As for me, I'm in The Gap, currently up 5%.
Looking to get out of DXPE (thanks DaJoka) soon, currently up 10.2%
Nice. I'm still waiting for a pullback (if it comes).

AAPL approaching a new ATH.

641.35 is the ATH adjusted for the dividend. We might get it, but I think we'll see a pullback before we can sustain that level.
AAPL was too expensive for me and took up too much of my capital. I will look into some of their options though in Q4.

Very, very happy with my Gap (GPS) play...I like what they're doing, haven't combed through their newest FS, just the highlights but did spend some time reading last quarters. Will probably hold this through the end of the year, but now I'm upping my stop. Already up 8% in 2 weeks.

DXPE keeps on going up for me...up 13%. I will probably sell half soon.

It's going to be really hard to get out of IWM at some point since my basis is $60. :smokin
What up new ATH...

I think I've found a great technical entry point for AAPL options. Now I just need to start pulling the trigger.
yea i wish i had the funds to invest in apple. i'd be banking

anybody invest in REIT's?

i just picked up a couple hundred shares of ARR, solid dividend (0.10/month). they invest in govt issued MBS's and with the fed keeping rates low through 2014 along with the housing market recovering, REIT's are the way to go :smokin
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I've looked into REITs...have not yet found one that has the exposure I want (market, housing type).

I do follow CLOs, though don't invest in them.

If you want gold exposure with out physical delivery, then GLD is certainly one avenue. I would suggest that versus the mining co's.
what are some companies that will benefit from the iPhone 5? I like MU, ive heard that the processor will be from an unlikely company.
KORS huge day.. knew it was coming... just didnt have the balls to hold my position SMH

Looking at ATPG for a possible bounce play on a big washout toward .10s on Monday. I hope it gets there. Looks like all the sellers went home for the weekend...
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by the way FB is the most suspect, scandalous IPO ever. underwriters knew exactly what they were doing. :smh:

its all hype up or down at this point though.. there was nothing to substantiate the original IPO price, but there is nothing to substantiate this drop either. will need a few earnings reports to see whats really good with this company
Dajoka must be having a field day. :lol:
It's good man. But you know I always want more. Didn't see this rally coming, so I'm not benefiting as much as I should be. There's too much downside risk right now both in AAPL and the market. Practicing patience and waiting for the first dip to dive into those April 13s.
its all hype up or down at this point though.. there was nothing to substantiate the original IPO price, but there is nothing to substantiate this drop either. will need a few earnings reports to see whats really good with this company

my point exactly. underwriters calculated "hype" when they should have been doing they're due diligence :rolleyes
Nothing to substantiate the drop? I think the lock-up being lifted and a significant portion of VCs selling their shares or distributing them to their LPs warrants price drop.
But none of thats related to FB the company and its performance. Thats from burned investors that thought theyd get rich because of "hype". its not like FB had a poor earnings report, or any new news came out to make you think negatively about their business model (unless you were already skeptical in the first place). you had the poor debut, the bear market it entered in, the negative reports from zynga and groupon, the lockup expiration, but none of that is FB, just people's sentiments toward FB. a good earnings next quarter and FB will jump right back up.
FB's underwriters did EXACTLY what they were supposed to do. The IPO is not supposed to be priced so that the average investor can get a quick pop and get out. It is intended to deliver maximum investor dollars to the company and reward the investors who got in when the company was still private. That is exactly what happened.
Well take it a step further....people were buying in at the IPO based on ridiculous valuations (private - Series E, F or whatever) to begin with coupled with the secondary (grey markets). It doesnt necessarily have to be correlated with current earnings or whatever if the market thinks the original multiples are really too extreme.
FB's underwriters did EXACTLY what they were supposed to do. The IPO is not supposed to be priced so that the average investor can get a quick pop and get out. It is intended to deliver maximum investor dollars to the company and reward the investors who got in when the company was still private. That is exactly what happened.

underwriters even admitted they made an error :rolleyes
Well take it a step further....people were buying in at the IPO based on ridiculous valuations (private - Series E, F or whatever) to begin with coupled with the secondary (grey markets). It doesnt necessarily have to be correlated with current earnings or whatever if the market thinks the original multiples are really too extreme.

thats true. in hindsight, people are seeing how ridiculous the IPO valuation really was. but even so, the level of selling going on right now is a bit ridiculous as well. i feel at least. but thats how the market goes...
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