Official Warriors Offseason Thread --> PLEASE LOCK.

Damn, brutal schedule.

But be happy you're working. Any work is good work these days.
So Damon Bruce dropped a HUGE bit of news on his radio show yesterday, that I am SHOCKED hasnt been discussed in here....and frankly I couldnt be more pissed off about the news.

Damon said Larry Ellison has announced that he will NOT be making an offer to buy the Warriors. Great. **+@*@% great.
dland, settle down and smoke a joint. Old angry *+# dude...

He won't be participating in this PART of the bidding, because, frankly, he's rich as %+@! and why should he?

I could submit a bid during this first round.

All this is doing, within this stage is, identifying people and value's. Larry gave his offer in January. Now it's up to the 24 Hour Fitness guy, the 20%'ers and others to see if they want to compete with $315M.

I'd imagine when it's down to 1-3 serious contenders, he'll give an offer, or refer back to January's depending on the valuation.
[h2]Warriors’ bid primer: Ellison’s still the No. 1 player, even if he sits out first stage[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on May 17th, 2010 at 9:05 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

Noshock to Larry Ellison, but Ellison very much remains the lead dog inthe Warriors’ sale process, even if Ellison at this point may notactually be involved in the sale process.

First off, though I’ve not specifically heard from any independentsource that Ellison is choosing to sit out the first stage of thebidding process, I believe that he  is, indeed, staying away from a bidright now.

The initial bids were due to come into the broker/auctioneer handling the sale today (the story from Ric Bucher’s reporting)…

And everything I’ve heard concurs with what the NY Daily Newsreported Sunday–chatter among the financial community is that Ellisonalmost certainly will not put in an offer to Galatioto Sports Partners.

That doesn’t matter. You think Cohan and Galatioto (and Stern) willcross out Ellison–one of the five richest men in the world, someone whoalready bid for the team last July–just because he’s not involved inthis early stage?

No chance. They will check with Ellison every step of the way,hoping and praying he comes up with a magic number, or at least anumber that tops the highest remaining legitimate offer.

And, according to several sources, we probably have at least a monthand probably more than that to go, even if Ellison remains out of thenegotiations.

Or, as another source said: This’ll be an “elongated process
Thank you guys for calming me down.
I was only repeating what Damon said yesterday, and I didnt see any news in here. Whewww.

And lazy I swear I am not normally a negative or angry person. Our bay area sports have made me like this.
Originally Posted by dland24

Thank you guys for calming me down.
I was only repeating what Damon said yesterday, and I didnt see any news in here. Whewww.

And lazy I swear I am not normally a negative or angry person. Our bay area sports have made me like this.
I hear you and like most of, we all want the sale, so even the notion of a billionaire withdrawing could be detrimental to the W's future.

Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

How about your job search? How's that going?


What's the deal?
It sounded like you mistaken me for Acid (not trying to attack you, Acid). I was completely blindsided by your comment.

I thought we were friends...
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by daprescription

feels good to be back
, nearly died
From what? Your broken arm?
I had some bleeding in my brain back when i turned 9.  They stopped it and it started again in the middle on April.  I think I fell into a coma for almost a month and had to have then stop the bleeding again
.  I'm finally home, so it feels good although my eyesight isn't that great right now
Originally Posted by Andrew630

It sounded like you mistaken me for Acid (not trying to attack you, Acid). I was completely blindsided by your comment.

I thought we were friends...

Damn, I think you're right.  Maybe I was mad at you because I don't think you responded to my question back on page 7. My bizzle.

Prediction: Pick 5
Hope: 2

Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by daprescription

feels good to be back
, nearly died
From what? Your broken arm?
Ihad some bleeding in my brain back when i turned 9.  They stopped itand it started again in the middle on April.  I think I fell into acoma for almost a month and had to have then stop the bleeding again
.  I'm finally home, so it feels good although my eyesight isn't that great right now
Wow. Glad you're doing better fam.  Continue to get well.
I have a feeling y'all are going to move up and us back because of that ishhh I talked back in March 
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Oh yea, and just a quick update to anyone who cares.

Ya boy is a working man now. I love the S.F. financial district. I will be working for the next year and probably reapply to law school for the 2010 cycle. I was pretty sad for a whole five minutes when I got rejected from Santa Clara. Hopefully relevant job experience will revamp my application next year. Woot.

Lazy, did you take your LSATs yet?
The Financial District is like 2 blocks out here.
What do you mean re-apply? You didn't get in where you wanted?
I haven't taken the LSAT yet, June 7th is when I'm sitting, but I'm going planning for Fall 2011 enrollment.   Damn, I hope I get into a me shook at thinking I just wasted part of my weekend by reading 450 pages.  How many schools did you apply to?
If you're still wondering who the Allison chick is. She's this hot broad on The Community.

I got rejected from Hastings and Santa Clara (and a few more top 10 schools that I had no shot at). I got into Penn State, St. Louis Uni, Oregon, waitlisted at Minnesota, USF, other east coast schools, and a few more tier 2s (I only applied to that many east coast schools because I got a fee waiver). I probably only got into those east coast schools because I'm considered an underrepresented minority to them, but I didn't get any scholarships, so I didn't bother. I might reapply for Fall 2011, but now I'm having second thoughts because of the opportunities that my present itself through my new job (i don't make too much but this company has a bright future and i think the higher ups really like me).

I hope we're still friends.
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