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Which New Laker Acquisition Will Shine The Most This Upcoming Season?

  • Jordan Farmar

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  • Nick Young

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  • Chris Kaman

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  • Elias Harris

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  • Wesley Johnson

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  • Ryan Kelly

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One thing I have NEVER understood with this org, why they don't sit folks down, lock them in a room, and fix ****.

Kobe/Shaq festered, and festered, and festered, and festered. Nobody would fix ****.

Jim, Phil, Jeanie need to be locked in a room, don't come out til everyone loves everyone. Then get to work.

How Kobe ain't show up with a glock and a plan, I have no idea. :lol:
"Our coach's job is to win games and to feature the strength of every player on the team. This is a very tough team to pick one player and say, 'Let's feature one player.' " -Mitch Kupchak after being told about Phil's comments about Dwight not being featured if he comes back.

Phil also said today that he can't see himself ever coaching again because of his health...

Phil also said today that he can't see himself ever coaching again because of his health...

Never trust a word Phil says.. We've been through this before with him saying.. I'm done for good, I'm never coming back, etc.

Yea I feel you but he also said he's lobbying heavy for his ex assistants to get head coaching jobs. Would love to see someone give B Shaw a shot...
I just don't want you guys to be too upset or shocked when Dwight chooses to go to Houston.
He doesn't want the pressure of LA, he wants it to be fun...playing with Harden/Lin would be fun in his eyes.

The 30 mill left on the table? Yeah its a lot of money. But sooner or later someone is bound to choose to leave that extra year on the table to go somewhere they want to be.
I think this is that year.

Dwight will be a Rocket.
The only reason why ill be upset if he leaves is because we will have no one now.
I don't want to have another losing year again
this is a random question to my lakers fans,

what year hurt you the most 04 finals vs Pistons or 08 vs Celtics?

to me 04 hurt me a lot, we had the team to win it all and then we just didn't play as a team when I counted, and then that Malone didn't get a ring :smh:

till now I cant stand that song 'lets get it started' by black eyed peas, everytime I hear it, I think of 04
08' was the worst.
Kobe went from dominating the entire playoffs, absolutely crushing teams on his way to the finals making it look easy...to being completely shut down by that Celtics defense. :rolleyes

It was a rude awakening. Losing by 80 points in the final game and seeing Gatorade poured on Doc DIdnt make it any better. :x Pierce and his phantom 'injury' gave me nightmares. Anytime i saw someone in a wheel chair for the next few months i wanted to kick them. I was ghost for that entire summer, my friends thought I had moved out of town and dropped out of college. :smh:

Thank God for 09' and 10'...they really filled that empty hole in my heart that 08' carved.
04, 08 hurt as much as 13, 12, 11, 07, 06, 05, 03, 99, 98, 97......

89, 86, 84......

Oh gosh CP, stop being such a difficult old geezer and just answer the mans simple question. He wanted to know which one of those 2 specific NBA finals losses hurt more, not if each year that we fail to win a chip hurts the same.

We all know you see every non-championship year the same way.

Now answer his damn question :lol: :smh:
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2004. A few reasons for this:

1. I had deluded myself into believing it would be a cakewalk. Aside from the '00 Indiana team, the East hadn't produced a serious contender since MJ retired. As far as I was concerned, getting out of the west (& crucially, past the Spurs) = Chip. I'd followed the Pistons especially after they made that crucial trade for 'Sheed, but if you'd asked me then if they stood a shot against us I would've laughed at you.

2. GP & Malone. GP especially since I was a die-hard Sonics fan from 91-99. Used to despise Karl, but by '04 I had a massive amount of respect for dude and genuinely wanted him to go out a champ.

3. I genuinely believed Kobe & Shaq would settle their differences - at least for another season - if they won their 4th. Breaking them up would close the door on championship contention for a couple years - 4th-5th place finishes & second round knockouts at best. Instead we got the 04-05 season & consecutive 1st round knockouts. Three dark years.

After the trade for Pau, I felt like we were at last contenders again, and reaching the finals confirmed that. Even though we ended up losing to our most hated rivals, I felt like we had a good 3-4 year window of championship contention, and I loved our chances.
Mitch Kupchak expresses optimism Dwight Howard will return and work well with Mike D’Antoni

Below is a Q&A with Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak, who talked with this newspaper about Dwight Howard, his free agency and his relationship with coach Mike D’Antoni

Is it true, as ESPN Los Angeles reported, that Dwight Howard in his separate interview after his formal exit interview that he lamented frustrations about Mike D’Antoni, specifically about how he felt marginalized on the team?

