***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I really have to give Biden credit tonight. He kept his cool and had a lot of strong moments. He could've done better on some questions, but he handled most of them very well. You could tell he arrived well-prepared and mentally ready to hold his own. Any questions about him being in cognitive decline are just dishonest and dated at this point.

He also said what needed to be said when he called Trump a clown.

Like I said earlier, it's really ridiculous that people are trying to "both sides" this. It was constantly Trump yelling over everybody and acting like a petulant child. It's clear Biden has dealt with bullies before and isn't intimidated by them.

edit: also, kudos to Biden for naming the correct person when Trump pressed him on who he was quoting:

The biggest takeaway I noticed while on Twitter during the debates is that a whole lot of folks need to seriously read and probably find some engaged interest in understanding the ins and outs of civics and politics (for their own good). So many people in my age group (mid twenties) seem to lack understanding of why Joe Biden was nominated, and how we ended up with Trump in the first place. The former is water under the bridge, but the latter will push you to start taking this stuff more seriously instead of sharing snarky "both sides are the same" tweets and posts. I fear that if we ever get out of this, folks will fall back into apathy instead of realizing the power we could have in terms of pushing legislation.

Biden did what he needed to do tonight, he stayed above water while Trump self-destructed. The upcoming town hall should further bury Trump, especially if it's not filled with his stans. Biden has empathy, and Trump cannot empathize with literally anyone and people in the audience will notice. But ultimately, I hope this debacle was eye opening to people and makes more folks want to dig deeper on Biden's proposals to see areas where mobilization can occur to push him towards stronger policies for everyone (especially Black folks).
but the latter will push you to start taking this stuff more seriously instead of sharing snarky "both sides are the same" tweets and posts.
These posts on my timeline bother me so damb much. On one hand because these folks, what are they trying to prove.. are they trying to be cool and what not? Woke or something? On the other hand it scares me a bit wondering if a lot of folks across the country in important regions just aren't going to vote because of this sentiment
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