Official Warriors Off Season Thread

yup, i actually kinda like the jazz. i hated them when we played them but after we lost i gained hella respect for the team. their fans...not so much, butthe team, hell yeah. that team is built for a championship run and i think they'll be in the Finals by 2010.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

is anyone else rooting for the jazz? I really like how they're built. They're disciplined and they play smart.

but uhmm....i'll still dislike their fans

There's no players you can really root against, they don't have any dirty players, they are fundamentally there, they don't have any boneheads,they all hustle, they're a great team, I stated in the other thread, that other than the Lakers, the Jazz is the only team I don't want to see.
I may catch some heat for this, but I like Deron better than CP3. I know CP3 is definitely the more overall talented player, but Deron Williams is a winner,which is what matters most. To me, he reminds me of Baron without the flash and has much more discipline.

Boozer pushed off last year in the playoffs
Originally Posted by acidicality

I make catch some heat for this, but I like Deron better than CP3. I know CP3 is definitely the more overall talented player, but Deron Williams is a winner, which is what matters most. To me, he reminds me of Baron without the flash and has much more discipline.

Deron > Baron.
If only Baron played at the level he did in the Playoffs. That Baron right there is one of the best in league. This year he couldn't make those samebaskets. Hopefully he plays better next year. Take the ball to the basket more, only shoot threes when you are wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide open, and createmore.
Sadly I don't think he can be at that level unless he's super-motivated. A lot of times he's just lazy and doesn't really try, especially seenin the last few weeks of this season. but who knows, he might have been injured somehow...or just hungover as hell

But the good thing is, isn't he in his contract year next year (if he stays with us and doesn't opt out)?
Originally Posted by acidicality

I may catch some heat for this, but I like Deron better than CP3. I know CP3 is definitely the more overall talented player, but Deron Williams is a winner, which is what matters most. To me, he reminds me of Baron without the flash and has much more discipline.

Boozer pushed off last year in the playoffs

I feel the exact same way, I love Deron's game way more than CP3's. CP3 is flashy, but Deron gets the job done.
It's easier to like Paul more, he's the future posterboy of the NBA. He's a good-looking young man, he plays a style of basketball that attracts topeople who aren't normally big fans of basketball. Not to say that regular fans like me and you can't appreciate what he does, because it is amazing.But for me, I'd rather have a prototypical point guard like Deron Williams.

I may be reaching a bit, but as far as their game goes..

Stockton is to Deron as Paul is to Isiah/Magic.

Now I'm not putting them up there with those three, but their style and the way they play the game.

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Both Williams and Paul are great young PGs. I like both to be honest but I like Paul more.
Paul Is On Tilt
i wonder why...

if Baron took less bad shots (random 3's and other bad shots) and tried to create more for his teammates instead of trying to do everything himselfhe'd be waaaaaay more consistent imo... but CP3 and DDubb are the future of this leauge and this year was their coming out parties imo.
Joe Johnson

Joe Forte

Joe Kleine

Joe Smith

Joe(y) Crawford

Joe Dumas

Thats all I got off the top of my head.
I was going only on topic...

And yes, actually, I am a raider fan (sigh)...
I just got back from Cabo, fill me in on what happened the past week. Can i see the seattle Vs Warriors highlites?
Nothin really happened. I don't think you can even see Seattle vs Warriors highlights cuz it wasn't televised, although you probably don't want tosee the highlights anyway.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Nothin really happened. I don't think you can even see Seattle vs Warriors highlights cuz it wasn't televised, although you probably don't want to see the highlights anyway.

Marco with 17? i want to see that
Also who started that game?
I don't like Paul Milsap all that much
. I haven't seen much of Paul Davis, but even if I did, I don't think I'd be a fan of that guy
. Thename has nothing to do with it
. I like Paul Pierce's and Chris Paul's games.

And acid, you still got Brian Cook, Brian Skinner, and Brian Scalabrine
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