***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So you were letting people that were delinquent on student loans get mortgages? :lol:


Big difference in approving a loan with student loans and one that has not been paying. The DTI and Fico plays a much more crucial role when reviewing loan applications over over if borrower has student loan debt.
Wife is an attorney and I am a school teacher with a masters. Our household income is ~$300k. Have ~$170k in student loans (all hers). Was going to pay it all of this year but we are buying an office building with the cash instead.

It sucks and it is a burden, but it was an investment in our future earning power. I do not feel like we are entitled to any relief as we are doing fine. Would rather that money go to folks trying to get theirs heads above water.
I respect that opinion, but not how I see it. Our ancestors built up this country and while white people have been able to accumulate wealth for generations that allow them pass down wealth and assets, we have been systemically denied these opportunities throughout this country’s history. I’m a first generation college grad, but I make over 200k. It’s literally a combination of luck and chance that got me to this point, purely against all odds with neither parent being a college grad. It’s basically a form of reparations as I see it for all Black folks. If white people benefit too then so be it.

I know dudes with JDs that won't even buy a bottle of Palmer's Cocoa butter to take care of the ashy legs, drink Busch Light, and have to resort to scamming the Small Business Administration to stay ahead.

Scary world outchea

Folks in here are mentioning “society pressures you to go to colleg”, sure it does but nobody forces you to do so nor does anyone force you to obligate yourself to student loans.

They might not force you, but they damn sure let you know that not going to college is not in your best interest. And as a teenager who's easily influenced by fear, you might set the wheels of debt in motion before your full understand the implications of debt or even know what you want to do.

High schools do a terrible job of preparing kids to make that decision. My guidance counselors didn't do sh*t.

I know dudes with JDs that won't even buy a bottle of Palmer's Cocoa butter to take care of the legs, and drink Busch Light

Scary world outchea

Personally, I’m allergic to cocoa butter. I guess shea butter works, but the yellow stuff in the clear container can get a lil greasy.

Also, I’d grab a Miller Lite over Busch. Heck, even a PBR.

Busch Light is wild.

Scary world indeed.
Not true at all it depends on your score and your income.
See you’re twisting the argument. Yes you can buy a rundown house in the middle of crime alley with debt. If you’re making 3X your debt yearly (some reason not paying them off) yes you can buy a house. These instances aren’t ideal or really worth mentioning
So you supported Trump for the last 4 years off of smoke and mirrors? Where is the logic in that?

It’s been discussed at length by me. But basically Biden with GOP obstruction would yield less meaningful legislation than Trump because the Senate would push through legislation under Trump that they’d block under a Biden administration.

But that’s all in the past. Focused on flipping the Senate now.
Wife is an attorney and I am a school teacher with a masters. Our household income is ~$300k. Have ~$170k in student loans left (all hers, mine are gone). Was going to pay it all of this year but we are buying an office building with the cash instead.

It sucks and it is a burden, but it was an investment in our future earning power. I do not feel like we are entitled to any relief as we are doing fine. Would rather that money go to folks trying to get their head above water.

It's such a different reality to what I know I have to ask why not pay off the student loans before the office building purchase?
Big difference in approving a loan with student loans and one that has not been paying. The DTI and Fico plays a much more crucial role when reviewing loan applications over over if borrower has student loan debt.
You are not making sense.

First, student loan payments are reported to the credit Beareus every month. If someone is not paying their student loans, it will tank their FICO score

Second, didn't you claim that there are people choosing to pay homes over saying their loans? So if you were in charge of approving the loans you either a) Rejected them for non-payment b) Approved people that were delinquent. So if your evidence of such behavior is you approving people not paying, and you are mad that is going on, then maybe you should be blaming your damn self. :lol:
See you’re twisting the argument. Yes you can buy a rundown house in the middle of crime alley with debt. These instances aren’t ideal or really worth mentioning

The rundown house in the same neighborhood as the guy you work with who has no collage education and no debt, but makes 1/2 what you do because of that debt.
Opinions | Black women saved the Democrats. Don’t make us do it again.

