OFFICIAL RAP BATTLE THREAD: Hitman Holla vs. Aye Verb p.12

SMACK has never been a great business man, and definitely does not gear his organization towards customer satisfaction. If it wasn't for the money hungry MC's, Smack wouldn't have a business. The MC's really should unionize and create a platform on their own, but instead they opt for $3000 checks, which likely get blown right away, which leaves them hungry for another battle. It's kind of sad. Walmart employees are treated better .... How many of these dudes have medical insurance you think? DNA needed the state to provide him with a tooth.

But on another note, Daylyt is still the best in the league right now, despite getting naked. Yes, I said it.
currently my favorite pause
DNA , either 3-0 or 2-1 . the Durant freestyle was absurd

this dude Chilla's 2nd round is 10 min long , all schemes :smh: hes nice but needs to become more versatile
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don't even wanna watch that battle

dna is corny with lines every now and then and I absolutely hate chilla

his tone, voice and delivery is super cheeks
Chilla Jones really needs to learn how to rap through the crowd noise. He stopped after every bar it seemed.

:lol: at the dude that got kicked out. That was a smooth response by DNA :x. He really came with the heat this battle I was extremely surprised, I thought dude was finished but I guess I was wrong.

Chilla Jones really had bars for days, schemes on top of schemes. I dont get whats the issue with him and his schemes. Hes gotta be the hardest person to listen to live, he wasnt playing with the alimony line, you probably miss half of it.

That first round from both though :x :x :x :x :x :x

I cant call this one.

Those horns and that don demarco ******** has to end

People hate Chilla? Hes one of my favorite up and comers. What is the issue with the schemes???
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Im not really a fan of either of those dudes but imma check it out anyway , ive been pleasantly surprised before.
Listen to the end of DNA's end of the 3rd and you'll understand . Chilla's schemes are great but he's extremely poor at everything else . His delivery = awful , showmanship = awful , aggressiveness = awful . Dude is the epitome of boring . Listen to surf and hollows rounds then listen to his its night and day.
DNA with a body bag . Starting to feel like Chilla is a D League MVP but not ready for the NBA

this why battle rap is gonna die
u really think he won spitting them generic lines
crowd hype and don demarccoooo over bars for most people like u
the masses want that surface level stuff
Chilla out barred him every round
2-1 Chilla
Chilla out barred him every rd and spit twice as long
the first line from DNA was trash and the crowd went wild reminded me of Lux
NYC is the worst crowd NY is corny in general
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Listen to the end of DNA's end of the 3rd and you'll understand . Chilla's schemes are great but he's extremely poor at everything else . His delivery = awful , showmanship = awful , aggressiveness = awful . Dude is the epitome of boring . Listen to surf and hollows rounds then listen to his its night and day.
See the thing about it is I like him this way. Not everyone can have great delivery, Its not Chillas strong suit, he relies on the rhymes 100%. I enjoy him for that reason, hes bringing a different feel to the game, especially with the schemes. I'm always rewinding the bars cause the buildup is so long and once he hits you with the punch you basically have to go back because you more than likely missed something he said to set it up.
i don't even know who I want to give this battle to.  too long and drawn out.  chilla was just to long and too much filler.  dna had his typical battle like usual.  I actually thought this was gonna be a decent battle.  And the dna/clips anidotes are getting tired.  
DNA 3-0'd him easy.

Chilla needs to stop waiting for the crowd reaction, looks like he's about to cry every time he says something & the crowd don't react the way he wants them to.

"My guys pull (Gospel) if it's him singing, like church choirs" ........... Full rounds with lines like this get boring asap especially since Chilla brings nothing else to the table.
Interesting battle, could've been ran a lil smoother but I was still entertained.

Gotta go with DNA on this one, I don't think he bodybagged Chilla but was more consistent and versatile throughout the battle.

It's crazy because I think DNA won but Chilla had the lines of the night IMO, but the problem is this is battle rap not battle discussion... His flow doesn't exist.

" living off sons shine / photosynthesis " and that Budden next scheme that he flipped to " I hope your doctor know how to button necks " :x :x :smh: :smokin.

If he can find a way deliver his rounds he can be a serious problem because the wordplay is already there.
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DNA 3-0'd him easy.

Chilla needs to stop waiting for the crowd reaction, looks like he's about to cry every time he says something & the crowd don't react the way he wants them to.

"My guys pull (Gospel) if it's him singing, like church choirs" ........... Full rounds with lines like this get boring asap especially since Chilla brings nothing else to the table.
There's a double meaning there. Him singing = hymn church choirs who sing hymns...
I just got back home to Cleveland from NY. Worst event I ever been to and this is my 6th one SMH. Ask me ANYTHING and I'll tell. I will also jot down a few bars because I remember a LOT of stuff that Chilla and Magic said.

Match 1: Charlie Clips vs B.Magic - The match was either B.Magic 3-0 or 2-1. I got into a small argument after round 1 with Clips cause he wasn't taking the battle serious. Hopefully it makes the final cut (which it probably won't). Clips stumbled all through round 3.

