***Official Political Discussion Thread***

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Trump paid no taxes for 10 of 15 years between 2001-2015. he carried forward nearly a billion dollars in tax losses from his early 90s melt down but per the article the last of that was claimed in 2005

in 2006-2008 he paid millions in income taxes but took a $72+ million refund on a change in tax laws that allowed retroactive claims of more than 2-years for losses taken in the crash

that is the source of the continuing “audit” which started in 2011 about the refund (which you could take just by filing but then had to defend it and possibly return it) and was about to settle in 2014 when apparently it was expanded by the IRS

sounds like the audit has became a protracted settlement negotiation but now the government of which he is chief executive has to approve the ultimate settlement. it would explain the otherwise odd claim of being under audit for so long
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for me, the funniest part of this whole circus is that it´s effectively the same as a minimum-wager taking out payday loans and selling bone marrow to put lifts on their F-150 King Ranch and buy Red Bottoms for the lady.

remember, it´s only bad to live outside your means using government assistance if you are poor.

That minimum-wager isn’t ******* over the entire country at the same time though.
But will trumpialites even care. They dont believe in any other entity but him.

And he can explain it away (which is what i want to see how he does that ****).
the best we can hope is tax evasion or whatever other tax laws He broke

you can’t tell from the tax returns who is loaning money to Trump but we can reasonably assume that at least Deutsche Bank is in the mix. wouldn't be surprised to see Turkish banks involved since he has significant profit interests there

the conflicts will play out in further NYT stories apparently
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