Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Zik, we've agreed pretty evenly on Rogue One, The Accountant, and Reacher 2 recently. Even the ways you're describing things you did or didn't like are matching up.
As a Black Mirror nerd I am happy to hear you've gotten a few episodes into it.

Keep going it there's so many trippy episodes ahead
I'm so glad I put you on to BM
I remember being super salty that nobody would discuss much less watch Black Mirror way back.

I joined NT in 2013 and remember making a similar post to the one on the last page about "I know this is the Movie thread but I could give a legit list of probably 25 UK Series that are better than anything Domestic etc and nobody had ever heard of them" (of course Zik :smokin gave the same response back then that he did recently(we discuss both drop the list))

Black Mirror was at the top of that list.
Man I was salty nobody would, I was salty I couldn't talk about it here with anyone. Glad it's found its way.
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Black Mirror was at the top of that list.
Man I was salty nobody would, I was salty I couldn't talk about it here with anyone. Glad it's found its way.
ya man, I think it was you who gave me that final push and stamp of approval to give Black Mirror a go

TYVM for that 
Nocturnal Animals was great. 7.5/8.

I need Tom Ford to ditch his fashion empire and direct movies at a more consistent pace. Both stories were compelling but the way they intertwined and informed on each other was just so ******* good and executed effortlessly. Like if this was just a love drama heartbreak story I would've been locked in just cuz I liked the characters. That manuscript though! Son. I would read that book again. It was so good. **** escalated quickly in the first chapter.

It had me reflecting on all of this violent **** I love to watch in good movies but never really dwelling on how ****** up it is (most recently with The Accountant) and/or how easily I can transition and accept the rules and morality that the movie establishes. What goes down in NA isn't even the worst most foul violence I've seen in the past 2 months in movies/tv but just the way it went down was so shocking. When Amy's character had to stop reading or dropped the script I was compelled. I was all the way drawn in.

Then the solution for me was simple but Jake's character becomes so frustrating in a believable and human way you can't just straight up call him weak/soft. That line is still there for most ppl not to cross even after tragedy. Then, again, just the way the relationship story shows the motivations for the book. Amy's character did dude dirty. No wonder he's telling this story, killing those specific ppl and so quick in the story. Whole movie spoke to the idea that a writer needs to go through tagedy and many other life experiences to produce their best work.

I'd recommend this one to everybody. It deserves at least one watch.

My boy Michael Shannon was good in this as well. Shades of Nelson Van Alden once again.
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Why Him? was okay. A few laughs here and there. I realize it's an easier role but Franco shines in stuff like this. 5/8
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Zik, we've agreed pretty evenly on Rogue One, The Accountant, and Reacher 2 recently. Even the ways you're describing things you did or didn't like are matching up.
:pimp: Yup.

Just been catching up while I can on movies I missed out on earlier this year while heading to the movies weekly before screener season starts/Oscar nominees are announced.

On another note, I can once again give you props to drawing my attention to this thread when it comes to stuff like this:

I remember being super salty that nobody would discuss much less watch Black Mirror way back.

I joined NT in 2013 and remember making a similar post to the one on the last page about "I know this is the Movie thread but I could give a legit list of probably 25 UK Series that are better than anything Domestic etc and nobody had ever heard of them" (of course Zik :smokin gave the same response back then that he did recently(we discuss both drop the list))

Black Mirror was at the top of that list.
Man I was salty nobody would, I was salty I couldn't talk about it here with anyone. Glad it's found its way.
Yes, I know these feels.

But I will say its hard not to be smug about it when I read ppl say I was trying to put ppl on years ago. Like I was literally talking about Black Mirror early. There's a grip of other shows where it's the same way but it's even better when something like BM breaksthrough and gets recognition. So now I'm seeing it talked about in here and then looking at the thread it's got flourishing got me like 8)
Man just finished the accountant, movie did so many unnecessary things.. like I feel like you take certain elements and get David fincher and you could have had pure gold

Magnificent 7 remake was a waste of time
Has anyone checked out OA?

I need to watch more movies to finish my 50 movie challenge but OA may grab a lot of my time.

The Ref is a mad underrated Christmas movie. Spacey is awesome in this. He basically plays his character from American Beauty only his fam gets held hostage on Christmas. It's on Netflix now, I recommend adding it to your Christmas staples
The Ref is a mad underrated Christmas movie. Spacey is awesome in this. He basically plays his character from American Beauty only his fam gets held hostage on Christmas. It's on Netflix now, I recommend adding it to your Christmas staples
Will check it out after this game.

I am up for recommendation from anyone 
Man just finished the accountant, movie did so many unnecessary things.. 
I absolutely loved The Accountant, as is.

I think Afleck was perfect for the role with his monotone singular acting.

I love the Story for one.

I love how on one hand he is an accountant who cheats Taxes with loopholes and on the other hand someone who takes the law and revenge into his own hands.

I love how not only does he loophole taxes but he does it more Mafia/Drug Dealers who operate essentially the same way Governments do, only illegally.

I love the backstory they gave him (as a Kid) and his Dad and his Brother.

I love everything about that movie. 

I could go on and on, but long story short... I've seen it 4 times and I watched it for the 1st time only days ago.
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I specifically like that this didn't just revert to good guys against the bad guys. It was so morally gray. This was kill or be killed on principle. Just the way Lithgow went out.

If you came in expecting the usual, you might bet money Bernthal's character would've died. Nope. Turned that in to a family fight and brotherly love.

Everything about how The Accountant operates was great. I like how he was convinced to do some work on the legal side and he still ended up in some deep criminal ****.

I almost want a sequel or for him to just appear in some other movie.

Rest in peace, George Michael.

Just watched this today and now I'm absolutely shocked to hear about George Michael death.
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