Match 2: Chilla Jones vs DNA - My God in heaven was this a battle. DNA got round 1 and that's for the simple fact he had some HEAT and I did not understand some of Chilla's stuff right away. He introduced what he called "double scheming" and it's definitely some "wait for footage" type material. His schemes were on point. His flow/aggression was top notch. DNA had some HEAT too. He got booed in his 3rd but made it up with some crazy freestyling at the end. Jones 2-1.

Match 3: Big T vs K-Shine - By now the crowd was already restless due to the fact that 33min. passed between the battles because they were trying to clear the stage SMFH. Also, there were only 2 battles in 4 hours. I wrote this on Twitter after Chilla/DNA:

Anywho, both Shine and Big T got booed. Shine had a NASTY 2nd but ended it kinda weak. Big T got booed this round but redeemed himself. "It's not bunny ears when I put the piece behind his head." He snapped. Big T 3-0.

Match 4: Con vs Holla - Holla had a very nice round 1. Everyone keep saying best first round in URL history. WRONG! It was NOT better than his first vs John John and it was NOT better than K-Shine first vs Surf. Let it be known that I almost blacked out during this battle. It was soooooooo hot in there that during Holla's round 3 when he started getting booed, I had to step outside and vomit. I came back in AFTER Con's verse was over. I know Holla either forgot his round 3 or never wrote one but he killed the vibe of the battle after the crap he pulled and from my understanding Con got booed to death in round 3 but that's because we were all EXHAUSTED. However, Con 2-1. And to be honest, Con might've edged him round 1 too. Con had #BARS! The crowd killed this battle because our legs were on fire. Actually, Smack/Beasley killed this battle SMH.

Match 5: Surf vs Hollow - Surf got booed, however, it did not matter. Surf 2-1 or 3-0. The young man came with it! Hollow turned it up in round 3 with 2 back to back fire punchlines but he had already lost the first 2 rounds. Surf had a crazy freestyle part and a crazy rebuttal. He was on FIRE! I don't think he incorporated a single joke into any of his rounds. Very good battle and they brought the life back into the crowd.

Match 6: Mook vs Broner - This was COMEDY! Broner spit some bars to Mook in the balcony earlier so Mook came down and freestyled some stuff. Broner got the mic and freestyled some more stuff. It was all in good fun and was pretty entertaining to be honest.

Match 7: Dizaster vs Rex: - Unfortunately I had been on my feet for 13-14 hrs at this point and I could no longer take it so I (and about half the crowd) bailed. This is the first time I've EVER done anything like this SMH.

I'll be making a VLOG about this tomorrow cause they got some serious work to do cause this battle was absolutely ridiculous SMH.
Let's see if I still feel the same. I'm probably gonna lean more towards Chilla 3-0. Shout out to all of the intelligent NTers who are going to actually understand everything that Chilla is saying...
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Chilla jones bars are insane. 3-0 chilla

"It's alimony, cause live, you'll probably only get half my ****"

That's probably why some of y'all are saying DNA won.
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Chilla jones bars are insane. 3-0 chilla

"It's alimony, cause live, you'll probably only get half my ****"

That's probably why some of y'all are saying DNA won.

no , its not . for me , its the fact that Chilla is extremely 1 dimensional and his delivery and presence make him boring . you cant tell me by the end of that 2nd round (which was 10 minutes long) it was clear dude was losing the vast majority of the crowd . dudes crowd control doesnt exist
DNA 3-0'd him easy.

Chilla needs to stop waiting for the crowd reaction, looks like he's about to cry every time he says something
There's a double meaning there. Him singing = hymn church choirs who sing hymns...

Let's see if I still feel the same. I'm probably gonna lean more towards Chilla 3-0. Shout out to all of the intelligent NTers who are going to actually understand everything that Chilla is saying...
Man your initial review for this was on point. I still dont know how to call this, but everyone saying that DNA 3-0'd this is crazy cause he definitely lost round two.
no , its not . for me , its the fact that Chilla is extremely 1 dimensional and his delivery and presence make him boring . you cant tell me by the end of that 2nd round (which was 10 minutes long) it was clear dude was losing the vast majority of the crowd . dudes crowd control doesnt exist

I feel what you're saying but thats my point at the same time. Thats why I quoted the you'll only get half my **** line. His bars and schemes are so over the top that they go over a lot of heads, especially live when there's no replay button. He was saying some other next level ****.
Chilla barred the **** outta DNA...

I mean I get the performance factor but if you a fan of bars I don't see how you don't have this 3-0 Jones. You may be able to go 2-1 if you wanna give him the 3rd off the freestyles but the beginning of his 3rd round was cheeks so even that's :smh:

It's like he said with that alimony bar... there is no way you're catching all of his **** live... No Way. Which hurts him on stage.

DNA is all aggression and playing to the crowds with slogans with some frees and a few bars mixed in.
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Chilla Jones got this one. His bars & schemes are complex & impressive.

"He'll leave this ring in a box like he scared of commitment"
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