Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Originally Posted by Dr 715

There's a slight chance Love's lack of athleticism might cause him to slip to 14
After seeing that, no way should I see the following ...

which is perfect for the Warriors' style
No matter how well Love passes and shoots, his lack of athleticism hinders the Warriors style of play.

I really don't want Love, from the reasons given up top. I still see dude as a very overrated passer and "big man", the fact dude can shootthrees is the only reason why he's being connected to the W's.

as for getting Marion, I'm definitely all for it but it might take away some of Wright's PT even more. no doubt Nelly will stick Marion in the 4 anddon't think he'll want to use Wright as the 5 and stick Harrington in.

I still don't know who they should get at 14 but really though, no more big men projects please
Originally Posted by acidicality

it's only a joke. JapanAir21 once stated Al was our 2nd best player so we never let him forget that.

sorry I haven't kept up with the post.
Now I don't watch college basketball but I do know Kevin Love... He would be a horrible "fit" in the Warriors offense. Dude lacks athleticism andspeed, two vital attributes you need for this style of play. Now why Mullin and the Warriors front office is crazy about Kevin Love is
He'll grab boards, he can shoot the three, and he get can down low. I don't see what's not to like about him if you're the Warriors, I mean Iunderstand he wasn't athletic, but was Troy Murphy? Not necessarily, but he was effective.

He's not attractive in the means that he's not athletic, but when you look at Duncan, do you think athletic, fast player? What about Steve Nash? He hasAVERAGE speed and is not that athletic, nimble, but not athletic. If I were a Warriors fan (or if the Mavericks had the 14th pick), I wouldn't mind gettingLove. I honestly don't think he'll slip that far down though. He has drawn interest all year, and for him to slip to 14, it's possibly, but notlikely.
Our offense when we had Troy Murphy isn't like the offense we have now. That's why Murphy was "effective" then but when Nellie came over,Murphy struggled.

You're naming Duncan, ok. Duncan has his offense revolve around him. Plus they're a half court team. You're naming Nash, ok. Nash is a guard. Loveis a forward. There's a difference. The Warriors should know we need an athletic big man.

And you're putting Love in the company of Duncan and Nash... Love hasn't really done anything to be compared to those two players. Plus Love'sskill set isn't like Duncan or Nash.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

He'll grab boards, he can shoot the three, and he get can down low. I don't see what's not to like about him if you're the Warriors, I mean I understand he wasn't athletic, but was Troy Murphy? Not necessarily, but he was effective.

He's not attractive in the means that he's not athletic, but when you look at Duncan, do you think athletic, fast player? What about Steve Nash? He has AVERAGE speed and is not that athletic, nimble, but not athletic. If I were a Warriors fan (or if the Mavericks had the 14th pick), I wouldn't mind getting Love. I honestly don't think he'll slip that far down though. He has drawn interest all year, and for him to slip to 14, it's possibly, but not likely.

Just stop talking.

Trop Murphy fit because the Warriors weren't running up and down the floor.

Don't you dare compare Kevin Love to Duncan ... And Steve Nash is average athletically? He's not young but he's a freak athlete.
I'm 50/50 on Love. He's definitely too slow for our offense, but that conditioning stuff can be improved if he puts in the work. And Nellie will lovehim because he can shoot from outside

IMO, he's not going to be a star. But he can be a solid big man on the right team. Kawasaki seems to like him as well; he has many positives that can helpus, but of course, the biggest concern is a huge one. However, what's encouraging is that supposedly he's lost weight since working out for the draftand stuff like that.

Either way, I don't think we can get him anyway since Minnesota really wants him for some reason.
Darrell Arthur, Brandon Rush....or we just hope someone slips and falls into our lap.

And I'd love Marion too. I'd love Beasley as well. Or Eric Gordon/OJ Mayo.
Enh, wishful thinking
I think Love could work. Not everyone on the warriors is athletic. Jax for one is not very athletic, but he plays defense and knocks down big shots. ChrisMullin (RUN TMC) was not athletic yet still thrived in Nelson's system. In the end we need a bruiser down low and Love might be the best at that in thisdraft. The warriors can't run for 48 minutes a night, 82 games per season, not including playoffs. They've proven that already. This style of playis very fun to watch but it's never produced championships. In the end that's the ultimate goal for every franchise and it's fans. We foundsomething that works, now let's try to refine it. Why not add a few pieces to make them a more well rounded basketball team. We need bullies down low. Ican't see us trading up for Love, but I hope it does happen. As far as #14 goes... We need a back up PG. If Augustin is there I say we draft him. Let's not throw away that pick for Wilcox. Wilcox/Watson for Harrington/#14 is a horrible deal on our end, but hey this is all just my opinion.
Jax for one is not very athletic, but he plays defense and knocks down big shots.
for the first quarter of the season. then he resulted to silly reaching to solve his defensive woes.

