Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Werd. McAvoy's acting was top notch. Old lady who played the shrink was good too. Literally everyone else was trash though.
Just saw split.

McAvoy :wow:

He has to win something for that performance man.

Impressive return by M.Night esp after his last few blunders :lol:

Don't like how he kinda went the "super natural" route towards the end. Felt like a cheap / cop out ending

wasnt that a tie in though

Tie in for sure. Apparently McAvoy's character was originally intended to be in Unbreakable. But then he scrapped that, obviously.
I thought Hidden Figures was good, but no clue on accuracy or anything like that. I thought the women all did a great job tho.

(they did seem to pimp Costner's role, I suspect there's some adjusting there, historically speaking)

Same goes for the Astronaut too I suppose. :lol: Ok, maybe it is by the numbers.

They made them dudes basically NASA civil rights heroes. I'm like hmm, i don't know but i'll roll with it.
I was watching something about that movie, Hidden Figuress. On the History channel or somewhere where the woman Taraji played was interviewed and some of the stuff changed was brought up.

I aint see the movie but there's a scene about using the bathroom and I guess in the movie Costner is seen as the hero for getting her to use it by speaking up or yelling about it but in real life she's the one that stood up for herself and just went and used it.

They interviewed the director and he gave some bull **** excuse and basically said as long as the message is sent it doesn't matter how its portrayed :smh: :stoneface: :x
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I was watching something about that movie, Hidden Figuress. On the History channel or somewhere where the woman Taraji played was interviewed and some of the stuff changed was brought up.

I aint see the movie but there's a scene about using the bathroom and I guess in the movie Costner is seen as the hero for getting her to use it by speaking up or yelling about it but in real life she's the one that stood up for herself and just went and used it.

The interviewed the director and he gave some bull **** excuse and basically said as long as the message is sent it doesn't matter how its portrayed :smh: :stoneface: :x


I know the scene.

Director basically took her truth, then added the Costner part on top. I had a feeling that was a bit "heroic" of a scene.
 They made them dudes basically NASA civil rights heroes. I'm like hmm, i don't know but i'll roll with it.
If they were NASA civil rights heroes for real, they would have put that story in my History lesson back when I was in grade school.

I went to John Glenn Elementary here in OKC. 

I met John Glenn every year of my life from 6-11 years old and we sat and talked with him plenty, got stories from him plenty.

Never once was there anyone besides white people involved in helping other white people get to Space.

Costners character and even John Glenn's (character) seem very accommodating to the Women in this film.

I have a hard time believing this was the case.

The women probably hated walking 1/2 mile across campus to use the "coloreds only" fountains and restrooms, and the whites probably told them to suck it up.
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Well if anything atleast the film made it known. 
That's easy to say but again it's their own portrayal of a bad situation to make themselves look good.

The only thing the film made known is the Films own truth.
 It needs to be a part of school curriculum though.
This would be something that could be appreciated or praised.

Then again, History will always be rewritten by those in power to maintain certain agendas so....does it really even matter what they put in those books?

Is it the truth or just another "They interviewed the director and he gave some bull **** excuse and basically said as long as the message is sent it doesn't matter how its portrayed 

Edited by Master Zik - Today at 10:09 pm"
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Generations of young black women could've benefited from that knowledge. We need to figure ways around these agendas.
Home School is the only way around it. 

And yes, Generations of young black adolescent girls should have been privy to that information, not robbed of it. 
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Fences 7.6/8 THE ACTING! THE ACTING! A straight acting clinic. Yeah you can tell it's adapted from a play but so what this was Uncle Zel going IN! Viola just putting in work!

Type of stories you just give them the script and say go act, leave the cam recording and you know by the end you got greatness. The heartfelt emotional acting was just something to appreciate.

Off the beginning alone I could watch Troy and Bono talk **** and roast ppl and each other for 2 hrs alone :lol: Uncle Zel talking **** about Hank Aaron and Sandy Kofax. Downplaying Jackie Robinson :rofl: Son was a hating *** ***** in this movie. It was great. The parallel to today when ppl **** on LeBron and Melo is what I saw. You can go back in time and somebody gonna be hating on Babe Ruth :lol:

Great movie.

