I dont think its about being wrong. Just evil ppl manipulating the **** out if it. They are so far ahead of any sort of competition. Their AI is insane. All the billions of miles of data it has to learn from just one example
I dont think its about being wrong. Just evil ppl manipulating the **** out if it. They are so far ahead of any sort of competition. Their AI is insane. All the billions of miles of data it has to learn from just one example

Ya. Lots of people manipulating the stock to make money. Facts. It’s risky.
Tesla is a complete dog. They always miss guidance. Their CEO is the biggest manipulater in the game. They constantly need to raise new cash. Sales are lacking (see recent price cuts). That company is going broke.
Tesla is a complete dog. They always miss guidance. Their CEO is the biggest manipulater in the game. They constantly need to raise new cash. Sales are lacking (see recent price cuts). That company is going broke.

This is exactly what im talking about. Straight up ignorance
This is exactly what im talking about. Straight up ignorance

So Tesla is dropping cause of ignorance, instead of value and future performance? :rofl:

Aight player, they'd be even lower if their CEO wasn't out here frauding cats. I used to be a believer but I sold that junk at ~$330 and never looked back. It's been all bad news the last two years.
So Tesla is dropping cause of ignorance, instead of value and future performance? :rofl:

Aight player, they'd be even lower if their CEO wasn't out here frauding cats. I used to be a believer but I sold that junk at ~$330 and never looked back. It's been all bad news the last two years.

Thats cool man. Keep doing u
My brother in law works at the Tesla factor in Nevada. They’re not allowed to wear safety vests because Elon doesn’t like the orange color.
What interests me in TSLA is a possible buyout by someone like Apple or Google. Apple was looking to buy them back in 2013, could make another bid if the price drops enough. It's gonna be tough for them to survive alone.
Tesla is a complete dog. They always miss guidance. Their CEO is the biggest manipulater in the game. They constantly need to raise new cash. Sales are lacking (see recent price cuts). That company is going broke.
I'll take the more rational debate; it seems like Tesla underestimated the costs of mass production, and its hurting them in the short term. Very badly, too. The company was all gravy before they tried expanding their footprint to be a major every-day-car supplier. They are constantly running over-budget from what we know (and much of what we know comes straight from Tesla thenselves) and the constant need to raise cash with junk bonds will cripple their cash flow in a couple years. Let's assume we hit a recession late this year or early next - if Tesla isnt turning a positive cash flow before this recession, they're ******. No bank will lend to them and no major bond buyers will take the risk again to prop up their cash accounts.

This year and next seems to be the most important for turning cash flow positive, or I might end up on your side Chopper Chopper . For now, I'm sticking with my play and hoping these shares make a hard u-turn in the coming months. That u-turn coming from their next earnings in July not being as poor as expected, with more cars SOLD (rather than just produced).

Elon is a great cheerleader, but I really think he needs to step back for a minute. Not sure if hes trying to get Steve Jobs'd, but the guy cant even make a public statement anymore without shareholders and regulators wondering if he's telling the truth. That's a problem. If he sat down, the company might stabilize and have a better, stronger consensus to grow and hit reasonable targets.
Don’t want to sound rude. But I like my decision even more so now. It’s all speculation. And the general public is usually wrong. There is not yet a logical reason for Tesla to go even lower. They are so far ahead of the competition and have none. I think the model 3 is about to take off in China and be a huge market. I think sales will increase in the US. Let’s hope I’m right. But the noise is just ridiculous. The claims are absurd. They are more than cars. They are the future of energy. And it costs them 28k to make a model 3
Looks like it's gonna be a rough summer across the board without a trade deal, maybe even with one. Keep cash ready.

anyone have thoughts on beyond meat??

Wouldn't even think about touching it at these level, just running on a crazy amount of hype.
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