OFFICIAL RAP BATTLE THREAD: Hitman Holla vs. Aye Verb p.12

My issue with the NY crowds is that theyre too involved in the battle. Theres too much yelling, booing, and then on top of it all, every NY battle includes. BROOM BROOM BROOOOOMMM, DON DEMARCO MARCO, BANG BANG BANG BANG........ Gotta start hosting every battle in the D or something.

Mmm that's the DJ smack employs dropping all those phrases in the background . Quite sure if URL holds a large event elsewhere he will be the DJ and still doing the same annoying ****

The first part of your response is what makes the NY crowd special IMO . You can't get over on them with wack **** , are you familiar with the Apollo ? Same thing
Lets hope hes Conveniently absent from SM3. Its so annoying. You're totally right about that, the NY crowd typically plays no favorites but some peoples styles dont mesh well with the atmosphere. Chilla Jones is a perfect example, dude couldnt even finish his schemes without being interrupted. Its starting to get out of hand.
Put me in the 5% who thinks Verb got this one, and I'm far from a verb fan.

Found myself hoping Arsonals rounds would hurry up and end, although he dropped a few crazy bars overall he was weak IMO.

Verb got some home court advantage but I didn't think it was overwhelming like Lux n Cal....that was embarrassing, Lux won before the battle.
Put me in the 5% who thinks Verb got this one, and I'm far from a verb fan.

Found myself hoping Arsonals rounds would hurry up and end, although he dropped a few crazy bars overall he was weak IMO.

Verb got some home court advantage but I didn't think it was overwhelming like Lux n Cal....that was embarrassing, Lux won before the battle.

dude Lux choked and literally heard no boos . that kind of favoritism is unheard of , especially in NYC

dude was on stage with his fingers on his forehead STUCK and everyone was silent . Calicoe stumbled over a word in the 2nd round and they started booing instantly
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I enjoyed that battle.

It wasn't an all-time classic but it was good.

Can't stand Ars but he stepped it on this one. He kept the cartoon bars to a minimal and spit some s_.

Verb's 3rd was potent but so was Arsenal's.

Ars 2-1, possibly 3-0.
Is it me or I did i feel like Verb kinda bit Conceited's flow in that battle :nerd:

His dumb it down in the 3rd could have been slow it down

other than that i didn't really catch anything

Neither one of them had me too excited but ima give this to Ars. Verbs 3rd was good but i still feel like ars had a better round.
Lux would get love anywhere he's undefeated in this sport. Y'all keep talking **** about NYC crowds but we boo EVERYONE even "legends" in their own town . No where else would you see something like that . For example look at Math at SM2 dude thought he was gonna come into the main event with them weak *** bars against a hungry calicoe and win cause he was at home , you see how that worked out for him right ?Booed off the damn stage in his own backyard that wouldnt have happened anywhere else and you know it.
no he wouldnt
only people in NY respect Lux
a dude that battles every 7yrs with one real battle on cam before that
If he battled anywhere else his career would be over
other crowds let people from other states win all the time
how u choke and the crowd makes no noise and people for months claim he choked on purpose
but calicoe stutter and they are booing
BMagic choked terribly against Heartless and Hitman choked against Goodz. Not one boo was heard that day.

Crowds suck everywhere stop that ****.

U shouldnt boo
u paid so someone can spit bars
if he choke give him time to get back on track
booing serves no purpose unless someone does something extreme
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I wasn't hype to see DNA vs Chilla and I'm not hype to see K Shine vs Big T...

Word is that he 3-0'd K Shine...

Everything else is supposed to be debatable besides those...

via Unbias Review and performers @ the event

I wanna see Dizaster vs Rex...and this best 1st verse ever Hitman sposed to had
BMagic choked terribly against Heartless and Hitman choked against Goodz. Not one boo was heard that day.

Crowds suck everywhere stop that ****.

U shouldnt boo
u paid so someone can spit bars
if he choke give him time to get back on track
booing serves no purpose unless someone does something extreme

U shouldn't boo?

What typa terry cloth....

People get booed in every competitive arena, in every location.

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P.S from earlier...Serius Jones has NEVER, lost so he's def a legend in my book

He's top tier from the Mook & Lux class, how can he not be a legend?
Serious lost a judged battle to Professor green at power summit. Jin put up 10K for a rematch that day but serious wouldn't do it.

Verb edged a close one.

and boo'ing is cool if its deserved..I will say NY od's on it at times.
2-1 Arsonal.

Verb 2nd verse was ill. but that was it. The rest was meh. the 3rd started off tough, i thought dude was going for the jugular, but it got weak and was crazy short.
JC got em BUT J-Pro had some heat for em no doubt...

As much quality work JC put in with all these battles, I don't understand why he aint take off like Chilla
JC got em BUT J-Pro had some heat for em no doubt...

As much quality work JC put in with all these battles, I don't understand why he aint take off like Chilla
JC got em BUT J-Pro had some heat for em no doubt...
As much quality work JC put in with all these battles, I don't understand why he aint take off like Chilla

Take off like Chilla?

He's battles two top tier cats in ILL & O Red (clearly beat Ill, lost to Red which is understandable considering the tear hes been on) as well as done KoTD twice... He's definitely head and shoulders above Chilla's level.
I guess it's bout equal...JC did Armageddon, Chilla did Nome3 & Armageddon

Chilla seem to be strictly URL/SMACK..but you know that's what errbody checkin for really

JC vs B Magic wouldn't be a bad matchup...Conceited said he not doin SM3
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