Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Shoutout to my man George Michael, and his last Christmas. 

Rewatched with La La Land with my girl and she wanted to hop into Passengers afterward :x

2/8. Those two had zero chemistry together with Jlaw being particularly bad. She is so washed now, sick of her monotonous performances.
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Rewatched with La La Land with my girl and she wanted to hop into Passengers afterward :x

2/8. Those two had zero chemistry together with Jlaw being particularly bad. She is so washed now, sick of her monotonous performances.

I'm with you. She's really a pretty average actress. She's just had the good fortune of picking some prominent roles in very good movies that suited her.
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I'm out on David o Russell, his movies just aren't for me.. between that and the poor xmen movies, I'm pretty good on her
I saw it listed, didn't grab me and also haven't heard anything about it, so I skipped over it. Update us when you're convinced one way or another please? :nerd: :smile:
I was on a string of solid to great movies but then:

Hail Ceasar! 5.1/8

A dent in the Coen Bros. armor if there ever was one.

Acting was fine but the story just never came that well together for me.

For any that care, Suicide Squad extended cut review:

Finally saw Suicide Squad, the extended cut.

They made it abundantly clear this was a movie co-starting Willshot and Harley.

W/e was added with the 14 min didn't help. Movie felt too long especially to start.

After a while the Harley flashbacks got whack. I didn't think this was gonna be where they depict her origin. Then with Will, I know some said it was just him being him but really dude was literally playing Mike Lowry from Bad Boys just more gun proficient :lol: All The corny jokes to match but no Martin Lawrence to work off. The Deadshot and daughter stuff was just too on the nose.

Leto's Joker was lame to me. The way they introduced most of the other members wasn't good.

The playlist just annoyed me. I didn't mind it at first but it just didn't stop. I remember reading complaints and seeing the soundtrack consisting mostly of songs I like but eh @ execution.

Villain was extra whack.

Diablo was some Dominic Torreto reject. Talking about his new family :lol:

What the **** with that climax/3rd act? They had a chance for some dope fight choreography with Enchantress for a final fight after getting rid of random black evil brother but she was fighting them in a damn dust storm.

This is definitely one of Ayer's weaker movies. Also the movie didn't feel a part of the DCEU at all with it being the 3rd movie. I just did not enjoy watching this movie.

Best scenes were Willshot taking out the demon putties and Waller killing the help.

Not as terrible as BvS by any means but this movie has a lifelessness to it that Ayer could've avoided by at least a half.


Gonna watch Max Steel as a palette cleanser then move on to Arrival, Miss Sloane, The Comedian, Manchester by the Sea, and Moonlight.
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I saw it listed, didn't grab me and also haven't heard anything about it, so I skipped over it. Update us when you're convinced one way or another please? :nerd: :smile:

It started off great. The first five minutes really grabbed me. Then it was really slow in the middle parts. Then started picking up towards the end. After the end of the pilot episode, there's no way I'm stopping there. Will need to see the next episode. Maybe tomorrow night.

There are some questions raised by the pilot that I'd like answered. That's what's keeping me interested more than anything.

Some criticism I have of the episode in spoilers

So by the end of the episode, it appears clear that a time traveler doesn't need the host to die in order to 'travel' into another body. So why the rule that they need to time the 'travel' at the moment of a host's death? How do they choose their hosts? Why these random ppl instead of ppl of importance? What caused humanity to die of in the distant future? So many questions. There's two paths this show could take right now. They could keep danging the carrot in front of you and hope that the viewer will follow them from episode to episode, or they can start answering some of my questions by episode 2. Right now the mystery is keeping me interested more than anything, but there's a chance I might lose interest if at any point I get the answers to any of my questions and I don't like what I hear.
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I saw some trailer for that show. Had time travel so I knew I'd give it a chance. Had a specific kind of time travel I played with in my head so I'm interested.
Yea I'm going wait on that one.. watched the first episode of the OA, not investing the time when I know that ending is coming
The OA is definitely worth the watch, ending and all.
It leaves so much to be desired, but I don't think that's a bad thing with the story being told.

I'm still not sure that the way it ended is all that meets the eye. I'm still not in Love with it in comparison to would I thought was going on, what I hoped was real, and I'm definitely not sure that ending was true.

If you've watched the first episode, watch the other 7, imo
was in the mood for something WWII related after finishing Man in the High Castle s2 so finally finished band of brothers (i had only watched ep1 "Curahee" when it came out)... 8/8 i dont think i've ever finished such a lengthy series so fast. Such an awesome cast; the most fun was seeing ppl that wouldn't be super poppin in film til later; i.e. james mcavoy, fassbender, tom hardy, simon pegg etc. and the random ones, the most random being jimmy fallon delivering ammo to Easy before Bastogne :lol:

just a perfect series

i started the pacific almost immediately after but for whatever reason it doesn't capture my attention like BoB did. i will finish it tho
I haven't seen Passengers but I haven't liked Jennifer Lawrence since Silver Linings.

Good call. American Hustle was an abomination and as hyped a movie in recent memory. Was SO happy it didn't win any Oscars.
Anyone else keep track of everything you've seen this year? I've seen 83 major releases and 136 total movies... Crazy...
How do you keep track of everything you seen this year?
I take a 50 movie 50 book challenge each year and keep record of the movies Ive seen weekly/monthly.
Is there a app for that?
Unfortunately no

App- http://letterboxd.com/apps/

Site- http://letterboxd.com/
Has anyone checked out The Invitation? This might be my next movie to watch.

 The main character, Will, and his girlfriend and friends are invited to a formal dinner by his ex-wife and her new SO, after she disappeared from their lives two years earlier after Will and her lost their young son and got divorced. As you would imagine this dinner would be awkward enough with those settings, but an extra level of eeriness is added when their are two new friends joining them and the couple have appeared to have joined some kind of cult down in Mexico during their two year hiatus. Will becomes increasingly suspect of the couples motives and intentions as he tries to deal with finally returning to the house he was raising his deceased son in, as well.

This movie has an incredible atmosphere to it, you can feel the claustrophobic nature of it, helped by masterful performances of the cast, in particular from Logan Marshall-Green and Michiel Huisman, who really help sell the premise of it. The mystery unfolds slowly as the suspense keeps building and Will reaches the breaking point of his emotional return to the house. It's more thriller than horror though, even though Netflix tagging puts it under horror.
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Has anyone checked out The Invitation? This might be my next movie to watch.



one of my fav suspense joints of the last few years. nothing groundbreaking but has a good cast andi s a pretty well made thriller. even scarier if you have some hippy dippy types among your friends :lol:

it's also nice to see the maker of girlfight have a modest hit on her hands after aeon flux and jennifer's body
Saw the big lebowski is on Netflix.. well I know what I'm doing for a bit today
The invitation was really good. I couldn't place where I had seen the main character dude with the long hair. It was bugging me the whole movie. Looked him up and he's the Tom Hardy lookalike guy from Prometheus :lol:
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