Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.

The taxpayer is screwed regardless. Unemployed people are going to end up receiving unemployment benefits and welfare.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by reigndrop

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.

The taxpayer is screwed regardless. Unemployed people are going to end up receiving unemployment benefits and welfare.

Unemployment benefits and welfare come nowhere close to the money that the banks have gotten so far.
Upwards of $11 trillion.
Can anyone give me any advice on buying gold coins?
(i.e. which coins, half ounce, quarter ounce... etc.)
also... I'd like some info on what to do to protect my CD'S and
savings from inflation...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by reigndrop

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.

The taxpayer is screwed regardless. Unemployed people are going to end up receiving unemployment benefits and welfare.

Unemployment benefits and welfare come nowhere close to the money that the banks have gotten so far.
Upwards of $11 trillion.

Unemployment benefits and welfare increase dramatically when the banks are all allowed to fail at once. In addition to the reduction in tax revenues.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by reigndrop

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.

The taxpayer is screwed regardless. Unemployed people are going to end up receiving unemployment benefits and welfare.

Unemployment benefits and welfare come nowhere close to the money that the banks have gotten so far.
Upwards of $11 trillion.
Which can be translated to be at least $20 trillion. Fractional Reserve Banking
Once this money gets out into the public, there will be almost $44trillion in excess capital
Originally Posted by reigndrop

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.
while i agree that the tax payer is taking the brunt of this rescue package, aren't banks, hedgefunds and SIV's pools of private capital?While the fund managers and prop traders get rich regardless, if they do well couldn't this mean better, safer returns for pension funds, 401k's etc?This should be good for peoples portfolios.(In theory

BTW if you guys are really into investing and want great insight into the market in real time, i'd recommed signing up for they have agreat free service to speak with other investors about how they see the market. In addition, members are able to build they're reputation in the communitythrough a track record of sound advice. this way Joe Shmoe's who know nothing don't drown out good information.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for stocktwits.
Any one recommend any books to learn more about the stock market, for beginners. I really want to learn the terminology and ideas behind buying and selling. Iwas thinkin Stock Investing for Dummies, but im not sure..any recommendations?
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by reigndrop

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.

The taxpayer is screwed regardless. Unemployed people are going to end up receiving unemployment benefits and welfare.

Unemployment benefits and welfare come nowhere close to the money that the banks have gotten so far.
Upwards of $11 trillion.

Unemployment benefits and welfare increase dramatically when the banks are all allowed to fail at once. In addition to the reduction in tax revenues.
All fail at once?
Not all banks are insolvent. A great number of the major banks are insolvent but there would still be a banking system if the pos ones were allowed to go. BAC(as well as USB) would be the biggest solvent bank if that idiot Lewis wasn't bamboozled and blackmailed into acquiring Merryl. Honestly the shareholdersshould press criminal charges on Lewis, Bernanke, Geithner, and Paulson for that.

Furthermore, the banks are now being payed to store the liquidity that they were given by the Fed. How do you likethat for tax revenues.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by cguy610

Unemployment benefits and welfare increase dramatically when the banks are all allowed to fail at once. In addition to the reduction in tax revenues.
All fail at once?
Not all banks are insolvent. A great number of the major banks are insolvent but there would still be a banking system if the pos ones were allowed to go. BAC (as well as USB) would be the biggest solvent bank if that idiot Lewis wasn't bamboozled and blackmailed into acquiring Merryl. Honestly the shareholders should press criminal charges on Lewis, Bernanke, and Paulson for that.

Furthermore, the banks are now being payed to store the liquidity that they were given by the Fed. How do you like that for tax revenues.

the banks = a great number of banks. I would have said all banks if I meant all banks.

Regardless, the government ends up picking up the tab through all the safety nets. Do you disagree?
Originally Posted by andycrazn

there was a correction on gold today hopefully it drops more. copped a krugerrand for 900 today! gonna try to get more at this price

Gold and Silver should get decimated here.
Somewhere in the low 700's...maybe even 650 gold. Silver should wind up around $8.
Wait for that move to buy or a decisive move above 1k. In the long run ( talkign years here) they should do very well.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by cguy610

Unemployment benefits and welfare increase dramatically when the banks are all allowed to fail at once. In addition to the reduction in tax revenues.
All fail at once?
Not all banks are insolvent. A great number of the major banks are insolvent but there would still be a banking system if the pos ones were allowed to go. BAC (as well as USB) would be the biggest solvent bank if that idiot Lewis wasn't bamboozled and blackmailed into acquiring Merryl. Honestly the shareholders should press criminal charges on Lewis, Bernanke, and Paulson for that.

