Nope, I don't want another correction or crash anytime soon.

Did y'all not stock up some in September? I'd like to recover from September's hurting.

Was hoping for some strong green at least till election. Still hoping we get that
Thanks for the advice and various POVs y’all.

After reallocation, I’m sitting on some dry powder and trying not to blow my load too soon and DCA into these positions. Overall, I’ll be a net buyer, so I’ll take all the discounts on any long term holds I can get. Hope we all eat though :lol: :nthat:
Nope, I don't want another correction or crash anytime soon.

Did y'all not stock up some in September? I'd like to recover from September's hurting.

Was hoping for some strong green at least till election. Still hoping we get that

I think what happened in September for sure will happen again with volatility related to the election
Completely out - cash for new company I’m starting
gave up on AMD or just trying to get capital to add to the winners ?
love the company but something is up with the stock. Really didn’t like that wicked fade off the highs and no rebound. Honestly wanted to double my twlo and sq positions and I sold off everything I had that was smaller in size or non essential to do so. I might buy back into amd eventually.
TSLA beat 3Q delivery expectations, but is selling off because Wall St isnt convinced of their future demand?

アミーゴ アミーゴ jjs jjs coolcool coolcool Why the street doing us like this?

Buying the dip at 400 (if we get there) :nerd:
Was almost there ah last I checked
Looking at charts on my phone while with the baby and man some of these weekly charts look fire with new buy points triggering or soon to trigger. Keep an eye on TWLO SHOP SQ DDOG OKTA TTD MDB and PAYC. TTD is the comp I’m looking at for those stocks to follow moving forward. I’m long all of them but the last two, but would rent the last two if they hit a new buy point. I can post pivots later this weekend if you want. Triggers can hit this week or in the coming weeks, who knows, but the big breakout move in the market is coming. These are your quiet leaders moving forward, with the FSLY SE ROKU CRWD TSLA PINS PTON NVDA NVTA ETSY and ZM crew thrown in. This is where I want to be positioned (MDB and PAYC I need to read up on fundamentally, but charts are nice) for the next few years and where I think we see the new FAANG stocks emerge from.
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What do you guys use to track your portfolio performance? I mostly want to be able to track percentage changes each month, YTD, etc.
you cant do this in ur brokerage account?
I've looked all throughout TD Ameritrade and haven't found anything close to what I wanted.
A spreadsheet could work
Yea, that's what I figured I was going to do but thought maybe there was a website that made it easier. I'm probably better off since I could set it up the way I want also. Thanks

This one will be a shorter and briefer play because I am not as confident in it. Only dropping a little bit of money into this play.

warning Entry warning
Only playing this if I can get an entry below 357. If not I'm not playing it, never too good to have too many positions open. We already have NFLX, CHWY, and CSX. If it opens below the first heart support I will not be playing it as well. The return will not worth my time.

PT 370
SL heart support
Contracts I don't want to put too much money into this play so I will be making a debit spread.
Buy the 10/16 365c and sell the 370c. This will have a net debit of around $1.4.

I will be all out once the price target hits. Leave runners if you want, I will not be doing that. This is a simple reversal play. Most likely exiting EOW. RSI and momentum indicators look good!

You don’t need a lockdown honestly, no one is abandoning Amazon as their retailer of choice.

eying 110 oct 16 calls in DDOG if it gets through 107.52, next week’s 172 calls in bynd against 162, 82 weeklies in amd against 80.50, and the 115 calls in Apple against 112.70
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