Official: Revised Lebron IX Thread. MVP's revealed! MV's WILL have toddler sizes! 6/2

Who said they was limited? Source??? I just spoke to a HOH manager 2days ago ppl with these false information :smh:
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Everyone who wants the Liverpools check with your local Champs...they just put them out today.

By awsomeblozzom at 2012-08-28

By awsomeblozzom at 2012-08-28

By awsomeblozzom at 2012-08-28

By awsomeblozzom at 2012-08-28

By awsomeblozzom at 2012-08-28
That is it....
put the liver back in the bird.....
liverbird on the heel
Championship league trophy, 5
and the crest on the inside of the tongue
this should have been the production model

wow nice! are these customs or are they the samples?
they sent out an email saying release the liverpools today at all FTL's so everyone has them out for sale now. get them while they're there.
Working on the speckle job while i watch Happy Endings, not a pro but I like it enough. I'll post more pics once I'm finished...

I like it good job
how did you do it?

Just bought hobby acrylic paint and a thin detailed bristle brush and started speckling. Going to have to go over most speckles with a 2nd coat so it does look like paint splatter instead of marker, LOL! Biggest challenge is trying not to make the splatter look too uniform, gotta get it random as hell. Kinda wish I would've done a mix of yellow and blue, maybe I'll mix it in some how. I'll figure something out soon. Thanks tho!
Working on the speckle job while i watch Happy Endings, not a pro but I like it enough. I'll post more pics once I'm finished...

Looks like you took the safe and fast route. You need more small speckles than bigger ones. Looks good on your first attempt.
Thats a pretty nice job...I'm just too nervous to attempt it...I might have to try it on some beaters first....Nice job!
Nice speckle job homey.....and its your first time doing it? Pretty good bruh......

Yeah its my first time doing it, just wanted to give the lows a certain unique flair that Nike left off most of the lows. I really like the splatter look on Lebrons. Once I get the hang of spacing and differentiating speckle sizing I think its gonna look nice. I do ask one opinion of everybody. Y'all think I should keep it just Blue or should I mix in some Yellow? Feel like it will make it exotic to mix in the Yellow. Share your opinion...
Yeah its my first time doing it, just wanted to give the lows a certain unique flair that Nike left off most of the lows. I really like the splatter look on Lebrons. Once I get the hang of spacing and differentiating speckle sizing I think its gonna look nice. I do ask one opinion of everybody. Y'all think I should keep it just Blue or should I mix in some Yellow? Feel like it will make it exotic to mix in the Yellow. Share your opinion...

If you can match that yellow Id say do already looks nice with the blue.....yellow mixed with that blue would be heat.....
I was banking on an online release for the Liverpool's and this happens. I can't just go to the mall at will since I don't drive yet. Hopefully they still release online.
my local FTL had 'em still in various smaller sizes at $89.99, this was a few days ago, not sure if they are still around. I'm going to go check later today I'll let you know.
Looks like you took the safe and fast route. You need more small speckles than bigger ones. Looks good on your first attempt.

Just figured out a new method, results look like genuine splatter. When you said I took the safe and fast route it made me think, how can I get a real random splatter effect on an exact point on the shoe under control.

I didn't like the job I did after closer inspection because up close it just looked like Polka dots despite from a distance looking just decent.

Then idea clicked! I used painter's tape to cover the side of the shoe only leaving the midsole I wanted splattered exposed. Laid the shoe on its side and covered the entire shoe with 2 shirts, covering top and bottom. I grabbed a toothbrush, dipped it in the paint and ran my fingers across the bristles.


Go across the bristles lightly for more of the small dot mist look, go across bristles fast and with heavy pressure for the thicker dots and heavier paint splatter. It came out pretty well, I will post pics when it dries. Thanks for the inspiration and challenge to really think of a solid method.
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