OFFICIAL RAP BATTLE THREAD: Hitman Holla vs. Aye Verb p.12

couple of reckless comments in here i need to address

1. Smack is NOT done . wtf are you guys talking about ? are you that short sighted ? URL just had a successful "Born Legacy" event , with multiple battles already topping 100,000+ views in 2 months or less . NOME 4 from what I hear is going to be insane in terms of match ups too

I think seeing Smack at another League's Event may have people questioning the future of URL. Who knows????
Smack production value is terrible now , dude needs to find another venue to battle in asap cause the venue Born Legacy took place in reeked of poverty. Stage 48 was a great venue and the production value was top notch on NOME 3 and SM3 that's what set URL apart from everyone else. After Math threw that right hook everything URL had going for it went down the toilet.
Math REALLY set back URL but their far from done... It's something to be said to have a league that has been set up for years and that battle rappers are cool with. However with Interscope backing a league now who knows how it could turn out... Because i'm assuming the profit will be up for them and battle rappers would demand more money.
The connection makes too much sense. Surf is really cool with Joe and i assume Slaughter house so if they come to Em with the idea and he is down that's a lot of money is gonna get behind it.

Smack isnt done but he needs to get his stuff together. If rappers start seeing these big checks from them smack cant compete anymore. He gonna be the King of PG because those are the only rappers he is gonna be able to book.
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never thought about a lable backing battle events

mainly cause they always want to take you outta your most profitable element and make you change your entire style for some dumb reason

Def will change the game if the lable will actually be involved
Smack and URL is far from done. Smack just needs to make some adjustments to his formula. Smack is still the big stage, people still watch the battles whenever they finally drop, and people still show up at the events. UW had one very great event just now, but they still averaging one event ever year, Smack whether you really like the matchups or not, stil average 7-8 a year? KOTD still to me has nice battlers, but they feel almost as NBA D-League to me. All the other smaller leagues book "Smack" rappers to do battles.

This Slaughterhouse league is interesting but after the event I dont see much happening after that. Seems like a little promotional tool and then thats it. Very interesting but I do wish these battles were a 3 round no time limit big battle rather than the 90 seconds a round battles. This Slaughterhouse event caters to great freestylers so expect Diz to be in the finals or even win it all.

A couple things I think URL will need to do is:
-Cough up some money to make great matchups like a Lux vs Hollow. Even its just a one-off. One of the biggest arguments as to why Lux and Hollow aint happen on Smack (besides the PPV part) was that they would have to book other matches and thats more money. I am pretty sure they could book 2 PG battles that would love to just be on the card as Lux-Hollow and be paid 1k each and called it an event. Or even if they did just a one-off we would be saying URL is the winner now and people would wanna see that.
-I think they also need to stop making each event a "Dot-Mob" event in my eyes...each event has 2-3 Dot Mob people, they are nice, but that just means every event you are getting half the battles full of Dot Mob people. Hire other battlers, take a chance an grab like 1-2 "KOTD" people and give it a shot.
-Cater to the fans. Drop the battles faster make your edits and drop them sooner than later. I like KOTD cause they can have near 20 battles each event, so could URL if they just move all the irrelevant people off the damb stage in a timely manner. Controlling the crowd and eliminate Don Demarco.

Sorry to ramble but after all that, Smack is not done they just need to change some things.


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Seems like the battle is official Mook stated on his Twitter that shady cut the check in 10 hours flat... Smack is somewhere burning pictures of math & U.W posters.

They have proved already that battle rap can get people to pay for venue spots & pay for PPV...
couple of reckless comments in here i need to address

1. Smack is NOT done . wtf are you guys talking about ? are you that short sighted ? URL just had a successful "Born Legacy" event , with multiple battles already topping 100,000+ views in 2 months or less . NOME 4 from what I hear is going to be insane in terms of match ups too

:lol: that UW event + PPV live stream > Smack's last 4 events. How many URL events do we have to see before Smack's buys the right microphones?
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Seems like the battle is official Mook stated on his Twitter that shady cut the check in 10 hours flat... Smack is somewhere burning pictures of math & U.W posters.

