Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just picked this up. Real heads know.
Nah man, those are basic tv channels. Not cable and not HBO. I should've specified cable networks like AMC, Showtime, Cinemax, etc.

NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC are bringing back old shows cuz they're desperate on the creative front. Keep in mind they're at least bringing back series that were really successful at some point. Not ones that were cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons.

Curb was never cancelled. They got a do it when you feel like deal with Larry and again Curb has like what 7-10 seasons?
That show would never be cancelled due to low ratings or not being critically acclaimed or being too costly.

Also I think you're confusing revivals with bringing back shows that ended or were cancelled on the same network. Tales of the Crypt was never a TNT show to begin with. Netflix and streaming services are in the business of continuing shows. If y'all were saying that could happen to Rome you might have a shot even though there is no fan movement to do that. Plus again the shows you give as examples were all wildly successful.

The only series I can recall HBO bringing back after S1 was cancelled was The Comeback and that was kinda the selling point for its return given HBO isn't in the business of doing that much.
These shows are coming back because it's easy to sell them internationally, they know they'd get decent ratings, and rights lined up. Fox owns Prison Break, 24 and the X-files so they'll get on the air. Those shows were not all wildly succesful. Lots of critics liked Arrested Development but ratings sucked. Gilmore Girls ran a long time but that was mainly because it was the only decent show on the WB. Twin Peaks only had that one big season then got cancelled after s2.

AMC and Cinemax just started making their own shows and don't have the budget for a lot of things. Netflix, Hulu and Amazon are making a ton of original shows, not just old content, revivals and reboots.

Don't see why it makes a difference what channel a show is on. There's some bad shows on premium channels and good shows on basic channels and streaming. Besides, a few companies own all of the channels anyways. Sometimes shows can't go back to their original channel because the studio won't or can't do it. In the case of Twin Peaks, the distributor was ABC. Then the CBS took over the rights. Now the new Twin Peaks revival will be produced by and aired on Showtime, who is owned by CBS. Fox still made Arrested Development for Netflix, but they got paid a lot for something they couldn't make money on if they aired it themselves. Warner Brothers can't put Gilmore Girls back on the CW because there's no way it could work there money wise.

Time Warner owns TNT and HBO, so Tales from the Crypt is just going to a corporate sibling where it would fit better now. With what basic cable can get away with now, it'll be pretty much the same show even if it was on HBO. 

I was just saying that Rome has a chance to come back in some form, not that it will.
24 has like 11 seasons. It was wildly successfully and a HUGE success especially given when it originally aired.

I don't even need to bother talking about X-Files. If it was solely about money the show would've never ended.

Prison Break's first season was great and a hit for Fox and it managed to get like 4 more seasons out of that. I'm pretty sure it's in syndication.

So I don't think Fox is the best example.

I never brought up Gilmore Girls and I think this is the first time you brought it up. I don't agree with it being the only good show on the CW/WB when they had hit shows (targeted at female teens) like Dawson's Creek and One Tree Hill. Not to mention 10 seasons of Smallville and 30+ seasons of Supernatural or w/e. Plus GG is coming back on Netflix is it not? I'm pretty sure the CW is not on that being back a show ****. If it was we'd get. Final season of the Wayan's Bros.

Like I said a show coming back on Netflix is a whole different thing imo.

I feel we got way off topic when what we were talking about was the idea of HBO bringing back a show they cancelled after 2 seasons 9 years later when on average they really don't do that and trying to mash that together with the current trend of network stations bringing back hit shows or streaming services reviving old shows that were hits or had a cult following.

Rome really wasn't either of those things. Plus again, we're talking about HBO that doesn't have a problem filming an entire season of a show and then cancelling it without even airing it (Luck; it's available on demand and HBOGo though). You add in the alleged costs it took to make they don't have the same once rice to go back to that the way they shwll out cash for GoT.

The reason why the network matters with these shows cuz basic networks are solely about ratings. That's the end all be all. Even if Showtime, AMC, etc. was on that peep the Vinyl thread and the articles posted in there or Boardwalk Empire. HBO doesn't care much for ratings. They're more focused on critical acclaim, awards, and working with the best talent/creators, and fostering a n ongoing relationship with the best creators. Its why they stuck with Vinyl the entire season despite the ratings and were playing with the idea of bringing it back for a 2nd season just to stay cool with the creator (Winter I think it was) and keep those relationships with Marty and Mick or Steven. Same with the problems on Westworld (Nolan) and Utopia (Fincher)

Its a pretty good guess Rome didn't have any of that going for it. Heller, Milius, and MacDonald haven't worked or specifically created a show for HBO since. Add that on top of HBO not really being in to the business of reviving shows its unlikely they'll bring back Rome. They're much more likely to look to creators to present them with something new in that genre if that's what they're looking for.

