***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Texas is real close to going over the positivity rate 5% of the pop at least in austin , idk if i can say more but thats from our monday report
roughly 50k positive in austin
Who gotta good article on Trump’s relationship with Russia?

My boy just sent me a text saying Hillary was working with Russia, not Trump.

Pfizer news isn’t really news considering they said they were close a month ago. Had chump won, THEY would have said he cured Covid.

people need to start getting smacked
I listened to this segment last night

Basically says we should see a widely available vaccine by the end of the year. Not sure if I believe it but we will see.
Id love to hear what type of non answers or deflections they would have for that question. The media should ask it and keep asking it until they answer it though.

Ted Cruz is a sad man though. Going so hard for a man who not only called his wife ugly, but also accused him of rigging primaries against him.
Nah that’s my guy, he’s misinformed. Out here like Ice Cube.
Hillary + Putin is flat-earther territory.

You entertain that nonsense, you're conditioning your guy to believe, he can bring all kinds of B.S. to your table.

Here's how it's going to play out: You're going to point out, that on the eve of the DNC hack, Trump was live on TV saying Yo Russia or China, if you can find Hillary's emails, you'll be mightily rewarded.

Then your guy is going to dismiss that outright as a Main Street Media fabrication. Then you'll be back here for asking for proof. We could provide it and your friend will dismiss that too. Soon you'll find yourself researching the ins and out of the last four year's cluster****, while your guy's relaxing in your best chair, munching your cereals.

It's your time to waste, I'd just ask him: So you want me to believe the collective of ****heads, who can't tell a luxury hotel from a landscaping company? Really? G T F O !

This is their play book: Ask for your sources and claim any source you bring is left-leaning lame-street media.
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this is Trump's ploy to delay and cause chaos, Trump's entire litigious life has followed this pattern. He's trying to delay state certifications into january hoping that the chaos will lead to one(or more) of these GOP led states to overturn their results and side with him to give him the election. these courts need to punish his legal team financially until they give up, and if they dont give up, then threaten to disbar them

went to high school with this dude... we used to get high and party at his moms crib almost every weekend... he used to have the pounds of the “Kind Bud” back then... rich white kid... didn’t realize back then his family’s political history runs deep... he was cool then... now not so much... I could tell some wild stories from back then... robberies, shootings and more... used to have his white *** at the GOGO’s (DMV music/ clubs) wild as F no lie... he’s a scumbag now! 😡
What an unbelievable waste of time, money and resources to count over 180 *&&%$!@$ votes. How can people be so blind and ignorant to this imbeclie. People are dying. Small business owners are losing their businesses and he wants to drag this election out over 180 votes. Unreal.
this is Trump's ploy to delay and cause chaos, Trump's entire litigious life has followed this pattern. He's trying to delay state certifications into january hoping that the chaos will lead to one(or more) of these GOP led states to overturn their results and side with him to give him the election. these courts need to punish his legal team financially until they give up, and if they dont give up, then threaten to disbar them

the only thing I can think of, is trump doing all this to get some sort of agreement out of the Democrats to avoid any personal liability

so he clearly demonstrates he is willing to burn down everything unless they settle out of court with him

I get the GOP is trying pacify his base with them thinking they can keep them onboard post trump, but they need to look at how cults work
It is so annoying the gaslighting by the right side with this voter fraud nonsense.
"It's not bias...like the DNC stole the nomination from Bernie in 2016 so like you should care about voter fraud too"
"The system is rigged and it effects everyone"

Just go away already. No matter what the outcome if it wasn't for "your guy" you wouldn't be ok. Stop the vote....count the vote...Grow up already.
I listened to this segment last night

Basically says we should see a widely available vaccine by the end of the year. Not sure if I believe it but we will see.
I'm with you...virtually no chance.

We've been told pipe dreams about this vaccine all year now - when the public should not believe anything until it's actually here, and successful. Remember when we were told by end of summer it's here? Then it was by Halloween. That's ridiculous.

We all want this to happen ASAP, no doubt. And it's basically our only hope at this point. But a couple things for people to remember:

The fastest successful vaccine ever developed in world history was....over 4 years time. And when the time comes that we do get one, over 300 million vaccines are going to need to be produced just in the U.S. alone.

went to high school with this dude... we used to get high and party at his moms crib almost every weekend... he used to have the pounds of the “Kind Bud” back then... rich white kid... didn’t realize back then his family’s political history runs deep... he was cool then... now not so much... I could tell some wild stories from back then... robberies, shootings and more... used to have his white *** at the GOGO’s (DMV music/ clubs) wild as F no lie... he’s a scumbag now! 😡

This checks out. Did a quick read up on him.


I can see it. His Pops is a scum bag too. Longest serving senator in Nevada history, who only acknowledged Ole boy was his son at 80 years old. In 2013 :lol:. The year before he ran for election.

**** wild.
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