***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You are ignoring that he has repeatedly denounced them.

The only reason I mentioned President Obama was to highlight a flaw in your argument.
He was asked would he do with the whole world watching after sowing racial division for most of 2020, he had no problem denouncing BLM, calling for law and order, talking about how white suburban moms won’t be safe if “they” take over the suburbs. Why are you deflecting from what the world saw last night? He had the opportunity and blatantly chose not to. It’s not that difficult to comprehend. He instead told the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. Just live with it. This is what YOU support, Black man.

and there’s no flaw. You just chose to harp on a technicality that is not in the spirit of the convo being had to deflect, per usual.
You are ignoring that he has repeatedly denounced them.

The only reason I mentioned President Obama was to highlight a flaw in your argument.

And you are ignoring the fact that these statements typically came AFTER a pattern of historically racist statements.

I'm sure he will do the same bare minimum statement today for the 20th time and you will keep spreading your cheeks for it.

In fairness, he said “sure” immediately when asked. And this is after publicly denouncing white supremacy repeatedly. But your point is well taken.

no he said "sure I am willing to do that but....."

go watch the video again. There was no pause. There was no wait. He said sure then immediately back tracked. Just like he told the proud boys to stand down and immediately back tracked. All he had to do was make some easy, softball toss statement and he couldn't even do that.

Take three minutes and watch this on repeat a couple times.
You see it here for yourself folks. Another Cameron type. Anything to win the approval of the white man.


I can’t even understand black people choosing to be a prosecutor as a career path in general. So the stuff Cameron pulled is extra outrageous.
He was asked would he do with the whole world watching after sowing racial division for most of 2020, he had no problem denouncing BLM, calling for law and order, talking about how white suburban moms won’t be safe if “they” take over the suburbs. Why are you deflecting from what the world saw last night? He had the opportunity and blatantly chose not to. It’s not that difficult to comprehend. He instead told the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. Just live with it. This is what YOU support, Black man.

I thought the BLM stuff from last night was about Biden’s refusal to endorse Black Lives Matter?

But you’re right, absent a clarification, I will pull my support.
I thought the BLM stuff from last night was about Biden’s refusal to endorse Black Lives Matter?

But you’re right, absent a clarification, I will pull my support.
Right, are you expecting it by tweet?

Because the racist tropes that’s he playing on this morning seem to help you there. Is anytime between now and the election fine for a clarification? When would you like that by? You make a lot of empty statements. Just stand by it. Be a man.

I can’t even understand black people choosing to be a prosecutor as a career path in general. So the stuff Cameron pulled is extra outrageous.

No it isn't because he is exactly like you. I bet you were rooting for him the whole time. DISGUSTING
Right, are you expecting it by tweet?

Because the racist tropes that’s he playing on this morning seem to help you there. Is anytime between now and the election fine for a clarification? When would you like that by? You make a lot of empty statements. Just stand by it. Be a man.

If he doesn’t re-clarify that he denounces white supremacy, after that debate performance, then I won’t be supporting him in November.
No it isn't because he is exactly like you. I bet you were rooting for him the whole time. DISGUSTING

Would not be a prosecutor in the first place.

Hard for me to understand black attorneys who choose that career path. Especially at the state level.
The fact that he has continuously condemned white supremacy and recently wrote an EO on the KKK is also telling.
Except the KKK is no longer, kinda like the original Antifa German political party.

It's useless to debate you because like Trump, you've been playing fast and loose with the truth. You've fully bought into the "don't believe your eyes and don't trust your ears" crap this administration, like many authoritarian-minded administrations of the past, has relentlessly pushed. You're a loyalist to the cause of those who want to commit "peaceful genocide."
Except the KKK is no longer, kinda like the original Antifa German political party.

It's useless to debate you because like Trump, you've been playing fast and loose with the truth. You've fully bought into the "don't believe your eyes and don't trust your ears" crap this administration, like many authoritarian-minded administrations of the past, has relentlessly pushed. You're a loyalist to the cause of those who want to commit "peaceful genocide."

I think you’ve missed the update. I no longer support this administration. And I will not unless/until they re-clarify that they denounce white supremacy.
I thought that he said “sure.” Thanks for posting that transcript, I think it is helpful to understand the exchange.

I think a fair reading of the exchange is that he agreed to denounce white supremacy by saying “sure.” And CW asked if he was willing to ask them to “stand down.” To show that he had no issue doing it he asked what group do you want me to denounce? Biden said proud boys. And he said okay Proud boys and in an attempt to say stand down (as CW said) he mistakenly said “stand back and stand by” in an attempt to use the exact words CW said earlier.

Obviously what he actually said is problematic. But I think that is a fair reading. Especially considering the exchange live. The fact that he has continuously condemned white supremacy and recently wrote an EO on the KKK is also telling.

Hopefully he will come out and clarify his stance. If he was intentionally suggesting that the Proud Boys should prepare for battle that is indefensible and I would not be able to continue to support him—period.

But I think the reading I described above is likely what happened based on the transcript.
“`Sure” I can denounce white supremacist, but it doesn’t mean I will.”

C’mon man, you’re either sitting somewhere laughing or just dumb at this point. You are wylin :lol:
Would not be a prosecutor in the first place.

Hard for me to understand black attorneys who choose that career path. Especially at the state level.

Do you think black attorneys are given equal opportunity in the private legal market?
What would you recommend?

There are tons of career options for black attorneys. If they wanted to do criminal, perhaps a PDs office or working for a firm that does criminal defense.

Even more opportunities on the civil side. Personally, I don’t understand the motivation for a black person to be a prosecutor. Especially at the state level.

My federal prosecutor friends are at least open about political aspirations or doing white collar defense at a big firm.

The only argument I hear from black prosecutors at the state level is that they feel we need “good black prosecutors” who have discretion to make the right call. But I think it’s BS.
In fairness, he said “sure” immediately when asked. And this is after publicly denouncing white supremacy repeatedly. But your point is well taken.

Bro, this is coming from the heart man. Even a racist can say he’s not racist and denounce supremacy, to further an agenda. that’s not hard to do. And it doesn’t work the other way...How many non racists you know claim to be racist?

Him saying sure was so causal, sarcastic and not genuine, it was as if someone Was to say, are you stupid, or wanna fight? “Sure” Then attach a deflecting statement

the simple fact that if you ask anyone else you or I or anyone else knows, in real life on camera to condemn white supremacy or racism, I guarantee the response would be without the shadow of a doubt & clear. That speaks volumes!!! Like they didn’t even have to ask Biden.

like imagine if they asked trump about pedophilia or incest... oh wait..
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