Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Depends if starlord defeats another villain with a silly dance.
One of the worst endings I've ever seen.

WTF were they thinking?
Kalifornia: finally at a place where I can watch this. I love me some Juliette Lewis so I've been saving this one for a rainy day. I hope it delivers.
I don't think its fair to call the Shining "overrated" because there are many, many people who love it and think its a brilliant movie. Saying its overrated suggests they're wrong to feel that way, which I wouldn't do. But I will say that I don't care for it as much as some. Many of the visuals are awesome and acting is good, but it just doesn't hold my interest well for some reason.
There's a lot of things in The Shining that make it great that go unnoticed. If you haven't, watch the documentary Room 237. People reach on some of their theories but they point out a lot of stuff that blows your mind.
Shining is so overrated to me.

Por que
I don't think its fair to call the Shining "overrated" because there are many, many people who love it and think its a brilliant movie. Saying its overrated suggests they're wrong to feel that way, which I wouldn't do. But I will say that I don't care for it as much as some. Many of the visuals are awesome and acting is good, but it just doesn't hold my interest well for some reason.

My apologies if it came off that way, I am in no way shape or form saying other people shouldnt enjoy it or think of it as great. It is a very well received film by many people i respect, so I didn't mean overrated as in its trash and people are wrong or anything.

I just meant, TO ME, it's not as great or 'scary' as most people conceived it.
Maybe its just the timing of things, i saw the film much later than most folks. and we know how things are when a movie is pushed as being a 'must watch' decades later, it creates expectations and it was hard for me to watch without hoping for lots of :wow: moments.

For its time, certainly it was a very very well made film. The cinematography, the subtle creepiness and craziness depicted by Jack, very well acted, a simple story made very interesting. Lots of props on that.

But for me, it just wasnt that enjoyable or 'scary,' or even very suspensful, at least not anywhere close to the degree most people have said it is.
The stand out scene was when the kid was using the tricycle around the hotel, that was suspensful and well done. There are other moments, obviously the iconic "heres johnny'" scene and such.

But i watched it that one time and have never wanted to watch it again, still havent, and most likely wont unless its a classic suspensful movie kinda night with others.

I will admit, a lot of films from the 70's/80's/early 90's just arent that entertaining to me watching them NOW. I watched terminator and T2 for the first time a few years ago and i was like "what the hell is this cheap *** cgi nonsense :rofl: "...

So at the time im sure it was :wow:
but when youre spoiled with current aged graphics and film work, watching those films now just doesnt feel all that awesome.
Just being fair, it has something to do with the age of the movie as well, not just the quality of the film.

Im sure if i watched it back in the day my perception would be different, i would of probably thought :wow: 7.5/8!!! or something close :lol:
pretty sure that kubrick's assistant and even his daughter have called that theory nonsense.

The moon landing theory is ******** :lol: The documentary doesn't discuss one theory though, it's a collection of different ones but the documentary is best used for when they point out things in the movie that make you think about it in a totally different way.
We all have our opinions.

I think Meet The Parents is a comedic masterpiece and had one of the biggest impact of comedic films in the millennium, implementing an entirely new category of comedy in the film world, but i'm sure most of you guys would think I'm smokin something for believing that. :lol:

*kanye shrug*
We all have our opinions.

I think Meet The Parents is a comedic masterpiece and had one of the biggest impact of comedic films in the millennium, implementing an entirely new category of comedy in the film world, but i'm sure most of you guys would think I'm smokin something for believing that. :lol:

*kanye shrug*
I don't think you're smoking anything but truth with that post.
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