“Criticism of a coach did not come up. Our coach did not come up. In terms of the way the season went and our talent, group and players and how they think in general, I would venture to say most of our players felt this was a frustrating season and that they didn’t get to show their talents as much as they would have liked to.

Some of that had to do with the coaching change because of one coach to another, no training camp and that all whole thing. Some of it had to do with injuries and some of it had to do with Mike making adjustments as the season went on so in general I would answer that question as to say I’m talking about Pau, Steve Nash and everybody felt the season didn’t go the way they wanted to. I think in general they all felt that there are ways to utilize their talent better going forward. That would include Dwight in that group.

What do you make of that feedback you were given?

There’s a lot to take from the season. Put aside the injury thing. We can’t really completely get off of. That had so much to do with the season. But I would say a season that ended with Kobe’s injury, we didn’t really have a chance to go much further at that point anyway.

But from the moment that Mike got here and assessing the talent on the team, he was searching and making changes and being flexible and learning the talent. I would say the same goes with the players on the team. They were getting a feel for what Mike wanted to see. It was a season of adjustments and once again it’s hard to go through a season with no training camp and the injuries we had. I don’t want to say it was a learning experience. That doesn’t fly. It really doesn’t. The bottom line is we got knocked out in the first round. All that stuff aside, that’s the bottom line.

How would you characterize Dwight’s relationship with Mike?

“I don’t want to start nitpicking. There are 13 guys on a team. The eight guys who don’t start don’t like the coach and the five who do start, there are usually two or three that aren’t happy either for one reason or another. I would venture to say at one point during the season for every player, they have a problem with the coach.

But being around as long I’ve been around, it doesn’t bother me when I hear at some point a player didn’t see eye to eye with a coach. Players don’t have to like coaches. They just have to play hard. In L.A., our coaches get evaluated on wins and losses and not whether our players like them or don’t like them. It doesn’t matter.”

How confident are you that Dwight and Mike will work well together assuming Dwight returns?

“I have absolute and complete confidence. I don’t want to regurgitate everything that was said months ago. I understand the way it has to be. But to me, Dwight’s getting criticized unfairly in something that he’s earned [regarding free agency]. He may have made his mind up as far as I know. Once again he can’t sign until [July 10th]. He’s earned the right. I’ve been through it. If that’s something he feels he wants to do, I’m fine.”

What do you make on Howard’s role in D’Antoni’s offense?

“It was a process that Mike had to go through with as a new coach and a new team. I thought he made adjustments and was flexible and we played to win. Our record supported the way he coached excluding the playoff series. Our players supported Mike in the way he coached and made adjustments and vice versa.”

Dwight obviously has a lot of time to make his decision. But since his exit interview, have you received any additional clarity from him or his representatives on his thought process?

“No. No. I am disturbed, and I guess this is how it all got started, that there’s much ado about the fact he’s going to be a free agent. It seems to me it’s gaining some momentum that he’s going to be a free agent and he’s earned the right to be a free agent many moons ago. 30 years ago, I went through the same thing.”

“In fact, through midseason of my last year in Washington, the GM in Washington called me up and said, excuse me, my agent called me up and said, ‘The Bullets have worked a deal where you get traded, but the team we want to trade you to won’t take you unless you agree to an extension.’ I said, ‘Listen, this is my fifth year in the league. I want to be a free agent. I want to find out how all this works.’ I said no.”

“So a player a has a right to be a free agent. It bothers me that there seems to be some media attention and criticism early in the process about Dwight and the coach and Dwight and free agency. Don’t get me wrong. The sooner he makes his mind up, the better for everybody. That’s my take on it. But he can’t sign until July 10 anyway. I told him when he first got here, ‘I’m not going to bug you. I believe this is the place for you. When you make your mind up, let me know.’”

You said you were optimistic in your exit interview that Howard will come back. Do you still feel that way?

I’m optimistic.

What makes you feel that way?

“Just what we have to offer. We can’t get outbid. The city is a rabid Laker city. It extends from San Diego to Santa Barbara. When you’ve traveled with us, when you go to arenas on the road, there are 3 or 4,000 Lakers fans in every arena. Our following is huge. The loyalty of the fans is huge. Players love the lifestyle, like a lot of people do to live in Southern California.”

To what degree, does the front office set up contingency plans in case he doesn’t return?

“That’s what we do. We plan years in advance. That’s what we have to do. Coaches go day to day. Management has to look a year, two or three down the road.”

