***Official Political Discussion Thread***

They need to cut the mics off next debate when people aren’t speaking

That’s the only way to fix this ****

So everyone knows, in the early 80s, Republicans were sending poll watchers to Latino and Black neighborhoods to intimidate voters.

Democrats and the media called them out so a consent decree was negotiated so that type of behavior would stop.

It recently expired, and instead of renewing it, Trump and the GOP see voter intimidation as another tool they can use to suppress votes.

This is white supremacy in action, and from Trump's answer in the debate, we know he doesn't have an issue with that.

dwalk31 dwalk31 fluid hips fluid hips
Seems they are avoiding the idea of packing the Supreme Court

The vast majority of Dems do not want this but progressives absolutely do. Biden has said previously that he isn’t on board with this but coming out fully against it will anger the far-left and Progressives in the party.
Still very much impressed that Joe resisted the overwhelming urge to go off on his face after calling his son a crackhead man :lol: :smh:

Considering Trump's family. Bo was in the military, and he skipped that and attacked Hunter and insulted him to his face.

Biden didn't bring up Trump's comments about the military or his draft dodging.

Democrats have a reputation of being weak.

Biden wasn't prepared for a street fight.
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