***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The inaction of the government is a massive failure to the American citizens. You can shake your head at the news that constantly come out about Trump, you can push people to vote, you can have "impeachment hearings." But the fact that despite the countless atrocities associated with Trump, nothing has been done to remove him, is absolutely pathetic.
Huh? Dude got impeached in January.

Dude is still in office because 46 percent of the American people, and a whole political party, stand firmly behind him. Not because of inaction.

Like what do you think should be done?
Huh? Dude got impeached in January.

Dude is still in office because 46 percent of the American people, and a whole political party, stand firmly behind him. Not because of inaction.

Like what do you think should be done?

The government as in Democrats AND Republicans. Trump got to stay in power because even the Republicans who deep down know Trump is a trash president decided their political career is more important than the American people
The government as in Democrats AND Republicans. Trump got to stay in power because even the Republicans who deep down know Trump is a trash president decided their political career is more important than the American people
So you are laying the blame for the Republican moral bankruptcy on the Dems too?

Secondly, I don't think it is not only about protecting their political careers. Of course some running in swing districts are scared of the backlash from Trumpers in their districts, but the GOP's support for Trump predates his high popularity with Republicans, it goes back to the end of the GOP primary. The GOP supports Trump because with all the ******** aside, his policy agenda aligns nicely with them. Especially in regards to filling the judiciary. In fact, that was the bargain for the GOP to support Trump. If Trump was not fulfilling his end of the bargain, they would have dumped him a while ago. They stand with him through all the ********, through all the things that they wished he had not done, because he is governing in a fashion they like.

I agree self-preservation is always a driving force in politics, especially the GOP, but like Trump, when it comes to Republicans (from election officials, to donors, to lobbyist, to Party officials, to voters) cruelty is the point.
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Adderall at his age isn't good for his health.

The GOP supports Trump because with all the bull**** aside, his policy agenda aligns nicely with them. Especially in regards to filling the judiciary. In fact, that was the bargain for the GOP to support Trump. If Trump was not fulfilling his end of the bargain, they would have dumped him a while ago. They stand with him through all the bull****, through all the things that they wished he had not done, because he is governing in a fashion they like.

I was thinking about this earlier and it kind of dovetails into the story him running purely for financial gain...but to what extent does Donald Trump, himself, have a policy agenda? It feels like he had no plan/agenda and the GOP gave him the playbook as you suggested for their support in return and since he had no choice/doesn’t give a damn so he ran with it. Except early on they realized they found a shameless shill who has nothing to lose (and doesn’t know any better) and they’re squeezing it for every last drop.

Just my perception. I know it’s always bigger than just the President but the man literally doesn’t know how the basic operations of the government. I can’t find it in me to believe that he’s plotted a lot of what we’ve seen because I know he can’t even understand it :lol:
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