***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Fam gonna prop up Mitch owning the libs and is gonna completely ignore how skewed the political spectrum is towards senate representation. Gerrymandering tactics that will over into overdrive for state houses moving forward. GOP suppression efforts continue

As if this thread hasn't repeatedly mentioned Chuck as leadership needs to leave and nobody has a shed a tear for him...how tf did demonizing MSNBC turned into this :lol: staffsgtdignam staffsgtdignam this has been damn near a consensus in here and agree with you on that point with Schumer :lol:

I singled out MSNBC and, to a lesser extent, FOX News but my issue with cable news as a whole is that these media networks care less about the message and delivering facts than they do about content creating that skews HEAVILY to their target demographic, whether it is right or left. I understand these is a HUGE business case/profit incentive here but I find it infuriating since they essentially run 24/7 extremely biased news cycle that has, in my opinion, roped people into echo chambers instead of presenting facts and letting people draw their own conclusions/think independently (and, before I get flamed, yes, I’m aware the right does this FAR worse with FOX News and OANN but it’s silly to ignore the left doing it as well).
The way other world leaders are reacting to Bidens victory says a lot.

We really were a laughing stock and an afterthought the last 4 years.

Yep, if Russia and China REALLY want to hurt the US, I would imagine they tap into all the disgruntled Trump voters that are upset right now. It’s sad that we’re so politically villainized against each other that it has come to this. I don’t see this changing either.

It sucks because all that we would need is for bipartisanship to become more prevalent but left/right wing media (and social media) has made voters and, to a lesser extent, donors want nothing less than warm blood from the other side. It honestly kind of scares me how this is all going to continue in the next few years.
Purity bros simp for Liz bruenig
Pie in the sky progressives love Liz Warren

Real liberals know the only Liz we recognize is her royal majesty, Windsor!

She wore a ruby tiara when a diamond tiara was required for a state dinner. So much shade. Cheeto could never recover.
The fear mongering has to stop. All my friends that were for Trump genuinely believe taxes will immediately go up and the economy will immediately crumble since Joe won. Fox News was covering the celebration outside the White House and the correspondent made a point to mention that there were Black Panthers in attendance and someone was flying a Palestinian flag.
Y'all most definitely not about to pour salt on rachel maddow. That's what we're not doing.
The fear mongering has to stop. All my friends that were for Trump genuinely believe taxes will immediately go up and the economy will immediately crumble since Joe won. Fox News was covering the celebration outside the White House and the correspondent made a point to mention that there were Black Panthers in attendance and someone was flying a Palestinian flag.

The thing is there is legit money to be made by fear-mongering. The left did it a bit during the Trump administration but it’s nowhere near where OANN, etc. have been doing it on the right (IMO, I think this probably is inherently because the liberal demographic tends to be more highly educated than the demographic on the right). People won’t admit it but I think our current political climate is a result of capitalism, especially when you consider how prevalent social media is and how much money there is to be made there via politics. None of the problems we have presently with social media were even an issue in the 2004 Presidential elections, for example. I’m not sure how we even address this tbh since the Fairness Doctrine has pretty severe 1A implications which can be a BAD precedent if we decide to implement that on social media.
The thing is there is legit money to be made by fear-mongering. The left did it a bit during the Trump administration but it’s nowhere near where OANN, etc. have been doing it on the right (IMO, I think this probably is inherently because the liberal demographic tends to be more highly educated than the demographic on the right). People won’t admit it but I think our current political climate is a result of capitalism, especially when you consider how prevalent social media is and how much money there is to be made there via politics. None of the problems we have presently with social media were even an issue in the 2004 Presidential elections, for example. I’m not sure how we even address this tbh since the Fairness Doctrine has pretty severe 1A implications which can be a BAD precedent if we decide to implement that on social media.
It’s also a product of the two party system. As long as the fastest path to votes is blaming the other guy for all life’s problem’s we’ll keep flipping back and forth with 51-52% of the vote.
Gerrymandering is a problem too. There should be a limit on aspect ratio of congressional district boundaries. I live in the lone red district in Maryland. I think all but one CD in Maryland go 65%+ to the winning side. I don’t belong to a party so I can’t vote in primaries. My vote will never come close to making a difference. As much as I hate parties I’m gonna have to register Democrat just to have a say in county elections. Presidential primaries are so late in the cycle there’s rarely two candidates left in either party.
Tonight I learned that it is wise to not lose my breath and waste my time for someone who continuous deflects questions about the Trump admin with counter points of Biden's accomplishments in the 47 years as a politician and that there is a media bias towards the Republicans.

Dude is delusional and lost.

He told me "If I fail to see that there is a media bias, then there is nothing else needed to be discussed." Then continues to quote OAN, FOX, and Brietbart.

Peace, bro. You can eff off too.
The fear mongering has to stop. All my friends that were for Trump genuinely believe taxes will immediately go up and the economy will immediately crumble since Joe won. Fox News was covering the celebration outside the White House and the correspondent made a point to mention that there were Black Panthers in attendance and someone was flying a Palestinian flag.

well, trumps tax “cuts” do start to increase in 2021, so they aren’t wrong about that part (unless your friends are wealthy)
well, trumps tax “cuts” do start to increase in 2021, so they aren’t wrong about that part (unless your friends are wealthy)
Yeah... those “cuts” cost me money. By my math at the time they helped people on the ends of the scale and hurt many in the middle.
My boy of 20 years just sent me this.

“Trump shouldve won bro

he has a tight grip on China and North Korea

as well as the rest of the world

China wants Trump to lose this was all part of their plan

they knew covid would bring down his popularity so they used that in their favor

China is the enemy

not Trump

people nowadays are so brainwashed by liberal media

gotta look at the bigger picture

Trump puts country first trust me”

SMH. You stupid ************. Did you forget that I’m Chinese? Lmao at puts country first, how is 238,000 deaths putting the ******* country first? I want to say something but don't want to give this clown any more of my time.
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Stupid local station went straight to The Big Bang Theory after the game :angry:

Thank goodness for YouTube.

Also, this is pretty messed up.

this man went all in and essentially rooted for bigotry, sexism, xenophobia, and discrimination to win this race. considering the stake he had in this election, i'm wiling to bet he cast his vote for trump.

couldn't give a **** less about cuzz. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. nearly 240,000 deaths due to trump's mishandling of covid. one idiot wants to take his life because he put all his chips on trump mehhh...sad over it? couldn't be me.
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