As for Tales of the Crypt, you gotta be crazy to think it would be the same show on TNT if it was on HBO. That's crazy talk. I gotta question how much HBO you watch.
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I never said x-files, 24 and prison break weren't succesful, I said not all of those shows i listed were.  Arrested development wasn't a ratings hit. Neither was Twin Peaks after season 1 or Heroes later on.

What I meant by decent was it was the only critically praised show on the WB. Gilmore is just coming back for 4 90 minute episodes so it only makes sense at Netflix. They couldn't get the cast back for more than that anyways. Melissa Mccarthy was there for a day and they had to beg for that. 

Luck was cancelled because it not only had bad ratings, it killed enough horses to start a glue factory. It was a decent enough show. the unaired season 2 episode is up online somewhere if you care to watch.

HBO isn't immune from low ratings and they need to retain subscribers. They'll cut things if there's no signs of improvement in quality and interest, but they will give you time in some cases. Even like Treme will get 4 seasons, even though ratings were real low and little buzz. But there's the brink, lucky louie or john from cincinnati who get one season.  If they were that interested in keeping good relations with Louie Ck and willing to eat bad ratings, they wouldn't have cut him loose after one season.

All I said was Rome could be option if HBO they wanted to revisit it. I never said they would. Heller and some of the cast would be interested. He doesn't need the money since the mentalist got him paid.

Besides some buttnakedness and maybe extra violence, I don't think Tales wouldn't be all that different. I was just watching Preacher and it was pretty violent and that's basic cable. It's not like HBO is doing ******* level things.

Sorry for going so far off topic. Back to the movies. Farting corpse of Harry Potter. Just watch this for its glorious weirdness
The CW was never bringing back the GG. W/e format its coming back as is due to being on Netflix. They have the luxury of 90 min cuz they don't have to worry about commercials.

As I said before, a show coming back on a basic network is not the same as a streaming service bringing a show back. I specifically said basic networks are milking past shows cuz they had some success. Thats why FOX was never bringing back Arrested Development. You gotta be able to see the difference in what I'm talking about. Same for Twin Peaks.

NBC is in shambles with their tv show lineups. Have been for a while the way they're spiraling. Bringing back Heroes was a hail mary to try and capitalize off the fact there's about 15 superhero shows on tv and streaming services. They were trying to get back in the game. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to bring back the Cape under new production. They brought back Heroes it could duplicate its S1 success.

And again, all I said in response to your suggestion is that HBO really isn't in the business of bringing back shows they cancelled especially under the circunstances they canceled Rome. If they were, Luck, How to Make it in America, and a bunch of other shows that got canceled quick would be options as well. If HBO wants some period piece action drama that involves a bunch of sex scenes and war they'd look for something new. Probably get that Napoleon joint off the ground. They wouldn't bring back Rome.
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I need to find me an Irish woman. All the fine ones I see on tv shows and the Irish Spring commercials got me fiending.
Yeah, someone posted before when it happened but if you're gonna risk your life for a role don't let it be for a freakin' maze runner movie.
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Man I feel like I got tricked in to watching a bad disaster/horror flick :x :smh: but I did choose to check it out same way I did with the first flick.

Maze Runner was just okay but it had some entertainment value to it. Cool watching them run through the maze, figure **** out to survive chased by mechanical insect monsters. It had a sci-fi mystery bent to it I at least liked.

This so far is nothing but constant running, yelling go, and cliche horror scenarios where the dumb white ppl go towards the danger. This World War Z element doesn't necessarily help either. Its getting in to Hunger Games territory with this resistance bull ****.

:rofl: @ this massacre.

Also we get it, the movie is pg 13 and you can say **** but damn this was worse than an ep of Suits the amount of 8th as they said **** in this :lol: At one point I heard it like 5 times in 2 min.

They shouldn't have killed that chubby kid from the first movie.


Feel like I wasted 2 hrs a bit. Back to finishing up Rome I guess.
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Finding Dory was trash man.

13 years to think of how to follow up Finding Nemo and that was the best they could come up with. :lol:
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