Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

How is that relevant to my post where you bring up competition? You put that forward and I don't think that way so it's completely false. It has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Look, if you don't think comments like "mankind over everything" and "if Dolphins become sentient, they better want to peacefully coexist or they're in trouble" don't imply some kind of us v. them (e.g. competitive) mentality, then I don't know what to tell you. You also said that the Planet of the Apes movies "send the wrong message," which suggest the films bother you on some level. I'm not just pulling stuff out of my *** here. I'm responding to things you've written. But I know you can keep going all day on something like this, so I'm just going to concede. I'm done talking about this . . . whatever "this" has now become.
Oh, I picked up that that's where you

Same response to you: asking questions would be more appropriate than thinking you've got it.
See, like this:

So why is it that you can enjoy maybe Potter but you don't buy into Purge?

I don't think I've "got" anything. I don't know why you would conclude that based on an observation that wasn't even directed at you specifically.

And, as far as your question to me goes, I don't really have an explanation. Just a matter of personal preference in terms of the subject matter of those different films.
I thought ASM1 was a promising start to the reboot. ASM2 messed up by rushing Peter's friendship with Harry, rushing Harry's heel turn, having too many villains, making the villains really cheesy, stupid, and horrible, and Gwen's death had no impact. It felt like they were ticking off a story point. They were also rehashing a theme from the original series where Peter was trying to keep ppl at arm's length to avoid tragedy.
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ASM1 was a solid start, although I could've done without Uncle Ben dying again and the Lizard's look. ASM2 was trying to do too much like Spider-Man 3, and failed just like it. The special effects in it were really good though.
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So is the newest Spidey a complete reboot? Nothing to do with the previous installments? But the new Spidey IS related to Spidey's appearance in Civil War?
So is the newest Spidey a complete reboot? Nothing to do with the previous installments? But the new Spidey IS related to Spidey's appearance in Civil War?

Yes the newest Spidey has nothing to do with the Asm series and Toby McGuire's version of Spidey. The newest Spidey is only related to the Spidey that showed up in civil war
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Ana de Armas in War Dogs. :frown:

Lord Almighty that woman. Makes me even more certain, Knock Knock is thee scariest film ever made. I'd have zero chance surviving her and a friend. None. Just kill me before I open the door. :lol:
Some Spidey talk real quick.

So tell me why I'm supposed to hate The Amazing Spiderman.

I saw it for the first time last week at a friend's house. Not bad. I mean, not great, not terrible. I dug it, but I remember when it came out there was all this talk about it being abysmal and "Don't even bother" and what not. That's not the reason I didn't see it, but I remember the harsh and loud criticisms.

Also saw the beginning of the next one, with Jamie Foxx. In fact, I saw all the way up to where Jamie Foxx is introduced on screen, when Spidey runs into him and Foxx goes "I'm nobody" and Spidey you to be my eyes and ears out here." Again, I remember the criticisms of this one were harsh and loud. Why? Seemed decent.

Lastly, what in all of effs is this NEW one? 

I'm one of the ones that "ehhh'd" ASM1. Good, decent, not elite.

ASM2 however, to me, was the best Spiderman film we've seen. To me, that joint was outstanding. Perfect? No, could have used some rough edge work, but overall it was great imo.

The "new" one, is Marvel taking over finally. Starting with the cameo in Civil War, now they will bring him into the Marvel universe fully and not have him be a standalone hero like the previous five films. Now hes just "one of" a world filled with superheroes.

And as you knoe, Marvel doesn't miss. They're likely to put good money into the look and feel of Spiderman comics while also tying into their larger universe. In the preview, the scene of him trying to hold that ship together already looks like one of my favorite scenes in the Marvel-verse. Just beautiful.

asm2 was so great they scratched the remaining movies, rebooted the franchise without garfield and made a pact with marvel. yea, greatest spiderman to date.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How is that relevant to my post where you bring up competition? You put that forward and I don't think that way so it's completely false. It has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Look, if you don't think comments like "mankind over everything" and "if Dolphins become sentient, they better want to peacefully coexist or they're in trouble" don't imply some kind of us v. them (e.g. competitive) mentality
That's not competitive. Its clear as day. Those are definitive statements about them getting down or being wiped out. You know, if dolphins were sentient :lol: or the Damn intelligent monkeys from the movie. Is the context lost on you?

Plus your taking statements about dolphins becoming sentient serious enough to interject that competition has anything to do with factual statements like mankind being the dominant species on the planet in the real world :lol: One is a what if scenario, the other is a real world fact.

Why can't you see the distinction?
then I don't know what to tell you.
You're conflating two different things. You didn't talk about it being a competition with animals who are sentient intelligent beings like us. You were talking about competition with animals as they are now.

