***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Keep the foot on their necks, vote and get the people around you to do it too.
And don't just stop at the presidential election, find out every office you can vote these ghouls out of.
They have to pay for the ****show at least in a court of law.
What’s a ghoul to a goblin? Asking for a lib

You know how a movie is good because you go back to watch it a second time and you notice new things because you pick up details you missed the first time?

I'm going to go back and watch the debate knowing that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, deadly to 5-20% of people in the 70+ obese male demographic, was rapidly multiplying in Donald Trump's nasal cavity and lungs for the entire 95 minutes!

Now that's gripping television.
Isn't this the chick that owns a wnba team :nerd:

Senator Kelly Loeffler is also the chick who made 18 million dollars profiting from advance insider knowledge of public policy during a pandemic while completely failing to inform her constituents of the danger involved.

Loeffler, who sits on the Senate Health Committee, first began selling stocks on January 24 — the same day that committee held a private all-members session on Covid-19 — and continued making trades in late February and early March.

According to her latest financial disclosure, which the senator provided to the AJC, her largest transaction involved the sale of $18.7 million in Intercontinental Exchange stock in three separate deals dated February 26 and March 11. Intercontinental Exchange operates global exchanges for several financial and commodity markets — and since Loeffler made her first sale, its stock has fallen by 16 percent.

this is the type of despicable hominid I´m supposed to feel bad for as they wither and die.

This honestly worries the **** out of me and isn't the first time ive thought about it. I've always wondered what the GOP would do if Trump or one of the higher ups died from this. It seems like a convenient excuse to go down a path they were already planning on going down

Trump's campaign is going virtual

This was just an excuse for his pathetic crowd sizes. Am I doing this right republicans?
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