You repeatedly supported Dwight throughout the season and pointed out the reality on how his injuries significantly limited him. What do you sense your support did for Dwight?

“I haven’t talked to him about it. I don’t have any direct input or feedback. First of all, I was shocked in the first day of training camp that he was going through drills. I didn’t think until January or February, he would be back. Then in January or Feberuary, he’s getting criticized for conditioning, his second jump and that didn’t play like he did a year ago. I’m saying to myself, ‘This is ridiculous. It’s been seven months since major back surgery. He’s way ahead of where I thought he’d be and he’s being criticized. That’s not fair.’”

“The other side of the coin, when you’re on the court, you’re ready to play and the coach looks down the bench. If you’re dressed, you’re ready to play. But to me, that was an injustice. I just felt at that time I should speak my mind.”

With Dwight likely to be healthier next season, how do you envision he will do next year?

“I think he’s going to have a great year next year.”

What qualities does Dwight have that makes you confident that, assuming he comes back to the Lakers, will end his career with a retired Lakers jersey and a statue?

“You’ve been around long enough and watched him play. Look at his numbers and his age. Everything will continue. Knock on wood, he stays healthy. He’ll be in the hall of Fame. There’s no doubt. If he picks up where he let off, he’s going to average 20 points and 14 rebounds and 2 and 3 blocks and he’ll be in the Hall of Fame. He’ll be here for 16 years in this league and there’s no doubt.”
[quote name="L2B"][quote name=""]04, 08 hurt as much as 13, 12, 11, 07, 06, 05, 03, 99, 98, 97......

89, 86, 84......[/quote]Oh gosh CP, stop being such a difficult old geezer and just answer the mans simple question. He wanted to know which one of those 2 specific NBA finals losses hurt more, not if each year that we fail to win a chip hurts the same.

We all know you see every non-championship year the same way.

Now answer his damn question :lol: :smh:[/quote]He did answer the question, though. Just not from a place you operate from. :wink: I don't operate from the same place CP operates from, either, but I understand it. I like it, actually. If we didn't have fans like him, we wouldn't be elite. Front office knows CP exists... by the thousands... and they do what they do to keep us as elite as possible.
I understand. I appreciate CP's existence just as much as you do.

But he knew perfectly well what he was doing by answering the question that way :lol:

I don't mind his message, like I said I know how he feels. Every year without a chip is a year of failure. I like it, I dig it, cool. Laker fans like him put more pressure on our front office to keep our team elite. Got it.

I just wanted him to actually answer that one specific question that was asked. The answer can only be 04' or 08'. There is no "all of the above" or "none of the above" as options.


Which one of those upset him more? One hurt more than the other, even if by the SLIMMEST margin. One did. He can lie and say that after those finals he felt the same pain he has felt after ever losing season since he was born in 1957, but it's not true.

I want him to answer the question honestly, and I refuse to be productive and live my life until he does!
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Nah, bro... you ain't got it yet. :lol:

The one that hurt him the most? The one where we weren't 1st. :lol: That one.

Some people... don't drink coffee. So if I ask them "No, you HAVE to tell me which is worst: a peppermint mocha or a cinnamon mocha," they can't answer. They don't operate from the same place that you do.

For me, 08 hurt worse, and I can explain why. But him?

You cant force him to think our way, and then answer. you'll have just as difficult a time asking a vegetarian to pick their least favorite between two of your least favorite delis.
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04'... I really wanted the mailman to chip and retire. Also felt Shaq bs'd through that finals series b/c he wasn't ready to let Kobe lead the squad. Then he leaves and wins a ring as d wade's sidekick cheesing and d riding :smh: :smh: :smh:
There is no one or the other. Not even close.

Every year without Figueroa pisses me off like no other. Pick a year, it don't matter to me. If we didn't have floats with tall men standing on them waving to crowds, it hurts.

Same as all the other years.

There is no better, worse, more, less painful. They all suck. They all hurt.

Have 3 kids, then speak which one you like the best, and which you like the least. It's not possible. Even if it's "reasonable" cuz one is a straight A student, and the other is a crook, don't matter, both are your child.

All those lost years, are those children. We have a lot of ******g children that didn't get to wave at those floats. :smh:
'04 was really, really hard, but I can't believe ANY of you would put losing to the Celtics in the Finals behind losing to the Pistons. The '08 team felt like a team of destiny and our only rivals in the league stole the dream from us.

I will never forget that.
Like, what if you don't trust Dwight (and his back) moving forward and he really likes the Warriors. Do you ask for Bogut, Rush and Thompson in a sign-and-trade?
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