I cashed out of DXPE near the high. Would like to see it get near $44 and I'd get back in.
As it stands, we are entering oversold territory. But lower BB is 43.34, so there is still the potential for a much better entry position. I'm looking at November 45 calls.
I looked over their FS and assuming they grow scale of economies from their acquisitions, there's room for good constant returns from each business segment. That being said, I feel around $44, I'm comfortable with the outlay because I feel a price target in the next quarter or two would be around $50. I'm fine with returns of 8% or greater. YTD I'm up 5.88%, so I'd like to incrementally improve that so I look to set my stops after I'm at my floor.
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My day trading foray is almost over anyways. I go back to work Monday for two months straight. I've ended up coming out pretty flat.
I have a little bit of cash that I will deploy only if AAPL hits the lower Bollinger Band on the daily chart. Look at the charts. That's a pretty sure thing for a bounce. If that happens, I'll jump into LEAPS and ride the wave up.
I also started watching DXPE again.

It's better than losing money. My investments have been down over the past 3-4 months
Been riding Nokia for 2 years and dumped it a week before it breaks out :lol:

Hoping for a dip to get back a position before Nokia World on the 5th.
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I'm not exactly sure why you are happy, none of this is good for the consumer.

Two questions...

1. What driving factor is there for a company to innovate new products if other companies can blatantly rip them off without repercussion?
2. How does innovation even come about if companies decide to copy the leader, instead of coming up with their own innovation?

This is a win for the consumer. Hands down.

More importantly, it's a win for me. I couldn't give a damn about how the "consumer" feels provided they keep buying Apple products.
In an update posted on LinkedIn, Al Sabawi, a former I.B.M. executive and founder of Quantopix, a software company, said Samsung deserved to lose.

To all the lazy copycats out there who think cutting and pasting is an intellectual achievement, that hard work, sweat and tears don’t matter, that ideas, designs, and innovations can be stolen willy-nilly with no consequences: This is to you.
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Two questions...
1. What driving factor is there for a company to innovate new products if other companies can blatantly rip them off without repercussion?
2. How does innovation even come about if companies decide to copy the leader, instead of coming up with their own innovation?
This is a win for the consumer. Hands down.
More importantly, it's a win for me. I couldn't give a damn about how the "consumer" feels provided they keep buying Apple products.

1. Yes I understand that patents are supposed to stimulate innovation.:rolleyes

Apples trade dress to me seems incredibly broad, the litmus test for trade dress infringement is confusion, samsung is the biggest consumer electronic manufacturer in the world, they make everything from tv's to dishwasher the idea that people were tricked into believing that any of the phones mentioned were the iphone. This completely ignores any brand equity samsung has built with consumers.

Apple having did innovate with a black rectangle, nor did it innovate with a grid of icons, that to me is not innovation but simply abuse of a broken patent system. I thought samsung did a good job of demonstrating prior art in all of these cases, products existed with similar physical and interface ideas, same with pinch to zoom, the bounce back is the only patent that seems legit to me.

Apple owning black rectangles with grids of icons is bad for innovation, the patents are too broad.

I think they copied, but i don't think that samsung now owns all rectangles with capacitive touch screens.

I wasn't aware you were a share holder so yeah for you good for the rest of us no.

Im not even sure how good it is for you, this is really a referendum on samsungs dumb skins, which have evolved past apple copycat status.

Also the idea that they didn't find a single, one of samsung pantest infringed upon? the 3g standard? crazy sounds to me the jury just decided that samsung was wrong and we won't give them ****.
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Apple also pointed to testimony from one of Samsung’s designers on how they worked grueling hours, night and day, to develop the Galaxy S’s design. Apple said it spent four years, from 2003 to 2007, developing and honing the iPhone’s design. The design period for the Galaxy S was three months.

“In those three months, Samsung was able to copy and incorporate Apple’s four-year investment in handwork and ingenuity without taking any of the risks because they were copying the world’s most successful product,” McElhinny told jurors.

The internal memo comparing the Galaxy S to the iPhone.


Click the link for the whole memo.
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he has a point....

Do you guys think the market will remain to stay bullish? or is it back to the bears once again...?
he has a point....
Do you guys think the market will remain to stay bullish? or is it back to the bears once again...?

Like I said, the trend overall is up. We might have a few red days here and there for consolidation, but nothing major. One UNLESS, something catastrophic happens. They are holding back any bad news until it is over. Then we can expect hell to break loose next year no matter who is in office. Just my 2 cents, anything is possible. That is just the most likely outcome.
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That Steve Jobs interview is referencing the Xerox PARC situation. PARC had developed some exciting technology that they were keeping secret from everyone. Jobs wanted to see it, so he offered up an IPO stake for Xerox. PARC's engineers had to reluctantly show Jobs and two of his engineers what they had developed. It was what I believe to be the first mouse controlled PC with a UI that included icons and windows.

Jobs told his guys to take what they had, but make it better and cheaper. Xerox's PC went on sale a couple of years later and bombed. Apple would later release the Lisa and Macintosh, using what they saw at Xerox as inspiration.

Here's a great link:

To say he stole depends on your interpretation of the word.
he has a point....
Do you guys think the market will remain to stay bullish? or is it back to the bears once again...?

Like I said, the trend overall is up. We might have a few red days here and there for consolidation, but nothing major. One UNLESS, something catastrophic happens. They are holding back any bad news until it is over. Then we can expect hell to break loose next year no matter who is in office. Just my 2 cents, anything is possible. That is just the most likely outcome.

plus Fed done cocked the QE3 bullet into the chamber... markets will feed off that ...
yeah, thats what I thought of.
Although parallel to that in the states, Europe situation isn't too reassuring.
plus Fed done cocked the QE3 bullet into the chamber... markets will feed off that ...

Perhaps, but it depends. It really depends what it is. The luster of them doing something has warn off by this point.

Europe and China are bigger impacts to the market as a whole because of this being an election year. Too many unknowns, which makes for no traction.
DXPE creeping toward that lower daily BB. Now sitting at 44.03. Closing price today 45.97. Oversold territory three days running.
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