Official San Francisco 49ers Off-Season Thread (5-7): Let's get ready for the Draft!

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

does it say how much are they paying him?

According to a league source, he accepted a one-year, $845,000 contract. That's the minimum amount for a player with 10 years experience. Bly has made a lot of money, averaging $6.5 million a year in the past six seasons, so perhaps we can take him at his word that he was not motivated by money to sign this contract.
We need a season thread
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Does Chris McAllister suck that bad?

Maybe it's because he wanted more money? I don't mind signing Bly at that contract.

That will be a nice battle between Brown and Bly...Also, hope that Goldson wins the starting job over Roman too.
I already thought Goldson won the starting job?

Roman hasn't even been to camp because he's been looking for a trade.
Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

anyone know whats good with that rumor of Crabtree not being a starter?
doesnt seem that far fetched. bruce and morgan will most likely start
Not a big deal, Bruce and Morgan are going to start and the niners are going to bring crabtree along since hes injured/rookie. He should bestarting no later than the 4th or 5th week though.
Originally Posted by LB510

We need a season thread

Game threads>Season threads I hate going through season threads when they get lengthy. Its better to talk about the season game by game with individual gamethreads.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

anyone know whats good with that rumor of Crabtree not being a starter?
doesnt seem that far fetched. bruce and morgan will most likely start
Not a big deal, Bruce and Morgan are going to start and the niners are going to bring crabtree along since hes injured/rookie. He should be starting no later than the 4th or 5th week though.

I think he's gonna be the most effective in the slot, word to wes another Ttech wideout.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by LB510

We need a season thread

Game threads>Season threads I hate going through season threads when they get lengthy. Its better to talk about the season game by game with individual game threads.
Let's try something new
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by LB510

We need a season thread

Game threads>Season threads I hate going through season threads when they get lengthy. Its better to talk about the season game by game with individual game threads.
Let's try something new

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah I mean for sports like Basketball and Baseball it's cool because of all the games but football is only 16 games. One game a week so we canget a week's worth of discussion before and after. PLUS game threads are better for trash talking since fans of both teams have one thread to go to.
Why not McAllister? Or is he washed up?

In comparison to Bly yes McAllister is washed up. Bly currently has a better skill set than McAllister.

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah I mean for sports like Basketball and Baseball it's cool because of all the games but football is only 16 games. One game a week so we can get a week's worth of discussion before and after. PLUS game threads are better for trash talking since fans of both teams have one thread to go to.
100% Truth.

The San Francisco 49ers announced that the team has reached an agreement with the City of Santa Clara on a term sheet for a new $937 million state-of-the-artstadium that will create thousands of new jobs and generate hundreds of millions of dollars in new economic impact for the City and the region. Financing thestadium will also trigger $141 million in new funding to the Santa Clara Unified School District. The stadium will be publicly owned by a Stadium Authority,and the City of Santa Clara will retain ownership of the land used for the stadium project. The agreement must be approved by the Santa Clara City Council anda vote of the citizens of Santa Clara before the project can move forward.

The financial framework limits the City's investment to $79 million (approximately 8% of the cost), with no new taxes, no cost to Santa Clara residents andno money from its general fund. The City's investment includes $42 million from redevelopment financing and $20 million from Santa Clara's municipalutility company to move an aging power substation located near the stadium site. The remaining $17 million of the City's investment is for construction ofa parking garage near the stadium site.

An additional $35 million investment in the stadium will come from a fee charged to overnight guests at hotels near the stadium site. The fee will need to beapproved by a vote of the hotels, and the hotels have indicated strong support for the plan. The remaining $825 million cost of the $937 million facility willbe covered by the 49ers, the NFL and Stadium Authority project revenues such as naming rights.

Santa Clara's $79 million investment is a sharp reduction from the $222 million request first outlined in a 2007 stadium funding proposal. As part of theagreement, the 49ers also committed to cover all construction cost overruns at the facility and take responsibility for operational shortfalls.

