aapl and goog are too crazy. wonder IF they will ever fall back under $ 600.

yea whats up with dxpe?

and what are you guys thoughts on gene for the long run? liking its short pop here and there.
i got greedy hoping apple would fall under 500 on the last pullback when it got to like 530 and that just never happened. such a beast.
AAPL wants to go higher IMO. There is still some room to fall. The powers that be are trying to shake out the weak hands.
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Bump. I've been working almost 80 hours a week the last two weeks. Thus my absence. I'm awaiting the pullback on AAPL. DITM calls versus call spreads aiming for doubles 6 months out. We'll see.
Bump. I've been working almost 80 hours a week the last two weeks. Thus my absence. I'm awaiting the pullback on AAPL. DITM calls versus call spreads aiming for doubles 6 months out. We'll see.

Everyone thinks sell the news is the play. I beg to differ. Looks like a squeeze just waiting to happen. :D
im gonna have a nice chunk of cash becoming available this week. thinking about maybe jumping into pcln. you think 700 is possible?
im gonna have a nice chunk of cash becoming available this week. thinking about maybe jumping into pcln. you think 700 is possible?

PCLN wants to go higher, 640 is the next strong resistance. The market is going to rally into elections unless something like Sept 11 happens. We might have a dip here and there, but there shouldn't be a major correction. So the high flyers like GOOG, PCLN, AAPL have to run. Keep an eye on AMZN, LNKD, ISRG, and CMG.
Any value investors in here :nerd:

Do any of you actually value companies that you invest in ?

Just curious.

Any Financial analyst or equity research analyst or investment banking analyst in here cause I could use some career advice.
There's the pullback in appl..

As for valuing companies...I mean, are you talking full blown DCF models? No, I don't do that. I do look for value, in the sense of reading their FS and understanding the company and then seeing if their stock price is a value in a range from 3-12months.

I don't trade, per se, much like some others do here. I look for good yield generally built into a dividend play.
Damn.. AAPL Pullback hurt my feelings a bit,.. it was getting close to where I was going to sell off for some profits.. oh well I might go long now with it in my TFSA and might buy some on this pullback for margin account.
There's the pullback in appl..

As for valuing companies...I mean, are you talking full blown DCF models? No, I don't do that. I do look for value, in the sense of reading their FS and understanding the company and then seeing if their stock price is a value in a range from 3-12months.

I don't trade, per se, much like some others do here. I look for good yield generally built into a dividend play.

What do you mean with "if their stock price is a value in a range from 3-12months."
If the dividend yield and stock appreciation will net me my desired return within 3-12 months.

The return and timeline for me is contingent on industry, company FS, my entry price and comps.

For example - I'm willing to ride The Gap for another quarter because I like their business plan (reducing sq ft, no huge European exposure) and back to school numbers are supposed to be fair.

Couple that with where I bought in (I'm up 6%) I'm hoping to realize gains of 9% and be out.
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Only 9%.

I prefer to invest for a long period and gain 50%. I like to invest in small cap firms.

I found a company that has 12 million in CASH but only 9.4 million share holders and is priced $1.26 No long term debt either. But I am having doubts to invest in it. :smh: I feel like it is too good to be true. BSPM
If the dividend yield and stock appreciation will net me my desired return within 3-12 months.

The return and timeline for me is contingent on industry, company FS, my entry price and comps.

For example - I'm willing to ride The Gap for another quarter because I like their business plan (reducing sq ft, no huge European exposure) and back to school numbers are supposed to be fair.

Couple that with where I bought in (I'm up 6%) I'm hoping to realize gains of 9% and be out.

I would also take a look at FL because they already have a 50%+ gain for the year and Q3 and Q4 look to follow the trend with growth in sales. :smokin
Only 9%.
I prefer to invest for a long period and gain 50%. I like to invest in small cap firms.
I found a company that has 12 million in CASH but only 9.4 million share holders and is priced $1.26 No long term debt either. But I am having doubts to invest in it. :smh: I feel like it is too good to be true. BSPM

Companies trading below "book" today are often terrible companies or frauds.
Only 9%.
I prefer to invest for a long period and gain 50%. I like to invest in small cap firms.
I found a company that has 12 million in CASH but only 9.4 million share holders and is priced $1.26 No long term debt either. But I am having doubts to invest in it. :smh: I feel like it is too good to be true. BSPM

ONLY 9%? :lol: I think if I can constantly realize gains above 5%, I'll be ok. Through 8/31 I'm YTD 9.65%. Again, I'm not a trader like some other folks in this thread so it is what it is.

My worst position, in terms of unrealized loss, is FTE, but given their dividend after w/h tax I'm still cranking some solid yield.

As I've mentioned before in here, one of my most successful clients focuses on small cap, undervalued companies. They do a ton of due dilligence and accumulate a big position in the company. Their portfolio is fairly small,
Only 9%.
I prefer to invest for a long period and gain 50%. I like to invest in small cap firms.
I found a company that has 12 million in CASH but only 9.4 million share holders and is priced $1.26 No long term debt either. But I am having doubts to invest in it. :smh: I feel like it is too good to be true. BSPM

ONLY 9%? :lol: I think if I can constantly realize gains above 5%, I'll be ok. Through 8/31 I'm YTD 9.65%. Again, I'm not a trader like some other folks in this thread so it is what it is.

My worst position, in terms of unrealized loss, is FTE, but given their dividend after w/h tax I'm still cranking some solid yield.

As I've mentioned before in here, one of my most successful clients focuses on small cap, undervalued companies. They do a ton of due dilligence and accumulate a big position in the company. Their portfolio is fairly small,
Only 9%.
I prefer to invest for a long period and gain 50%. I like to invest in small cap firms.
I found a company that has 12 million in CASH but only 9.4 million share holders and is priced $1.26 No long term debt either. But I am having doubts to invest in it. :smh: I feel like it is too good to be true. BSPM

Companies trading below "book" today are often terrible companies or frauds.

I see your point but they do have sales and file with the sec and mangement has a large stake in The company. .
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