i'm willing to take Love. as i said before i don't mind the guy. we've been talking about the long term, how to handle the team after next yearwhen Nellie is gone. I think Love would fit. i know one thing, he already has a higher basketball IQ than anyone on the team right now.
I guess we have a running team that can't make the playoffs
. Besides, you don't have to worry, Love isn't going to slip to us anyways.
Originally Posted by Dr 715

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

He'll grab boards, he can shoot the three, and he get can down low. I don't see what's not to like about him if you're the Warriors, I mean I understand he wasn't athletic, but was Troy Murphy? Not necessarily, but he was effective.

He's not attractive in the means that he's not athletic, but when you look at Duncan, do you think athletic, fast player? What about Steve Nash? He has AVERAGE speed and is not that athletic, nimble, but not athletic. If I were a Warriors fan (or if the Mavericks had the 14th pick), I wouldn't mind getting Love. I honestly don't think he'll slip that far down though. He has drawn interest all year, and for him to slip to 14, it's possibly, but not likely.

Just stop talking.

Trop Murphy fit because the Warriors weren't running up and down the floor.

Don't you dare compare Kevin Love to Duncan ... And Steve Nash is average athletically? He's not young but he's a freak athlete.

you obviously don't get what I was pointing out. I'm not saying that Troy Murphy fit in this Warriors system, but he did fit into the Warriorsgame. And back then they STILL didn't play miraculous defense.

Is Kevin Love and Duncan both NOT terribly athletic and both NOT very fast? I was not comparing their game, but their physique.

Steve Nash's athletic ability isn't on par with most of the athletic players in the League.

And what exactly do you have to DO to fit into the Warriors system? Kevin Love could be a trailer and make shots, he could REBOUND which is most importantto what's needed. He's not Millsap/Maxiell, but I'm just he could shed some pounds if that's what was asked of him. He could be a sixth man ifanything. Unless you find a real gem, it doesn't look like you'll find a rookie who will get starting minutes as a rook, ESPECIALLY with Nellie.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Why are people comparing Love a PF/C to SG's??
Well i'm talking about athleticism. Love is more athletic than Chris Mullin ever was and he plays the 4. Mullin played a wing position inNelson's running system. My point was that you don't need to be a sprinter to play in the warriors system. We don't have any low post threat.
Nelson says he's returning to Warriors

Press Democrat Staff Columnist

Published: Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 5:17 p.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 5:19 p.m.

First, the news part. Don Nelson is returning to coach the Warriors next season. He informed the Warriors of his decision two weeks ago.

How do I know? Because he told me.

How did he tell me if I'm in California and he's in Maui? I called him, that's how. I called the other day and got his voice message, and he phonedback the next day and dropped the news nugget on me.

In the interest of total disclosure, I must add he subsequently flew to his Oakland penthouse to prepare for the NBA draft. At least, that's what he saidhe was planning to do.

OK, that's the news part of this column, the nuts and bolts lacking nuance and subtlety. If you don't mind, I'd like to start over, take my time,portray in words the character of Nelson.

And believe me, he is a character. I don't mean character as in nut. I mean character as in fascinating, character as in a full personality with lots ofsunny glades but some back alleys that lead, well, who knows where?

So, I'm starting over.

I had his cell number - it starts with a 510 prefix - and I wondered if he was still using it in Maui.

How did I get his number? I asked two years ago when he returned to the Warriors. I routinely ask for numbers. A few weeks ago I asked Mike Montgomery, nowback at Cal, for his cell. And Montgomery, a guy I've known forever, said, "I'm not going to give it to you. You'll call me just when Idon't want to talk to you."

As you can see, getting a phone number is tricky business. I had Nelson's number with the 510 prefix. Was I nervous before pressing the digits? You bet Iwas. I've been doing this job my whole adult life but I still get edgy phoning a famous person. Wouldn't you?