In return for Santa Clara's investment, the City's general fund will receive millions of dollars, including fair market value rent for the stadiumsite. The rent will include base rent payments of at least $40 million, plus a percentage of stadium profits which could generate an additional $155 millionfor the City. Energy use at the stadium is also expected to generate $150 million in new revenue for Santa Clara's municipal utility company.

"After years of hard work, we're pleased to have reached an agreement with the City staff," said 49ers President Jed York. "The stadium willmake Santa Clara an even better place to live, work and play. Not only will this provide a world-class facility for our fans, it will also create an economicengine generating jobs and stimulus for local businesses. It's been a successful collaboration with the City of Santa Clara resulting in an agreement thatprovides the City with a significant return on its investment. We look forward to working with them on the next steps."

Stadium Agreement Will Bring Great Benefit to Santa Clara Community

The construction and ongoing operation of the stadium is expected to provide a significant boost to the economy of the City and the region. A recent economicimpact report conducted by Conventions, Sports & Leisure International indicates that the facility will fuel the creation of 2,230 jobs and $249 million ineconomic activity in the region. In addition, special events such as the Super Bowl and the FIFA World Cup could bring hundreds of millions of dollars in addedeconomic impact to the region.

If the project moves forward, Santa Clara's investment of redevelopment funds in the stadium will trigger $141 million in new funding to the Santa ClaraUnified School District over a 15-year period. The funds can be used by the school district at its discretion on projects that benefit the community, such asmaintaining class sizes and attracting and retaining the best teachers.

The agreement also calls for a special fee on tickets to stadium events that will benefit the Santa Clara community. The fee is expected to generate up to$250,000 annually for youth athletic programs, libraries and the City's Senior Center facility.

Term Sheet Calls for 49ers to Bear Significant Risk to Protect Santa Clara's General Fund

Team Will Advance Millions Towards Santa Clara Investment

Due to current economic conditions, the availability of City funding from its redevelopment district has decreased. As a result, the 49ers have agreed toadvance a portion of Santa Clara's $79 million investment in this project. The advance is expected to be in the range of $12 million. If the economysufficiently rebounds, the team's advance will be repaid by the Redevelopment Agency. Otherwise, the team may not recoup its full advance. The team willalso advance up to $20 million towards the funding from hotels.

Stadium Authority Will Protect City's General Fund

A separate public entity, the Santa Clara Stadium Authority, will own and operate the stadium to protect the City's general fund. To help fund constructionof the stadium, the Authority will issue bonds based on revenues backed by its sale of assets such as naming rights, founding corporate sponsorships, ticketfees and concession rights. Backed by stadium revenue and issued by the Stadium Authority, the bonds would have no recourse and no impact on Santa Clara'sgeneral fund.

Agreement Calls for 49ers to Cover Construction Cost Overruns and Operations Shortfalls

The team has agreed to take 100 percent of the risk of all construction cost overruns to protect the City's general fund. Once the stadium is built, theteam also agreed to cover all operational cost shortfalls at the stadium and demolition costs at the end of the stadium's life.

New Garage Will Accommodate Parking for Great America Theme Park

A garage that will be built by the City will replace overflow parking for the Great America Theme Park. The garage was previously approved by City Council andthe full $42 million in bonds needed for construction were sold over a decade ago, but it was never built. The City expects to use approximately 40% of thegarage to replace the overflow parking, and has therefore allocated $17 million of the total garage cost to the stadium project as part of its $79 millioninvestment.

Next Steps: City Council Vote and Public Election

The Santa Clara City Council will hold a public meeting on June 2 to review the stadium agreement and determine next steps. If the agreement is approved by theCity Council, residents will have an opportunity to weigh in on the project with a binding vote when the environmental review is completed.

"The citizens of Santa Clara have told us that a public vote is important to them, and we'll abide by the will of the voters," York said."Based on the new jobs, new funding for local schools and the economic impact the stadium will bring to the City, we're confident this project will besuccessful at the ballot box."



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