***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What do we have to lose guys?
Nothing really. All this fear mongering and hyperbole only has one purpose: undermine and deligitimize the POTUS and hope that he gets so frustrated and overwhelmed by the nonsense that he just gives up. Thats all it is. BS.
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Nothing really. All this fear mongering and hyperbole only has one purpose: undermine and deligitimize the POTUS and hope that he gets so frustrated and overwhelmed by the nonsense that he just gives up. Thats all it is. BS.
I want to smoke what this guy is smoking.

Republican redistricting is taking a beating in the courts, right now

Dems need to grow some balls and refuse the Supreme Court pick.

If voter ID and gerrymandering both get struck down in the lower courts, then a 4-4 split at SCOTUS means the lower court decisions stands.

This sets up a potential bloodbath scenario for the GOP in 2020 if liberal turnout is high.
That would be great...only if the puppet cheeto and Bannon somehow don't get us in a war and somehow find a way to enforce some martial law
Challenging times we are heading into
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Funny how the courts are often in favor of the Democrats or liberals lately
Makes you wonder who follows the constitution more...
from August:


Bannon Is A Legitimately Sinister Figure. Many former employees of Breitbart News are afraid of Steve Bannon. He is a vindictive, nasty figure, infamous for verbally abusing supposed friends and threatening enemies. Bannon is a smarter version of Trump: he’s an aggressive self-promoter who name-drops to heighten his profile and woo bigger names, and then uses those bigger names as stepping stools to his next destination. Trump may be his final destination. Or it may not. He will attempt to ruin anyone who impedes his unending ambition, and he will use anyone bigger than he is – for example, Donald Trump – to get where he wants to go. Bannon knows that in the game of thrones, you win or die. And he certainly doesn’t intend to die. He’ll kill everyone else before he goes.

Bannon’s ascension is the predictable consummation of a romance he ardently pursued. I joked with friends months ago that by the end of the campaign, Steve Bannon would be running Trump’s campaign from a bunker. That’s now reality. Every nightmare for actual conservatives has come true in this campaign. Why not this one, too?
What do we have to lose guys?
Nothing really. All this fear mongering and hyperbole only has one purpose: undermine and deligitimize the POTUS and hope that he gets so frustrated and overwhelmed by the nonsense that he just gives up. Thats all it is. BS.

First off, this comment is ridiculous

Second, I doubt you felt the same way when Obama was the president

Giuliani "When He First Announced It He Said MUSLIM BAN Then He Said Show Me How To Do This Legally"

First off, this comment is ridiculous

Second, I doubt you felt the same way when Obama was the president
The opposition to Obama was NOTHING compared to what we are seeing now. Literally everything our President says and does is mocked, blown out of proprtion, or taken completely out of context. Just look at the whole "Trump not escorting Melania" video. Its hilariously cut to make him look bad. The man cant breath without people calling him Hitler and an evil cheeto dictator. Were there protests when Obama got elected? Sure. But not on the scale that we see now. Hating Trump gets you internet likes. Its in fashion.
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First off, this comment is ridiculous

Second, I doubt you felt the same way when Obama was the president
The opposition to Obama was NOTHING compared to what we are seeing now. Literally everything our President says and does is mocked, blown out of proprtion, or taken completely out of context. Just look at the whole "Trump not escorting Melania" video. Its hilariously cut to make him look like bad. The man cant breath without people calling him Hitler and an evil cheeto dictator. Were there protests when Obama got elected, sure? But not on the scale that we see now. Hating Trump gets you internet likes. Its in fashion.

The opposition to Obama was NOTHING compared to what we are seeing now. Literally everything our President says and does is mocked, blown out of proprtion, or taken completely out of context. Just look at the whole "Trump not escorting Melania" video. Its hilariously cut to make him look bad. The man cant breath without people calling him Hitler and an evil cheeto dictator. Were there protests when Obama got elected? Sure. But not on the scale that we see now. Hating Trump gets you internet likes. Its in fashion.
First off, this comment is ridiculous

Second, I doubt you felt the same way when Obama was the president
The opposition to Obama was NOTHING compared to what we are seeing now. Literally everything our President says and does is mocked, blown out of proprtion, or taken completely out of context. Just look at the whole "Trump not escorting Melania" video. Its hilariously cut to make him look bad. The man cant breath without people calling him Hitler and an evil cheeto dictator. Were there protests when Obama got elected? Sure. But not on the scale that we see now. Hating Trump gets you internet likes. Its in fashion.

You have a selective memory, because the racist vitriol towards Obama was horrible, much worst than seen today

The people talking about killing the ****** on Twitter, tying nooses around trees, and all other sorts of racist crap.





And the GOP was down to fan the flames


And may we remember the incredibly racist birther movement, lead by our current president.

We are mocking Trump for being incompetent and a bigot. He has proven to be both. The attacks against Obama were strictly based on the man's skin our and heritage. We have ever reasonable right to mock how disgusting Trump is. Much more disgusting things were said about Obama. I live in DC in 2008, I saw that nonsense with my own two eyes.

It is either you have selective memory, are ignorant about the disgusting level of racism the right launched at Obama.........or like banana being thrown at black people, you found all this nonsense toward Obama funny.
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