***Official Political Discussion Thread***

id be on the "you made your bed" steez too if there werent real economic ramification to having large swaths of damn near 2, approaching 3 generations and counting of the future work force in crippling debt. its that simple for me. im also for raising the minimum wage, having federal jobs programs and training, free public universities, and incentivizing bringing business to impoverished areas as job creators instead of pushing them out. not many people are just advocating for one of these things
I had a full academic scholarship but it still didn't cover the complete costs of going to college. Housing, books, meals etc. Just covering tuition doesn't cover it the system is ridiculous tbh.
I'm really not against you guys on this at all. I would love to see it happen, but what I don't like to see is everyone who is riding so hard to forgive debt for people who are already doing so much better then a lot of the average Americans.

Like I said before why not allow some restrictions on who can have debt forgiven? Seeing executives and people making $200k plus getting relief from student loans just does not sit well with me when those degrees are a major factor in why they are able to make what they do.

If its anything like Biden's plan that he wants to pass through congress, it would be capped at those making $125K a year so there will likely be restriction son it.

Also, those making $200K a year probably don't have a ton of loans.

This is the easiest path to also help those not making very much as well.
I just bought a crib back in June if we’re about cancelling stuff, let me get out of that mortgage. But in the interim, I’d be appreciative for the student loan relief.

Not directed at you at all, but I wonder how many of these people with student loan debt are out here buying new homes, cars, etc. meanwhile ignoring the loan?

Legit curious as to how many of them cant pay it back and how many just don't want to?
Sadly, this was my fear and my reasoning behind supporting Trump in the past.
Not at all. But two things can be true at once. You can have predatory lenders AND people can make some stupid *** financial decisions.

this is one reason I support debt forgiveness and stuff of that nature. predatory lenders are part of it but lack of education is also a part of this, combined with people making stupid decisions based on that.

I support the idea of a “do over” you could say for Americans. my basis is there’s been at least two major bailouts for businesses in my lifetime. I know hard working people who lost a lot in the first major collapse we had in the 2000s and never fully recovered. still fighting debt. and we bailing out cruise line companies? naw, give regular people a do over too.

American capitalism is true crabs in a bucket mentality.
Not directed at you at all, but I wonder how many of these people with student loan debt are out here buying new homes, cars, etc. meanwhile ignoring the loan?

Legit curious as to how many of them cant pay it back and how many just don't want to?

This isn't how loans work. You can't just ignore them and if you do, you certainly wont be buying a new home, car, etc because your credit score is going to be complete trash.

You are overcomplicating this on so many levels.
Sadly, this was my fear and my reasoning behind supporting Trump in the past.

were about to see an unprecendented amount of executive orders
Not directed at you at all, but I wonder how many of these people with student loan debt are out here buying new homes, cars, etc. meanwhile ignoring the loan?

Legit curious as to how many of them cant pay it back and how many just don't want to?

lol no one is out here getting approved for mortgages and car loans with delinquent student loans.
This isn't how loans work. You can't just ignore them and if you do, you certainly wont be buying a new home, car, etc because your credit score is going to be complete trash.

You are overcomplicating this on so many levels.

Most loans yes, but student loans do not influence a lenders decision as much as other debts.
Most loans yes, but student loans do not influence a lenders decision as much as other debts.

:rofl: Cmon man, now you are just making stuff up


" Student loans affect your credit report and credit scores, including FICO scores, the same way as any other debt on your credit report. Account information, such as the amount of the loan, your monthly payment amount, and your payment history are all factored in when a credit score is calculated. "

You may be able to defer the loan while you are in school, but six months after you graduate its open season and it affects your credit score like any other loan. You may be able to get approved for an income based repayment play at a reduced monthly rate but all that does is increase your loan payback period.

I had to make my first $780 payment when I had $4 in my bank account after I graduated. I definitely overdrafted the **** out of my account that month.
Opinions | Black women saved the Democrats. Don’t make us do it again.

Without our support, the president-elect would be preparing a powerful speech about how despite his defeat, the nation needs to stand together as a united people to blunt the effects of President Trump’s white supremacist reign. Instead, thanks to wins powered largely by the turnout in places like Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Philadelphia, Biden and the first Black woman to serve as vice president, Kamala D. Harris, are preparing to take office.

But it’s a sure bet that even though Trump will be gone after January, the social conditions for Black citizens will remain largely the same, because you cannot vote white supremacy out

It’s the lifeblood of our nation’s political institutions. It’s the insidious undercurrent that absolves the new president-elect of his 1994 crime bill, a historic piece of federal legislation that increased funding to law enforcement agencies throughout the country. During this campaign, Biden has apologized for his previous actions, contextualized the social conditions of the early 1990s and pledged for forgiveness from Black Americans, specifically Black women.

Ya'll ready?!

Most loans yes, but student loans do not influence a lenders decision as much as other debts.

if your loans are in good standing sure to an extent. but we couldnt even get approved for a mortgage without paying off a good chunk of student loan debt because our debt to income ratios were too high. if you have a delinquent or defaulted student loan you arent getting approved for a mortgage period. and IF you get approved for a car loan it will cost you thousands and thousand and thousand of dollars more over the course of the loan because youll get a garbage interest rate.
How about this—should student loan cancellation be a real option, and should there be an option to opt in/out, you clowns who would like to continue being saddled with debt can continue to piss in the wind. And those of us who would like to take advantage of a break from the government can do so. Everyone wins.
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