They have proved already that battle rap can get people to pay for venue spots & pay for PPV...

That's because that was the match up that everyone wanted to see... I'm not sure who really wants to see Lux v Mook now :\
:lol: that UW event + PPV live stream > Smack's last 4 events. How many URL events do we have to see before Smack's buys the right microphones?

i said nothing about comparing UW event to Smack events . people said "URL is DONE now" , and i said that's ridiculous

you wanna make a bet on whether or not URL has another event that sells out and gets a million + views on youtube across the battles ? ill put up a rack that both happen

also -- NOME3 from a production stand point looked incredible . the MCs just didnt show up and werent prepared
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I saw what you did there. He definitely did not lose to Serius Jones of all people, dude was up there talking and didn't say anything of substance.

You trippin...He DEFINITELY took the L vs Serious. I hope you don't think Mook won because he had his WHOLE entire camp there cheering for him. Serious gave it to him.

you wanna make a bet on whether or not URL has another event that sells out and gets a million + views on youtube across the battles ? ill put up a rack that both happen

also -- NOME3 from a production stand point looked incredible . the MCs just didnt show up and werent prepared

You want to a place a bet on free video hits? :lol:
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all these battles developing gwhile smack and them sits to the side tryna make stars out of PG rappers lmao lux n them aint playing fair.
That's because that was the match up that everyone wanted to see... I'm not sure who really wants to see Lux v Mook now :\

quite frankly Lux name alone brings the interest of most fans & Mook is still HIGHLY respected amongst the battle world this is about as big as they could get w/o bringing mainstream rappers into the ring.

and with this being started and checks seemingly being cut i wonder if Millz would ever give consideration towards battle rap.
it just seems like dudes are rooting for URL's demise , and i dont understand why

the more leagues there are with quality match ups , the better it is for the scene . the ONLY reason leagues like UW and KOTD are putting in so much work is because they are trying to get on par with URL . i dont want URL to go away , i want them to step up their game and keep competition healthy and thriving

and to the PG comment -- i dont know about you , but as a battle rap fan i LOVE the PGs . theyve produced a bunch of quality battles , not to mention URL doesnt have to pay those MCs and are getting 100,000+ views off some

if not for the PGs there would be no Ill Will , B Magic , JJDD , or Chilla Jones . dudes like Ah Di Boom , Mr. Wavy , Ty Law , Sno , Danny Myers , and Steams are also on the come up . you really want that stream of dope MCs to go away ?
@Prez T  ..i cosign all of that ^^^

I forget who's interview it was was either Beasly or the KOTD cat but supposedly...KOTD, Grindtime, Quiet room battles and URL all communicate with one another before they book a battle to make sure they aren't stepping on eachother's toes. UW is on their own ish though it looks like...
You want to a place a bet on free video hits? :lol:


URL still gets the most views of any battle league . by far .

so unless that changes , i dont see how they are "done" or "finished"
Why wouldn't they get the most hits if they been around the longest therefore having the biggest following? That's like comparing MTV and BET to Revolt TV. Comparing apples to oranges.

Wonder if this is really going to happen

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Why wouldn't they get the most hits if they been around the longest therefore having the biggest following? That's like comparing MTV and BET to Revolt TV. Comparing apples to oranges.

Wonder if this is really going to happen
Nah, URL started only a few years ago....unless you talk'n Smack DVD's but that wasn't a league. GT and KOTD has been around for a minute b..i think they even started before smack dvd's..GT atleast

JOE WILL LYRICALLY DESTROY EVERY BATTLE RAPPER ON THE far as getting on that stage though thats a different story.
I know Mook's last battle versus Solomon was underwhelming but that's because he tried a new angle he's never done before and the **** didn't go over AT ALL. let's not act like the battle he had before that against Young Hot wasn't one of the worst body bags in battle rap history . If Mook is on his super personal gun bar type **** he can definitely beat Lux
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