If you can't see the distinction, I don't know what to tell you.

To be clear though, if monkeys were as intelligent it would then be a competition. Hence the scenarios in these current planet of the Apes movies :lol: I don't know how you can miss this. There's a difference between the real world and this fictional scenario. I never made any statements about killing regular monkeys or dolphins for the record :lol:
You also said that the Planet of the Apes movies "send the wrong message,"
This is my opinion.

which suggest the films bother you on some level.
I'm seeing a trend of you assuming too much. Could've just asked if this is what you were referring to. Its a leap to go from it sends the wrong message to this movie bothers me cuz of it's message but it is clearer you're missing the entire tone of my post and are actually taking the scenario where monkeys become intelligent as humans very seriously using the real world status quo as some sort of support.

I'm not just pulling stuff out of my *** here.
No. You're just assuming. I'd suggest you stop.
I'm responding to things you've written.
And interpreting them incorrectly.

But I know you can keep going all day on something like this, so I'm just going to concede. I'm done talking about this . . . whatever "this" has now become.
No need to make excuses or cast aspersions. If you don't want to reply anymore, don't.

:lol: @ w/e this has become. You're the one seriously weaving in and out of animals becoming sentient to animals as they are in the real world. You can't take my post about a movie, a sci-fi scenario and statements about monkeys and dolphins being sentient and then say reply with "if you want to view life on Earth as a continuing state of competition between man and other species of animals, sure, we're 'winning.'" That doesn't make sense.

You can't take a post about fictional monkeys and then say ".....animals will outlast us.... Bet on it" :lol: Its ridiculous. You talked about a suspension of disbelief earlier but if your posts are to be taken seriously you're not showing any distinction between the real world and fiction :lol:

I'm talking about killing intelligent monkeys in a fictional scenario where they take over the planet and humanity is wiped out. You're talking about ppl who see our relationship to animals in the real world as a competition. I make another example about sentient dolphins and you're taking that again in the literal sense to what? Real dolphins? Actual competition with animals that aren't sentient? It pretty much goes on and on like that.

What the ****?
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@Master Zik ^^^ That's pretty much exactly what I expected from you. Well done.
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I thought ASM1 was a promising start to the reboot. ASM2 messed up by rushing Peter's friendship with Harry, rushing Harry's heel turn, having too many villains, making the villains really cheesy, stupid, and horrible, and Gwen's death had no impact. It felt like they were ticking off a story point. They were also rehashing a theme from the original series where Peter was trying to keep ppl at arm's length to avoid tragedy.

ASM1 was a solid start, although I could've done without Uncle Ben dying again and the Lizard's look. ASM2 was trying to do too much like Spider-Man 3, and failed just like it. The special effects in it were really good though.

That I would point out your inability to separate fiction from reality?

So you were trolling me then? Touche.

Hmmm. I think you may be assuming things about my comments that I didn't actually say. You should watch that.
This is trolling :lol:

Buts it's funnier that I asked questions and you call it assuming.

Is it? Here another question - on a scale of 1-10, how important is it for you to get the last word? I'm guessing minimum 8.5.
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I saw Match Point a long time ago, like when it came out and didn't even see all of it but getting the whole thing now and wow :pimp: 6.9/8 Will watch again.

Props to Woody Allen on this. I love it when the "bad guy" gets away with it. Quite refreshing.

This is trolling :lol:

Buts it's funnier that I asked questions and you call it assuming.

Is it?
Clearly yes.
Here another question - on a scale of 1-10, how important is it for you to get the last word? I'm guessing minimum 8.5.
All of this irrelevant. I point out the silliness of you conflating fiction with reality and now all you can do is switch the topic to me.

Mind you this is after you have claimed to concede and wanted no part of what this "has become yet you're still at. You did that, not me. This whole last word thing is just you protesting too much. I'm sure you'll quote me again with another trolling waste of time.

I guess if you make this more and more about me and not that nonsense you were rambling about cuz you assumed too much you'll feel better?
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Zik, you and your dissertations proving your point.
You never let anything go.

Girl6, how can anyone not like this movie.
Visuals are ill.
Sound is ill.
Music is ill.
Setting is ill.
Theresa Randle killed this role.
Madonna looking fine AF.
Young Debi Mazr.
Weird *** Spike killing his role.
Quinten Tarantino in the opening scene.
Dialogue is ill.
I could go on for days.
Movie might be an 8.
Zik, you and your dissertations proving your point.
Isn't that the point of any dissertation? To try to prove your point? :lol:

You never let anything go.
I don't see exactly what I'm holding on to/not letting go. Its a discussion where two ppl disagree.

Only difference being one side claims they gave up but keep replying.
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