Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I'm all in. I've loved the new Planet of the Apes movies.. looking forward to War.
Caesar byke. 
Bringing back another actor look alike:


For a long while I thought homey from Boy Meets World had made a resurgence in his acting career and was the son of John Ritter.

If there's one thing I dislike more than ******* lame *** A.I. robots taking over the world it's ******* monkeys.

I would've been killed these dumbass apes. Would've had PETA hounding me after I got through with them.

The movies are cool though but send the wrong the message.
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if this war movie lives up to the last 2 then this new planet of the apes series will go down as a all time masterful trilogy.
^^^ Why you such an ape/monkey hater, bro?
I don't really like animals at all tbh.

Its M.O.E. mankind over eveything.

The idea of intelligent monkeys warring with humans and replacing them is a joke when taken seriously and at best an interesting sci-fi concept.

Had it been me in the actual situation or wiriting the movie I'd be cooking some orangutan soup, eating some monkey stew, and prepping a gorilla gumbo for tomorrow by the end.
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^^^ Ah. I'm a big animal guy. Have pets everywhere. So, I can't relate to what you're saying at all, but you're entitled to your opinion.
I'm not an animal guy as well. As in I'd never have a pet, and I don't get excited when I see animals a lot of people consider cute and awesome. I do, however, find the behaviour of some animals fascinating.
These new 2 planet of the apes movies are really good. That trailer looks bad, but Woody Harrelson has me all-in
Some Spidey talk real quick.

So tell me why I'm supposed to hate The Amazing Spiderman.

I saw it for the first time last week at a friend's house. Not bad. I mean, not great, not terrible. I dug it, but I remember when it came out there was all this talk about it being abysmal and "Don't even bother" and what not. That's not the reason I didn't see it, but I remember the harsh and loud criticisms.

Also saw the beginning of the next one, with Jamie Foxx. In fact, I saw all the way up to where Jamie Foxx is introduced on screen, when Spidey runs into him and Foxx goes "I'm nobody" and Spidey says "I need you to be my eyes and ears out here." Again, I remember the criticisms of this one were harsh and loud. Why? Seemed decent.

Lastly, what in all of effs is this NEW one? 
Humans are intelligent apes.

And, animals will outlast us. Bet on it. There will be rats and roaches on Earth long after we've destroyed ourselves.
Humans are intelligent apes.

And, animals will outlast us. Bet on it. There will be rats and roaches on Earth long after we've destroyed ourselves.
Most definitely. Humans think being the most intelligent species trumps all animals in evolution. It's all about adaptability in the long run, there are a number of species that have lived on earth millions of times longer than us. It is almost guaranteed that the insects and small animals that we take lightly and brush as inferior/expendable, will outlast us based on their instincts to survive which most of them have almost perfected while we as humans bicker/squabble with one another on every little thing that we deem as important. While they're focused on living and surviving, as a whole, the western world focuses on money and power. This could even result in some of the most "primitive" human tribes surviving longer than developed nations. Maybe we will advance further in evolution to the point where we can start moving towards for the betterment of humanity as a whole, but until then, we're but a blink in the enternity of this planets existence i.e. not even seasoned vets on our own planet and yet still run the risk of extinction.
I'm not an animal guy as well. As in I'd never have a pet, and I don't get excited when I see animals a lot of people consider cute and awesome. I do, however, find the behaviour of some animals fascinating.
I could say I have a similar general sentiment. I do not have an active hate for animals. I'm all for preserving them so our ecosystem and environment functions and thrives but if tomorrow dolphins become fully sentient they better peacefully coexist with us if they know what's good for them.

Get down or lay down.

Humans are intelligent apes.

And, animals will outlast us. Bet on it. There will be rats and roaches on Earth long after we've destroyed ourselves.
This is just the usual pessimism and skepticism when it comes to humanity being #1.

The other side of the coin is we thrive, perservere, surpass our limitations and faults. Then populate the stars on that Star Trek grind :nthat:

Also as far as this animals will out last us cuz they adapt and survive. That's really not a lofty goal for mankind. We don't just want to survive for a long time. Any roach can do that. There's really no point in that.

What human would trade in their sentience/intelligence for some other lower life form animal's adapitibility?

I mean humans can evolve too. Just takes millions of years.
I could say I have a similar general sentiment. I do not have an active hate for animals. I'm all for preserving them so our ecosystem and environment functions and thrives but if tomorrow dolphins become fully sentient they better peacefully coexist with us if they know what's good for them.

Get down or lay down.
This is just the usual pessimism and skepticism when it comes to humanity being #1.

The other side of the coin is we thrive, perservere, surpass our limitations and faults. Then populate the stars on that Star Trek grind :nthat:

Also as far as this animals will out last us cuz they adapt and survive. That's really not a lofty goal for mankind. We don't just want to survive for a long time. Any roach can do that. There's really no point in that.

What human would trade in their sentience/intelligence for some other lower life form animal's adapitibility?

I mean humans can evolve too. Just takes millions of years.
We are destined for greatness based on our tech and intelligence, but we have yet to mark yet based om longevity.
Some Spidey talk real quick.

So tell me why I'm supposed to hate The Amazing Spiderman.

I saw it for the first time last week at a friend's house. Not bad. I mean, not great, not terrible. I dug it, but I remember when it came out there was all this talk about it being abysmal and "Don't even bother" and what not. That's not the reason I didn't see it, but I remember the harsh and loud criticisms.

Also saw the beginning of the next one, with Jamie Foxx. In fact, I saw all the way up to where Jamie Foxx is introduced on screen, when Spidey runs into him and Foxx goes "I'm nobody" and Spidey says "I need you to be my eyes and ears out here." Again, I remember the criticisms of this one were harsh and loud. Why? Seemed decent.

Lastly, what in all of effs is this NEW one? 
Just my opinion, I don't hate it. Its just writing/story wise very disappointing. A let down.

To the point I don't even remember really bothering to have lengthy discussions about it.

It impressed with visuals the most in ASM2. ASM is better off forgotten.

Most arguments that came off as hate may stem from arguments where fans of ASM pretend as if they were some vast improvement on the Raimi Spidey flicks.

My overall feeling is if you combined what was good about the first ASM and what was great about ASM2 you'd have an excellent Spider-Man movie. Just fix the Lizard's and Electro's whack looks, do not kill Gwen, and no Harry as the Green Goblin yet.
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I don't really like animals at all tbh.
The idea of intelligent monkeys warring with humans and replacing them is a joke when taken seriously and at best an interesting sci-fi concept.
Completely agree. That's exactly why I've never seen any of them, and have less than zero interest.

But let me talk about how interested I am in a movie about a 17 year old that dresses up as a spider and has super strength and can shoot spider webs from his wrists :tongue:

All joking aside, the apes movies are very entertaining, it's strange to hear reasons why people won't watch them. It fiction yes. It's entertaining, but not real.
This is just the usual pessimism and skepticism when it comes to humanity being #1.

Yes, if you want to view life on Earth as a continuing state of competition between man and other species of animals, sure, we're "winning." We should be. We could given no greater advantage than superior intelligence. But I don't see things that way. Humans and animals both have their roles in the world. I enjoy observing and interacting with animals and think their presence makes the world a better, more interesting place.

Also, I don't know if you've been paying attention to, um, everything going on in the last year, but if ever there's been a time that warranted pessimism and skepticism about the direction humanity is heading, 2016 is it. But the good news there is that 2017 is only a few weeks away.

All right, Debbie Downer moment over. I'm going to go take my dogs on a walk now.
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