Furthermore, the banks are now being payed to store the liquidity that they were given by the Fed. How do you like that for tax revenues.

the banks = a great number of banks. I would have said all banks if I meant all banks.

Regardless, the government ends up picking up the tab through all the safety nets. Do you disagree?
Let's see.
Picking up the tab while robbing the taxpayers and burdening them with that so a select few can enrich themselves and escape this corrective action.


Picking up the tab while benefiting the greatest number of people, albeit still burdening them with debt.

With all things being equal why is it ok to go along the "enriching the select few and aiding them in avoiding this corrective action" part?
If you're going to be burdened with debt would it be "only right" if that was through your own action and not because, say, your cc was handed toa stranger who didn't give a $+@% about you?
I don't follow GS because there's too much that goes on with them (ie - shady) but when the hell did they get $100+?? They were at ~$74 on 3.9.Isn't that like a 50% increase over the last two weeks??
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Originally Posted by reigndrop

BTW, the taxpayer is sooooooo screwed in regards to this bank plan. Sooooooooo many loopholes, especially if banks and funds work in tandem with each other.
while i agree that the tax payer is taking the brunt of this rescue package, aren't banks, hedgefunds and SIV's pools of private capital? While the fund managers and prop traders get rich regardless, if they do well couldn't this mean better, safer returns for pension funds, 401k's etc? This should be good for peoples portfolios.(In theory

BTW if you guys are really into investing and want great insight into the market in real time, i'd recommed signing up for they have a great free service to speak with other investors about how they see the market. In addition, members are able to build they're reputation in the community through a track record of sound advice. this way Joe Shmoe's who know nothing don't drown out good information.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for stocktwits.
When the banks/funds only put in 5-10% of the capital into a certain asset/CDO and taxpayers guarantee the rest, that's bad. If the assets gosour, banks/funds will lose only the 5-10% while the taxpayers pick up the tab for rest. Losing 5-10% is something ALL banks would gladly lose to dump assetsupon somebody else.

This plan is good in theory, but theory can't dispel human psychology. If banks aren't allowed to bid on their own assets, them and other funds willbe propping up prices for each other to minimize each other's losses.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't follow GS because there's too much that goes on with them (ie - shady) but when the hell did they get $100+?? They were at ~$74 on 3.9. Isn't that like a 50% increase over the last two weeks??

Man this thread is dying down..sad...where are all the quality posters (DKY?)

Anyway anyone else trying to play SRS? Even tho its an ETF, looks like its barely ever gone below 50 so looks like a buy @ 52. Just waiting for a slide inbanks/REITs so I can do well here..
Man I knew QE was going to fail but I didnt think it would fail this fast.

UK already had a failed bond auction and the bid ask spread on 10 years is a steady rising ( it got to 7 points in the UK last i heard)

People on CNBC calling the action "funny" when if you had a clue you would realize this is exactly what would happen. No one wants to buy overpricedbonds you idiots the government has admitted they are over priced and will continue to be because they are going to buy them.
Bernanke is a genius...dollar down who is surprised? China calling for a newreserve currency, who is surprised?

And a heads up, 805 is the bottom of the 10 year double top looking formation for the S&P. It has to stay above that for this rally to have long legs. Mepersonally? If it doesnt close above it today I am exiting my 1 long position.

The markets have never been propped up/manipulated to this extent.

How much do you want to +%%#$#! bet that the housing starts, home sales, and durable goods data get heavy revisions next month after the rally ends? just likeJanuary got huge revisions. They have completely lost all shame and are manipulating outright in the open. They are getting very bold..
Futures up 50 points, quite impressive this early. For all you bears, don't move against the market, move with it, just don't get too caught up longwhen this all reverses.
Banks not rallying?

They are changing mark to market April 1st could signal the end of the pump and dump of the century
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