***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"biden's gaffes and crime bill are unforgivable" while letting trump slide on blatantly racist rhetoric as long as he issues a "clarification" the next day. literal buffoonery. the damage is already done. the dog whistle already been whistled. the "clarification" is done with a wink and a nod to his base.
"biden's gaffes and crime bill are unforgivable" while letting trump slide on blatantly racist rhetoric as long as he issues a "clarification" the next day. literal buffoonery. the damage is already done. the dog whistle already been whistled. the "clarification" is done with a wink and a nod to his base.
Not even done the next day. Just between now and November 3rd.
Whether he’s calling for it or not, he is CLEARLY stoking it, as evidenced by the Proud Boys touting the s/o.

Biden brought up the proud boys and Trump’s response was exactly what was needed for the talking point.
In boxing, the true masters of the sport know that the whole point of the venture is to get your opponent to kick his own ***. Expose himself, make himself vulnerable to his own weaknesses. I am not sure if Biden knew what he was doing, but jabbing Trump by suggesting proud boys? Got Trump to drop his guard, making him vulnerable to a check hook. All through the debate Biden would hit him with little faints, shoulder rolls, and a bolo punch here and there. One of those was when he called Trump a clown, something that Trump hates. You saw the look on his face, and he could not wait to say something in return, something foul. For me, it is just like when you do fight a bully. They way to kick a bully in his ***, is to make him expose himself, get his ego to come through. Trump will probably announce some sort of financial relief program now, in order to re gain favor. This is how he deal with his issues, he throws money at them.

It also explains why he is broke.
In fairness, he said “sure” immediately when asked. And this is after publicly denouncing white supremacy repeatedly. But your point is well taken.

"sure" - as ethnic-nationalist fascism is taking over the right, as the Department of Homeland Security repeatedly warns white nationalism is the greatest domestic terror threat, as white nationalist groups celebrate "stand back and stand by"

he can go on 10 min rants on "law and order" or "antifa" but one word is all he can manage on white supremacy. there is only one explanation for it

he does the bare minimum time and time again for plausible deniability and so people like you can point to it and say, "see...."

the truth is what he's being asked to condemn are some of his most fervent supporters, who he is now calling to come and "watch" polls on election day
Not even done the next day. Just between now and November 3rd.
He knows Trump's staff will tell him that he can't leave that comment out there like that. So watch the Pres Secretary act outrage at people bringing this up, and Trump to make some weak comment where he dog whistles some more while saying he doesn't support white supremacy

Then Delk will run in here on some "Look! Look!.....Crime Bill" steez.

He is not showing morals, he is buying himself some time.
He knows Trump's staff will tell him that he can't leave that comment out there like that. So watch the Pres Secretary act outrage at people bringing this up, and Trump to make some weak comment where he dog whistles some more while saying he doesn't support white supremacy

Then Delk will run in here on some "Look! Look!.....Crime Bill" steez.

He is not showing morals, he is buying himself some time.

This is exactly what's going to happen :lol:
It's pathetic.
Idk why y'all making a big deal about Trump not condemning white supremacists. There's not that many of them according to this guy

I didn’t make that. Someone just used my avi. It was DLF DLF
Ya I suspected it would get locked a) bc of the left leaning forum and b) bc it could probably be combined into the politics thread.

I get it though. Not mad

I think if we get a more level headed republican in office that doesn’t incite such hate then maybe we will be able to make it again. Perhaps Ben Shapiro or Ivanka Trump 2024?
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