@everyone SHOP with an initiate coverage from Morgan Stanley looks good above 1036ish. But remember their PT is 970. So yeah, they initiated a coverage on a ticker with a PT lower than actual...
REGN also upgraded after last weekend stunt. 590 and higher would see possible interest.
INTU also on watch as 334 could provide a breakout. Morgan Stanley upgraded to overweight with a PT of 400.
PLUG from Friday's watchlist is now above resistance. It also had over 5.5k contracts traded 15mins before the close on Friday on the 16c for this week.
SQ also upgraded and now trading above ATH is showing strength in this volatile market. The gap up could eventually get filled but keep an eye on tickers like this one if the market grabs on the green side.
Remember that the weekend events created volatility with all sorts of speculations. Mostly computers are trading the market reacting on specific words from press releases and who ever's comments. What you think and the reality can be 2 different things.
Love SE. such a long runway of growth. I think actually wind up being the ones to bring e-commerce to Africa. They haven’t entered that region yet but it makes so much sense to me.

added more DDOG today, glad I pivoted to snow from dkng. Up a little from my entry. Sq has been on fire.

net intrigues me but I don’t get the business
My cost basis on DKNG is $44 ill hold on to it for now but lets see what happens with this watering down of the stock

CloudFlare and Fastly can be categorized as "Content Delivery Network" tools. it is compared alot to fastly and has higher margins and greater upside. I dont understand it completely either but im hoping for this to get somewhere to fastly range as it benefits with more companies moving to the cloud
I don’t buy the higher upside than Fastly. Compute @ Edge is more established even in its beta and has tremendous feedback, but the Signal Sciences acquisition is fire from a revenue growth and margins perspective. I view net as more of a CDN than FSLY but I’m definitely missing what else net offers. When FSLY is 150 this will be 75-100 I will say that.
Coca-Cola (KO) has held up the support line fairly well the past 6 months. This play is focused on playing the ER run up which is on October 22 PM

Optimal Entry
Will be watching tomorrow for a good entry point.
1. Has to open above the support
2. has to be below 49.15
warning If these requirements are not met this week then I will not be entering

PT1 49.83 chart_with_upwards_trend
PT2 green_heart resistance (this will most likely not meet because KO does not run that much for earnings)
SL S break of heart or purple_heart supports chart_with_downwards_trend
Contracts I'll probably pick up the 10/2347.5c
I'm choosing this because KO has an IV of 26% so it's not really profitable to go OTM. A fill at 2.25 would be optimal.
Secondary play buy the 10/30 47.5c and sell the 50c. This should have a debit of around 1.5. (this actually will take advantage of theta and our break even will be 49). ^I will most likely be taking this one^

Don't expect much from this play as KO is a slow mover. This is an example of low risk low return. 10% gain is good enough. turtle

Take profit at first price target, leave runners until the earnings. Since Pepsi beat earnings, I'd assume Coca-Cola will do the same so you can gamble that lotto if you want but you'll have to go ITM. Watch the key levels.

Let's make some money from IV! moneybag

Really want to find a good entry point for ETSY before their next earnings date. Maybe dip my toes in if it goes under 125. Feel like I missed this current run and I havent paid enough attention to the patterns during the run to get an idea if it'll continue or lose momentum shortly.
AYX with the big jump after hours.
new ceo plus better than expected revenue growth after they guided pathetically. I didn’t see them recovering this quickly and missed the boat but it is a good company to own on weakness.
Really want to find a good entry point for ETSY before their next earnings date. Maybe dip my toes in if it goes under 125. Feel like I missed this current run and I havent paid enough attention to the patterns during the run to get an idea if it'll continue or lose momentum shortly.
Big breakout potential through 141. Curious to see if it happens. Can run to 150 quickly. I wish I added down at the low 100s during the correction.
Bought into AMWL yesterday at market open just to dip my toes and follow and to my surprise it popped over 16%.. it's been on a tear since it's IPO, I think it opened around $22. Hopefully keeps going for a bit.

Been watching frog closely waiting for a good entry and hoping this draft kings pulls back a little more so I can buy some. Have a nice average of $29 in it so it's been doing magnificent so far.
The one pager on IPOC is very intriguing for the potential CAGR. They're giving stupid growth numbers.

Added more FROG here, looks ready. Needs to clear 80 to confirm for 85, 88.
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