* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by h3at23

If it's true the Wade is on the fence because the Heat got rid of everybody, I'ma burn his house myself. Thee ONLY reason Riles gutted the roster was to make Wade happy & get him the players that Wade asked for.

Other top notch players will NOT commit to the Heat if they see Wade being noncommittal to the Heat.

I feels what you saying h3at, but everyone seems to wonder what possible way riles can fill up the roster and surround 3 max players with 8-9 role players. There really won't be any money to go around if let's say bron, bosh, and wade play together.

Miami needs to get off of this 3 max player kick their on, and focus all energy and efforts to getting Wade/Bosh, and using the remaining cash to find the pieces (i.e. role players) to fill out that depleted roster.
[h1] [/h1]

Ball Don't Lie

Sat Jul 03 10:25am PDT
[h2]Chicago is daring LeBron James to play for the Bulls

Right as the clock struck 12:01 am ET on Thursday morning, officially starting this summer's free agency bonanza, LeBron James(notes) received three things — several phone calls from interested teams, a knock on his door and a mysterious package. Since the package was mysterious, no one knew what it contained. But now that we're a few days past the start of the offseason signing period, someone has to take credit for the move.

[Photos: LeBron's recruitment tour]

As it turns out, the package James received was from Chicago. And as it turns out, it was the final piece in a week long marketing initiative by the Chicago-based Leo Burnett Worldwide ad agency. From the Chicago Tribune's Steve Johnson:
"LeBron, the fans of Chicago have a question for you," reads the two-page ad that ran in Thursday's Akron Beacon Journal, James' hometown paper. "Can you cast a shadow this big?"

The image is of an outline that looks a lot like Michael Jordan's, in the iconic, ball-in-one-hand pose, spread out over the Chicago cityscape. Dreamed up by sports-loving ad guys at the city's Leo Burnett agency and paid for by Burnett, it was the culmination of a four-day campaign featuring a fresh challenge each day. [...]

So Monday, they sent to his house the classic red, white and black Air Jordans and asked if he could fill those shoes. Tuesday it was a case featuring seven empty ring boxes, representing one more championship than Jordan won here, and the question, "Can you fill these boxes?"

Wednesday was a mock-up of a Chicago Tribune 10 years hence - still going strong, by the way - and the headline "Sweet Throne, Chicago: With Title No. 7, It's Officially King James' Court."

Bold. I mean, wowsers, you guys. Flaunting Chicago and Michael Jordan's legacy in James' hometown is about as direct as you can be when addressing what many see as James' biggest hurdle when considering signing with the Bulls. No use beating around the bush, I guess. Readily acknowledging that LeBron would have a lot of work to do to catch Jordan is playing to James' competitive side, and doing that would be just the kind of thing that would set Jordan off. I think that's irony, but I'm not a big Alanis Morissette fan.

It feels like this move might tell us a little bit about what LeBron is really after and whether or not he's willing to intentionally position himself against the greatest player of all-time. At the very least, it's a pretty cool campaign — Don Draper would be proud — and LeBron got a pair of awesome shoes. I think that makes him the big winner in all of this.


The pic along with the messege is too dope
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

That so goddamn SICK.

If you referring to the pic JA, i completely agree 
 talk about pressure. Instead trying to lure him to the chi, they might actually be scaring him off
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

That so goddamn cheesy.

fixed for you. if i were lebron that alone would have made me say [cartman]screw you guys im going home[cartman]
Talk about a botched presentation the hell was Chicago thinking. Thats how they started off? Chappelle needs to make a when keeping it real goes wrong skit for this. Lebron is my dude and all, he's not cut from that cloth, no way he wants to try and live up to that..he wants his own "brand."
Originally Posted by NobleKane

JapanAir21 wrote:

That so goddamn cheesy.

fixed for you. if i were lebron that alone would have made me say [cartman]screw you guys im going home[cartman]

I cosign with my man NobleKane
[h1]Houston Meets With Brad Miller[/h1]

Jul 02, 2010 7:26 AM EST

Rockets general manager Daryl Morey met with free agent center Brad Miller on Thursday.

Miller could be a potential backup to Yao Ming in Houston.

The center had dinner with Rockets coach Rick Adelman, who he played under in Sacramento.

"We've talked conceptually," said Mark Bartlestein, Miller's agent. "We've talked about the concept of what we want to do.

"(Miller's history with Adelman) definitely plays a role. He has great respect for Rick.

"I think (the meeting) is Rick trying to talk about vision, talk about Brad and his role there.

"Anything can happen fast, sure. I don't know, we'll see. Let them get through the night and then Daryl and I will talk, tomorrow."

Miller also met with the Cavaliers.

Read more: http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_a...houston_meets_with_brad_miller/#ixzz0sfFJNCpt
I don't know, I can see LeBron being stoked to try and fill those shoes.

LBJ's appreciation for MJ...

What a way to honor the man.

Imagine the first Chicago game, LBJ rocking the I's in a Chicago jersey?


If the Jordans are cheesy, what the hell are episodes of Family Guy and The Sopranos?

That's way cheesier, IMO.
[/td][td] Paul Pierce-G/F-Celtics[/td][td]Jul. 3 - 7:25 pm et[/td][/tr][/table][/td][td]
[/td][td]Paul Pierce's new contract with the Celtics is reportedly a four-year deal worth $61 million.

Thisis a solid deal for the Celtics -- $15 million per year is well belowthe max allowable amount and Pierce, at 32, still has plenty of gas inthe tank. It does put the Cs in precarious financial position, however,as re-signing Ray Allen will almost guarantee that they'll be over thesalary cap until KG's deal expires after the 2011-12 season.
Unless he gets a great offer from Chicago or another team looking for a SG, I think with Doc and Pierce coming back Ray will also return for probably a 2 yr deal with a club option for a third.
What are the odds that Ray Allen doesn't resign??

I would be more concerned about re-signing Tony Allen and a viable replacement for Sheed.

Hell, they have plenty of holes to fill. As it stands, this is all they have:

That wasn't the Bulls presentation at all, that whole package was created by Leo Burnett whos an advertising executive in the Chi.....The Chicago Bulls had nothing do with that so why does everyone keep saying "the bulls" %%+!@# up?

I actually read the bulls went in there with nothing just straight face to face talk.
right to the point!
Originally Posted by ChiTownRivera07

That wasn't the Bulls presentation at all, that whole package was created by Leo Burnett whos an advertising executive in the Chi.....The Chicago Bulls had nothing do with that so why does everyone keep saying "the bulls" @@!%*! up?

I actually read the bulls went in there with nothing just straight face to face talk.
right to the point!

In that case Leo Burnett is $@%@##* !*$% up for the Bulls
Joe Johnson will make his decision within 24 hours and barring a major change, will remain of Atlanta.

Barring a major change? Just take your 120M and call it a day already
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