La La Land 5.5/8. If this was showing on tv just from the way it started I would've changed the channel but I pushed through it. No way I could've paid to see this in the theater. I at least now know where that golden globes opening came from with Jimmy Fallon.

I would've liked this movie a lot more if they took out most of the dancing and songs :lol: Yeah I know, crazy *** critique for a musical but I feel this movie is just as good without it. Just as a simple romantic flick with some comedy. I dug all of the jazz stuff and the piano playing. That I loved. John Legend and his new age jazz sound was terrible though :lol:

I feel like all the singing and the spectacle of the performances is what's gonna set this movie over the top for other award shows and I don't feel it really earned that cuz it aint like the songs were that great. I hold back on this judgement until I see the other contenders though. It may just be that this is the best but I'm questioning that just off seeing Fences. Nothing about the story or performances left me like damn Gosling and Stone killed it. They were good but not amazing.

That ending though :smh: That really soured me on this. I skipped past chunks of songs and this was still a long 2 hr movie. I was engaged in the story and for it all to lead up to that? Its like they tried to pull a 500 Days of Summer. Sorry you're not 500 Days of Summer b. Get back together like every damn romcom formula. Nobody digging this realistic ****.

Movie would've been a 6/8 if not for that awful ending :lol: :x That **** was a gut punch. Had me like what the **** is going on? 5 years and you got a husband and a kid? Whole time I'm waiting for them to reveal the family is her acting in a movie and they were fooling the audience. I was on that even when they were in the car. Then they walk in to the club :stoneface:

Yall go off to pursue ya dreams and it's over like that? Yet if it wasn't for both of yall you would've been gave up on ya dreams. You owe each other and don't even try to get back together? **** outta here.
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La La Land: Classic Visual Echoes

The main reason it's loved by critics & award voters alike is because it's reminiscent of Old Hollywood.

Unfortunately, I feel its a bit overrated.
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Here's my ranking of the Best Picture nominations:

1. Moonlight
Manchester By The Sea
La La Land
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
Hacksaw Ridge
I agree with your top 2 thus far. Haven't finished La La Land or Hacksaw Ridge, but from the start they haven't reeled me in like the other films. Ridge starts off like a religious Hallmark original. Haven't seen Lion yet.
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i feel like you need to see la la land on the big screen... i enjoyed it. 

i don't think i would on my own tv though

the theatre experience always enhances the movie for me
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Cosign on La La Land on the big screen. That opening scene was outstanding in the theater.

I tried watching it on Kodi the next day and it definitely didn't have the same effect.
Lala land was almost an 8/8 for me. Had I watched it at home, I prob wouldn't have liked it as much. I can see all of your points though Zik
La La land has to be the most overrated movie of the year. Hollywood really loves them a musical. every time a remotely decent one comes out it gets praised to no end.
Here's my ranking of the Best Picture nominations:

1. Moonlight
Manchester By The Sea
La La Land
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
Hacksaw Ridge
these are all the movies nominated? 

ive seen all of them except hacksaw ridge and lion

my list:


hidden figures



manchester by the sea (michelle williams was good tho in her big scene)

hell or high water

la la land
La La land has to be the most overrated movie of the year. Hollywood really loves them a musical. every time a remotely decent one comes out it gets praised to no end.

I don't remember Sweeney Todd getting much love. That genre is rare though, if one releases and it's good then i'm not surprised people show it love.
i feel like you need to see la la land on the big screen... i enjoyed it. 
i don't think i would on my own tv though

the theatre experience always enhances the movie for me
I'm pretty sure had I gotten in the theater for free I would've still walked out on it just to catch the last 5 minutes of Rogue One.

I know ppl bring up the theater experience a lot and I agree it has an effect but at this point I know what I prefer and love about film and not seeing it on the big screen almost avoids that bit of trickery that may make me think a movie is more than it is.

The dancing was never gonna do it for me though. Unless it was tap dancing or something.
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