***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If you don’t mind, could you post those studies. I’m curious because it seems counter intuitive that it would make the situation worse. I can definitely see it not having a big effect. I am also curious how success or failure are

When someone says they won’t vote, because they believe that “both sides are the same,” I understand the temptation to grab an example where the Democratic Party creates better (as in more equitable) outcomes. Technically, you have shattered their whole premise and have “won“ the debate but it is not likely to change their decision to not vote because you have really addressed their alienation, the alienation that makes them feel like voting is pointless.

As someone who is deeply critical about the Democratic Party inherent resistance to the sort of revolutionary change that we need, and also votes for their candidates, I would suggest the following. Acknowledge, right away that both major Parties share far too many bedrock assumptions about how the world ought to be and that that causes a great deal of misery here and throughout the world but there are differences between the parties and across the board, wherever differences exist, the Democratic Party is always better, and if there were absolutely no differences, Republicans would not be working so hard and so thoroughly to take away the voting power of you and people like you (young, low income, disabled, queer, black, or whatever the case may be).


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again if anyone watched that exchange and thought he condemned them cause he said “sure” is either a straight stupid trump shill that takes anything he says or intentionally being obtuse and purposefully ignoring everything he said after that
In these times, I refuse to attribute to stupidity what can be explained by malice.

Anyone who tries to explain away what Trump said about the proud boys is telling on themselves.
I thought that he said “sure.” Thanks for posting that transcript, I think it is helpful to understand the exchange.

I think a fair reading of the exchange is that he agreed to denounce white supremacy by saying “sure.” And CW asked if he was willing to ask them to “stand down.” To show that he had no issue doing it he asked what group do you want me to denounce? Biden said proud boys. And he said okay Proud boys and in an attempt to say stand down (as CW said) he mistakenly said “stand back and stand by” in an attempt to use the exact words CW said earlier.

Obviously what he actually said is problematic. But I think that is a fair reading. Especially considering the exchange live. The fact that he has continuously condemned white supremacy and recently wrote an EO on the KKK is also telling.

Hopefully he will come out and clarify his stance. If he was intentionally suggesting that the Proud Boys should prepare for battle that is indefensible and I would not be able to continue to support him—period.

But I think the reading I described above is likely what happened based on the transcript.
I have no issue admitting error that’s why I said if he was intending to tell the Proud Boys to prepare for battle, then I can no longer support him—period.

I just think that the reading I posted makes more sense considering he said “sure” asked who they wanted to denounce and then seemingly tried to use words to align with what CW said.

That taken with the fact that he’s repeatedly publicly denounced white supremacy colors my view. But again, if he was really intending to tell the Proud Boys to “stand by” (like be prepared for battle) I can’t continue my support.

Funny how 4 years > 8 years to him.

Also, cats like him speak from a different perspective than the average black person in America. Money tends to shield them from the most direct and most random situations resulting from living in a country that openly hates people like him.

Even more to your point 47 years is certainly more than 4.

While I might understand his ultimate conclusion, “the devil you know” argument has to favor Biden considering he’s been a politician for over 4 decades.
“they should be condemned” or “sure, I’m willing to condemn them” is not “I condemn white supremacists.”

all he had to say was “I condemn and do not support the proud boys.” Instead, he told the proud boys to stand down and stand by but somebody has to do something about antifa and the left”. He repeatedly asked his supporters to become poll watchers and we’ve already seen the intimidation tactics his supporters use. It’s another intentional attempt to suppress voters and limit turnout.
On a separate note, at work they had CNN on and Sara Sidner was on. I don’t know what it is about her, but if I were single and given a chance, I would smash with the power of all of the infinity stones.
I thought that he said “sure.” Thanks for posting that transcript, I think it is helpful to understand the exchange.

I think a fair reading of the exchange is that he agreed to denounce white supremacy by saying “sure.” And CW asked if he was willing to ask them to “stand down.” To show that he had no issue doing it he asked what group do you want me to denounce? Biden said proud boys. And he said okay Proud boys and in an attempt to say stand down (as CW said) he mistakenly said “stand back and stand by” in an attempt to use the exact words CW said earlier.

Obviously what he actually said is problematic. But I think that is a fair reading. Especially considering the exchange live. The fact that he has continuously condemned white supremacy and recently wrote an EO on the KKK is also telling.

Hopefully he will come out and clarify his stance. If he was intentionally suggesting that the Proud Boys should prepare for battle that is indefensible and I would not be able to continue to support him—period.

But I think the reading I described above is likely what happened based on the transcript.
Are you kidding me? With what he said about diversity training as well? Really? You outta be ashamed of yourself man.
“they should be condemned” or “sure, I’m willing to condemn them” is not “I condemn white supremacists.”

all he had to say was “I condemn and do not support the proud boys.” Instead, he told the proud boys to stand down and stand by but somebody has to do something about antifa and the left”. He repeatedly asked his supporters to become poll watchers and we’ve already seen the intimidation tactics his supporters use. It’s another intentional attempt to suppress voters and limit turnout.

Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists

“they should be condemned” or “sure, I’m willing to condemn them” is not “I condemn white supremacists.”

all he had to say was “I condemn and do not support the proud boys.” Instead, he told the proud boys to stand down and stand by but somebody has to do something about antifa and the left”. He repeatedly asked his supporters to become poll watchers and we’ve already seen the intimidation tactics his supporters use. It’s another intentional attempt to suppress voters and limit turnout.
The “trump army”. Delk has his ******* head so far in the sand. Jesus. It isn’t hard to see what’s happening here.
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