Without our support, the president-elect would be preparing a powerful speech about how despite his defeat, the nation needs to stand together as a united people to blunt the effects of President Trump’s white supremacist reign. Instead, thanks to wins powered largely by the turnout in places like Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Philadelphia, Biden and the first Black woman to serve as vice president, Kamala D. Harris, are preparing to take office.

But it’s a sure bet that even though Trump will be gone after January, the social conditions for Black citizens will remain largely the same, because you cannot vote white supremacy out

It’s the lifeblood of our nation’s political institutions. It’s the insidious undercurrent that absolves the new president-elect of his 1994 crime bill, a historic piece of federal legislation that increased funding to law enforcement agencies throughout the country. During this campaign, Biden has apologized for his previous actions, contextualized the social conditions of the early 1990s and pledged for forgiveness from Black Americans, specifically Black women.

Ya'll ready?!


Whether behind our women or in front of them, we need to be on code and ready for whatever they need of us. It’s time to start pulling the “norm” or whatever people consider moderate or centrist to the left and hard.

election day put career dems and the upcoming bunch on notice. they wanted us, we’re here now.
I guess everyone has their level of "pull yourself up by the bootstrap".

its a weird mentality. If things can be implemented which my kids can benefit off of when they’re of college age, I could care less if I didn’t benefit from said programs. Just because I did it, doesn’t mean I want my kids to have to deal with it if possible.
I respect that opinion, but not how I see it. Our ancestors built up this country and while white people have been able to accumulate wealth for generations that allow them pass down wealth and assets, we have been systemically denied these opportunities throughout this country’s history. I’m a first generation college grad, but I make over 200k. It’s literally a combination of luck and chance that got me to this point, purely against all odds with neither parent being a college grad. It’s basically a form of reparations as I see it for all Black folks. If white people benefit too then so be it.

For what it’s worth, we are white. I absolutely am in favor of loan forgiveness programs for both first generation college students and people of color.
its a weird mentality. If things can be implemented which my kids can benefit off of when they’re of college age, I could care less if I didn’t benefit from said programs. Just because I did it, doesn’t mean I want my kids to have to deal with it if possible.
Yeah i'm in school at the moment paying out of pocket, my nephew is in college and receives some loans, wiping that out would give him an excellent head start.
Whether behind our women or in front of them, we need to be on code and ready for whatever they need of us. It’s time to start pulling the “norm” or whatever people consider moderate or centrist to the left and hard.

election day put career dems and the upcoming bunch on notice. they wanted us, we’re here now.
Personally, I've been on post for quite some time. I know who GOD is, and she completely proved her existence on this one. She is about to do much more...and I am behind her ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. Laying my life on it Bruh.
You are not making sense.

First, student loan payments are reported to the credit Beareus every month. If someone is not paying their student loans, it will tank their FICO score

Second, didn't you claim that there are people choosing to pay homes over saying their loans? So if you were in charge of approving the loans you either a) Rejected them for non-payment b) Approved people that were delinquent. So if your evidence of such behavior is you approving people not paying, and you are mad that is going on, then maybe you should be blaming your damn self. :lol:

First, I was referring to just having student loans not being delinquent. You are correct if you do not pay it will negatively effect your score.

What I meant to say was just having student loan debt does not hurt when it comes time get credit.
It's such a different reality to what I know I have to ask why not pay off the student loans before the office building purchase?

Good question. Without getting too personal, my wife’s firm is moving to a bigger office and either we own a share of the building and they pay rent to us, or she pays rent to someone else. Either way they have to move. Building will generate cash flow that is significantly greater than what the loans are costing us in interest. Additionally, our (really her) income has really picked up and it is likely that we will be able to pay the loans off in a few years.
You can get approved for like $100k of student loans with no credit history, $0 of income or savings to your name. You can't even get a $100k mortgage for a rundown trap house unless you have $20k to put down, a credit score of 670+, and proof of income spanning between 12-24 months. So if you don't think student loans are predatory you're a moron
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