 7/10. Well worth the rental.


Dumb question...when some of yall rate films, why do you cap it at 8 and not 10? Just something I've wondered...

Two things, there is only 8 scale, not this arbitrary 10 you used, and lastly, Gone Girl was far superior, imo, but I did like Girl on the Train alot.

Gone Girl had better performances and a much more interesting villain. Girl was in fact, "Gone", as they say.
I like both can't believe son is saying Girl on the Train is better :lol:

Maybe JJs just like happier/ish? endings.
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Need to check it out since Shailene bae is in it. She got arrested for protesting at the dakota pipeline area and had a nice mugshot.
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