Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Girl on the Train :lol: :pimp: 6.5/8

Really enjoyable even though I knew who did it from the jump. Emily Blunt was wild in this. Put on a real good performance. Was not even expecting that kind of character but it was executed well and it tied in well with the plot.

All the females were fine as **** in this and that also helped. Especially shorty that looks like Emily VanCamp :evil:

The Accountant :wow: :wow: :smokin 7.5/8

This was beyond ******* great. Such a dope movie. The trailer totally delivered. Met my expectations. I even dug the ending being about family.

The action was ******* dope and the story kept me engaged. Not far behind John Wick. Ben Autism Affleck was the goods.

Also liked that shorty that was pursuing him is the same type of character pursuing Swagger in Shooter :lol: She's so fine.

Rogue One review:

This movie was TOO LIT! Prisoner of the moment opinion but it had me leaving saying BEST STAR WARS MOVIE PERIOD!


Okay, I'll just start off with things I didnt like or small character things that bothered me:

I get the whole thing with some saying the beginning jumped around a bit and was choppy so you couldn't connect with the characters and cuz of that by the end you weren't as emotionally invested. I think cuz of the ending and how it ended that's okay and still worked well. Like you can come back to the movie knowing what happens in the OG knowing these ppl's real value to the story. I took what happened in the beginning as info to keep in mind and explain character motivations. Mainly Jyn's.

Her mom's death didn't move me and Galen's send off could've been better but I guess the message about the DS was more impactful.

Cassian's ***** ***. I ain't like this dude. Didn't care for the character and didn't care for dude playing him much. He kinda made up for his lameness towards the end.

I didn't like Saw's death at all. So lame. That's a problem with that kind of death in anything. Character can escape or be saved but chooses to just die. He didn't sacrifice himself, he didn't by them time, nothing. It was like they just needed him to die so kill him here via death star. Jyn should've knocked him out and dragged him on the ship. I liked his character a lot for the short time he was there. This cagey super paranoid "terrorist". Should've went out better. Could've died on Eadu instead maybe. Would've been nice to see him bark on the rebel leaders during their "decision making" though.

The ***** *** ***** made rebel/alliance leaders. Maybe I need to re-watch something or read something I missed about SW but I don't recall them being such cowards. It put me off On me wanting to see them win. Lame scared pussycats. I couldn't believe they were ready to give up and even disband. Sheds a whole new light on that period. The ep IV crawl always had me thinking getting the DS plans was a legit mission, turns out rogue rebels had to take the initiative. It was on the nose, but saying there was no hope made me feel those leaders saying no weren't worth saving.

Only other thing, was yes, the score was weak but I see stuff like that only as something that can improve on and enhance a movie. It was decent enough and it didn't take away from the viewing.

On to what I loved: IP MAN! Donnie ******* Yen. :nthat:I thought I'd never see such beautiful fight choreography in a Star Wars movie. For the longest to me that was some of the weakest stuff in these movies, usually just a light show with blasters and weak fencing. This right here was great and had me engaged. Son was blind going in with a bo staff like a boss.

Even later on I got completely immersed and pulled in to the rebels fighting on Eadu and Scarif. Especially Scarif, that was some Dirty Dozen last stand ****. Then it became a full out war with tactics and **** just going down. To cap it all off with Vader :smokin

K2 :pimp: :smokin :lol: Movie needed more of him.

Although I was disappointed Mads was not playing some bad *** good guy or bad guy he played a good father and character in this.

:rofl: @ Naz in this. Of course he finds himself a part of the imperial army and then switches sides. He manned up in the end though. Not much of a character arc but I what was being done there and enjoyed it.

Again, Iwe and Baze. "I am one with the force and the force is with me." :lol: :pimp:

That Leia cgi was legit. I'm forgetting what movie had used similar before and even then it looked obviously cgi (Westworld and one movie I'm forgetting) to me but here it was near flawless.

Gonna be watching this movie for sure a few more times.
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Sully=6.5/8..Hanks is beyond great in this movie..And Aaron Eckhart did really good job in his supporting role..I didn't know Sully had to go through all of the stuff he did after he landed the plane on the Hudson..

Magnificent Seven=6/8..Overall a solid movie..The story was pretty basic, but if you're a western fan it's a classic style premise..Denzel and Pratt delivered the best performances in the film..Wish they'd have been a little more in depth with the 7's back stories..

The Accountant=7/8..One of Affleck's better performances..Very well thought out plot..And a great job by all the supporting cast..Kendrick did a great job..And the action was on point..Not as violent as Wick, but was just as cool..Wouldn't mind a sequel at all..
I can't watch Sully.

I'm tired of watching feel goods about Americas tragedies.

Accountant was about perfect to me though.
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The Infiltrator started somewhat clunky, but when they brought in Diane Kruger it gets good...

Leguizamo was good...

good watch...
i watched sully last night. 

it was pretty good..better than i expected 

kinda dry though. glad i didn't see it in theatres
lol even with the warnings in this thread, this was me at the end of the oa

Carrie Fisher had a heart attack on a flight from London to LA and is now in critical condition. Not good.
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Caught a early showing of silence and sat in a theater with nuns. Movie ran too long and some scenes could have been cut but I understood it was Marty's passion project. Never really saw Garfield as a good actor but man he did great job gotta check for him more. 5.5-6/8 Movie reaffirms my belief that religion is bs just my opinion
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Caught a early showing of silence and sat in a theater with nuns. Movie ran too long and some scenes could have been cut but I understood it was Marty's passion project. Never really saw Garfield as a good actor but man he did great job gotta check for him more. 5.5-6/8 Movie reaffirms my belief that religion is bs just my opinion

How did the nuns react to it? Since ya made a point to mention them being there.
I have no idea if you two read the spoilers or not, but there's no way on God's green earth I'd go anywhere near that show after reading that. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I don't know anything about silence except what i've seen from the trailers. spiderman and goblin face are soldiers who want to find liam neeson who looks like he's in Japan for some reason.
I'm in the mood for a violent, lit Asian movie so i'm watching No Tears For The Dead again on netflix. I wish they still had the Korean version of A Better Tomorrow.
I have no idea if you two read the spoilers or not, but there's no way on God's green earth I'd go anywhere near that show after reading that. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I read them.

Sometimes ppl like to stare at the surprise train wreck.
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Now i'm curious as to why it made people mad. The description of the show did look interesting.
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