AAPL implied volatility is at its lowest level in the past year with the exception of immediately after January earnings. Perfect opportunity to jump into naked calls (I would prefer April 2013) and ride the IV surge that will come with the new iPhone announcement.
I've been watching a couple handfuls of quotes for a few years now; I finally decided to fund a trading account recently and I've been pleased with my timing on getting into the positions I chose. I could stand to gain a little knowledge when it comes to analyzing things, but I'll get there.

What I do know is that my returns over the past three days have far outpaced what my checking account has provided me over the past three years probably.
I've been watching a couple handfuls of quotes for a few years now; I finally decided to fund a trading account recently and I've been pleased with my timing on getting into the positions I chose. I could stand to gain a little knowledge when it comes to analyzing things, but I'll get there.
What I do know is that my returns over the past three days have far outpaced what my checking account has provided me over the past three years probably.

something as simple as investing in a decent dividend paying stock like MFA, will earn u 500%+ more than you normally would leaving money in a savings account :smokin
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AAPL implied volatility is at its lowest level in the past year with the exception of immediately after January earnings. Perfect opportunity to jump into naked calls (I would prefer April 2013) and ride the IV surge that will come with the new iPhone announcement.

Why does it matter if the calls are naked or not if you are the buyer?
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I'm trading light right now. But I expect a rally, yes a rally despite all this bearish energy. Someone wants to be reelected. But the market will pay for it next year.
Argh. I didn't listen to my own advice. Good gains on those April calls. Might have to go with spreads instead if things get too pricey for me.
AAPL has been running up but on weak volume. But August is usually a slow month for the markets. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.
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Expecting an AAPL pullback here with the way trading went today (good gains --> give up most of the gains by the end of the day). My money is waiting.
Expecting an AAPL pullback here with the way trading went today (good gains --> give up most of the gains by the end of the day). My money is waiting.

It can fly easily, there is little to no overhead resistance and we are seeing more volume to the upside. I don't see the overall market falling just a couple months before elections, we either consolidate here or go higher IMO.
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As for me, I'm in The Gap, currently up 5%.

Looking to get out of DXPE (thanks DaJoka) soon, currently up 10.2%
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