***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yeah i'm in school at the moment paying out of pocket, my nephew is in college and receives some loans, wiping that out would give him an excellent head start.

that head start and graduating with minimal debt is ideal for anyone coming out of college. My oldest son graduated high school this past June. He’s in community college right now. When he transfers, if the end game is minimal debt. That’s a huge path to success in terms of setting him up well post college.

They wanna get him outta there cause he seems to be one of the few republicans left who care about the democratic process. They’d much rather have another kemp in there who will gladly muddy the waters and suppress voters here smh

hes fired back

I just wondered if instead of buying a house, car etc why not pay off student loan?
Besides the fact that a car is a necessity in many places, you also ignore that a lot of people can't afford a home or a decent car because of the financial albatross of student loans hanging from their neck weighing them down. People should not be denied the opportunity to build wealth and live dignified lives because they got an education. That's a ridiculous stance to take.
And again — this disproportionately affects BIPOC. Black lawyers and doctors making it to the pinnacle of the profession, working in the most prestigious of jobs with more debt than white counterparts. Obama himself is a double ivy grad and didn’t pay off his debt until he was in the Oval Office if I’m not mistaken. That’s absurd.
My mother is still paying her student loans for fordham undergrad/law. That's decades of payments we're talking about.
The rundown house in the same neighborhood as the guy you work with who has no collage education and no debt, but makes 1/2 what you do because of that debt.
Ahhh not true. Money in is money in. Money owed doesn’t mean you’re paying out a certain amount.

you’re really just wrong on all this. Just move on :lol:
that head start and graduating with minimal debt is ideal for anyone coming out of college. My oldest son graduated high school this past June. He’s in community college right now. When he transfers, if the end game is minimal debt. That’s a huge path to success in terms of setting him up well post college.

Never understood why people go to these $60K/year schools right off the rip instead of doing community college for a couple years, getting the general ed requirements out of the way for 10% of that, finding out what they want to do and then paying a little more for the right school.

If I had a kid I'd make sure they took all those goofy classes at the community college assuming the credits transfer. Which is another way of the big universities scamming.
You can get approved for like $100k of student loans with no credit history, $0 of income or savings to your name. You can't even get a $100k mortgage for a rundown trap house unless you have $20k to put down, a credit score of 670+, and proof of income spanning between 12-24 months. So if you don't think student loans are predatory you're a moron
We tell kids if they want to get far in the race they need to get a degree, and then we trip them at the starting line and tell them to pull themselves up by their tangled bootstraps. "Got $60K in debt? Try not buying coffee!" as if the ******* coffee is the problem and not the practice of exploiting vulnerable children for financial gain.
Never understood why people go to these $60K/year schools right off the rip instead of doing community college for a couple years, getting the general ed requirements out of the way for 10% of that, finding out what they want to do and then paying a little more for the right school.

If I had a kid I'd make sure they took all those goofy classes at the community college assuming the credits transfer. Which is another way of the big universities scamming.
Well that stems from high school too. Look at how many programs that only help you if you go to a major or D2 college. Look at how the system is in place to go directly into a major university. It is beyond disproportional. Major college with help OR community but you’re on your own (generally speaking).

Let’s be honest too. Most of the college experience is being in a major college. I would be lying if I said I was one of those people who wants to have the college experience
Never understood why people go to these $60K/year schools right off the rip instead of doing community college for a couple years, getting the general ed requirements out of the way for 10% of that, finding out what they want to do and then paying a little more for the right school.

If I had a kid I'd make sure they took all those goofy classes at the community college assuming the credits transfer. Which is another way of the big universities scamming.
They're kids that don't really know anything, especially if they're 1st generation college students, no one to really guide them. You take these children with no financial education and just throw them out there just suddenly responsible for 1000s without proper explanation. It's overwhelming.
We tell kids if they want to get far in the race they need to get a degree, and then we trip them at the starting line and tell them to pull themselves up by their tangled bootstraps. "Got $60K in debt? Try not buying coffee!" as if the ****ing coffee is the problem and not the practice of exploiting vulnerable children for financial gain.

Yeah they want you to be miserable until you're 40 because of a decision from when you weren't even allowed to legally drink a beer. If you don't pay $5 a day for coffee on workdays, you can save a whopping $1300 a year. Will only you take you a short 38 years to pay off that $50k school debt. Enjoy being debt free at 60!
I respect that opinion, but not how I see it. Our ancestors built up this country and while white people have been able to accumulate wealth for generations that allow them pass down wealth and assets, we have been systemically denied these opportunities throughout this country’s history. I’m a first generation college grad, but I make over 200k. It’s literally a combination of luck and chance that got me to this point, purely against all odds with neither parent being a college grad. It’s basically a form of reparations as I see it for all Black folks. If white people benefit too then so be it.

I agree 1000%. I am very proud of you and your conservative values. I know we are hurting based on the outcome of the election but jrose5 jrose5 told us he will stop the steal and replace meth by week's end.
People go to these expensive schools right off the bat because of peer pressure. They don't want to feel left behind/like a loser when they see all their friends and peers moving ahead with their lives. You have to remember these are mostly 17 and 18-year-olds we're talking about. It might be easy for some of us old bastards to say just don't go or wait, but I think some of us have forgotten what it feels like to be that age.

If it were up to me, all public universities would be straight up free.
The concept of going to community college or cheaper schools wasn't really a thing until after 2008. I started college in 2004, prior to, I was always told to go to the school w/ the "big name" so it'll help me with jobs afterward. It wasn't until afterwards that us older millennials starting speaking up about the false info we were given. If I could do it all again, I would definitely go to community college first.
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