***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is pretty much my question. All of these investigations ending without him being charged seems to suggest that he obeyed the law.

Tax schemes from the 90s but he was elected president in 2016 and wasn’t convicted of any crime prior?
He's a wealthy white guy. It's common for white collar crime investigations/prosecutions to date back many years. You also can't just open criminal investigations completely out of the blue, you need some kind of basis. The 2018 NYT report on the tax fraud schemes provided a sufficient basis but Michael Cohen added to it with his sworn testimony that he had knowledge of Trump committing insurance fraud and tax fraud.
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It's funny that America elected a president who would probably not pass a security clearance background check on the basis of how much debt he has.

- He's racist

- He tells it like it is

- He bankrupted more than one casino at the same time

- He's a business man and a billionaire

- He only paid $750 in taxes in 15 years

- He's smart

- He'll sell the nuke codes, he owes too much

- AMERICA [whizzing sounds] IS A BUSINESS!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!!!!
Any chance they cancel or reschedule the debate after the news of his tax fraud? I don’t think majority of his supporters care but this is huge and will be discussed the whole time.
1. Most people are already saying if he can’t bully his way into winning, he will run to Russia.

2. I don’t think he’ll ever get fully charged because it will be so embarrassing to throw a president in jail. Throwing this piece of **** in jail is nowhere near as embarrassing as the last four years though.
Yes, he will face serious charges in NYS. Tax fraud charges, loan fraud as well.
I already thought he was a vile racist. Cohen's testimony just reaffirmed this

How about this though, does this make you more inclined to believe Trump is a racist...

That his campaign had a database that tagged black people as targets for voter suppression.

Or Nah?

Assuming that everything reported here is absolutely true (I gather that is what you are doing), then it would tend to show that Trump’s campaign deploys racist tactics.

Horrible, if true.
Assuming that everything reported here is absolutely true (I gather that is what you are doing), then it would tend to show that Trump’s campaign deploys racist tactics.

Horrible, if true.

So does that make him a racist? You keep tap dancing the line here
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