I dialed. Right away, I got the answering message. "Hi, this is Nellie. Please leave a message. Mahalo."

His voice sounded cheerful, bubbly. He was a man at peace. But it wasn't him. It was the voice answerer. I waited for a return call all day - cleaned outthe bag from the vacuum cleaner, re-arranged my sock drawer, stared out the window. No call. No nothing.

The next morning, the phone rang at 9:30 a.m. I rushed to pick up the receiver, but answered trying to sound cool.

"It's Nellie," Nelson said.

Thank God, I thought. Right away, I asked if he's returning to the team and right away he said, "I'm coming back. I decided a couple of weeksago."

I asked if this will be his last season - he's 68.

"I won't make that judgment until the end of the year. I'll see what happens and how I feel."

I stuck with health questions for a while. I asked how he feels now - sports people love to talk about that stuff.

"I feel great," he said. "I'm exercising. I lost 10 pounds. But I'm getting bored."

I was happy to hear his voice. He sounded happy to hear mine. I reminded him that after the Warriors' final game, he acted grumpy at the post-game newssconference and, as he cut things off and left early, he snapped at the media, "I've got bigger fish to fry."

I've always considered myself a small fry, so it didn't hurt my feelings. I asked what the bigger fish were. Nelson laughed.

"Golf and poker and a tee time."

That sounded reasonable.

"Where are you right now?" I asked.

I was setting the scene and Nelson would understand that. Once, years ago, he told me of his insomnia in road hotels, how he lies in bed staring at theblinking red light of the smoke alarm.

"I'm in the office in the back of my house," he said. "I'm drinking my coffee and smoking a cigar."

Note to self: Nelson was smoking a cigar at 6:30 a.m.

He continued with the scene setting. In another life, he could have been a writer.

"I'm in Paia, Maui, a little hippie town. I'm looking out my window at the ocean. We live in two houses. We also have rental properties. We havean acre and a half on the ocean. We also have a commercial building with a coffee shop, a store that sells clothes for surfing, a realtor and a Hawaiian shirtshop. I invested my fortune here. I have five places on the ocean and one up north where I grow coffee and flowers."

Why does he like Maui?

"There aren't many people aware of the NBA here, so that's a good thing. I don't have to sign a lot of autographs. I go about my business.I'm a regular guy. I've been here 15 years. I play poker every other night. It's not a bad life."

Who are his poker pals?

"Willie Nelson lives a mile from me. When he's on island - he isn't on island now - I see him every day. He's got a poker room in his garage.I've got one in my office. And shuffleboard. We play shuffleboard. Woody Harrelson likes shuffleboard and he likes to gamble. Owen Wilson lives threeblocks away."

That's the Paia Rat Pack - Nelson, Nelson, Wilson and Harrelson.

I changed the subject - although it was fun to think about playing cards with those guys, the lapping Pacific in the background. I asked if Baron Davis willreturn next season. I expected Nelson to stonewall.

"Of course, he's coming back," Nelson said.


"He has one year left at $17 million. That'll do it."

I agreed that would do it. I said Nelson never won a championship and probably won't. Does it grieve him?

"I strive for that (a championship). Only one guy can win and sometimes it's the same guy. A lot of the rest of us don't have the opportunity.Part of my career I took bad teams and developed good ones out of them. It's my M.O. It's hard to do what I do.

"Phil (Jackson) went to good teams and made them better. I don't have to coach to win titles. My goal is to get the best out of the team. If they win30 games and they did their best, I'm a happy guy. I'm hired to get them to max out their ability. If they win 22 games, I'm not a happy guy."

We chitchatted a few more moments. He said I should visit him in Maui. Right. And then, because he was in a reflective mood, I said, "How do you want tobe remembered, Don?"

He thought a moment.

"When they write my epitaph, I want it to say - He was a good coach and a good guy." That seemed a suitable end to the conversation.

I said goodbye.

"Mahalo," he said.
Stop it

You guys will not get Sheed
Who are you going to trade Al Harrington? LOL
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Stop it

You guys will not get Sheed
Who are you going to trade Al Harrington? LOL

yup... our 2nd best player

2nd best player of a 48 win team would be pretty good, no?
Harrington, Pietrus and Croshere for Sheed would work.


Take Augustin or Westbrook if he's available.
Sheed, Baron and G Jax, these dudes will have so many pics on drunk athletes if they are together.Them dudes will show Monta even more.
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