***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I am still writing the post. But as a preview, it doesn't look good for you boy. I guess if you are gonna be concise, as you would put it, you should really fill the page will really transformative things.

In the interim, you are free to comment about Trump's tax information being brought to light while you wait.

Professor Delk is on you about this assignment, brah. You might need to bring a special batch of Tomi’s buttered biscuits to office hours so he eases up on you.
But his skin is WELL HYDRATED.
Trump is so well hydrated, his aura transfer to his shirts 💦 :emoji_sweat_drops:
Amazing, simply amazing...
Examining the Trump Organization’s tax records, a curious pattern emerges: Between 2010 and 2018, Mr. Trump wrote off some $26 million in unexplained “consulting fees” as a business expense across nearly all of his projects.

In most cases the fees were roughly one-fifth of his income: In Azerbaijan, Mr. Trump collected $5 million on a hotel deal and reported $1.1 million in consulting fees, while in Dubai it was $3 million with a $630,000 fee, and so on.

Mysterious big payments in business deals can raise red flags, particularly in places where bribes or kickbacks to middlemen are routine. But there is no evidence that Mr. Trump, who mostly licenses his name to other people’s projects and is not involved in securing government approvals, has engaged in such practices.

Rather, there appears to be a closer-to-home explanation for at least some of the fees: Mr. Trump reduced his taxable income by treating a family member as a consultant, and then deducting the fee as a cost of doing business.

The “consultants” are not identified in the tax records. But evidence of this arrangement was gleaned by comparing the confidential tax records to the financial disclosures Ivanka Trump filed when she joined the White House staff in 2017. Ms. Trump reported receiving payments from a consulting company she co-owned, totaling $747,622, that exactly matched consulting fees claimed as tax deductions by the Trump Organization for hotel projects in Vancouver and Hawaii.
that Times article is worth a read just to appreciate the staggering scope of his career in financial *******, but honestly all you need to know about guy as a businessman is that he didn´t start wearing and selling MAGA masks all the way back in February or something...coulda made a hyperxillion dollars AND been the good guy.

...also coulda probably saved a couple lives, but whatever.

Amazing, simply amazing...

my favorite part was:

Testifying before Congress in February 2019, the president’s estranged personal lawyer, Mr. Cohen, recalled Mr. Trump’s showing him a huge check from the U.S. Treasury some years earlier and musing “that he could not believe how stupid the government was for giving someone like him that much money back.”

In fact, confidential records show that starting in 2010 he claimed, and received, an income tax refund totaling $72.9 million — all the federal income tax he had paid for 2005 through 2008, plus interest.

me either, guy...me either.

Even while declaring losses, he has managed to enjoy a lavish lifestyle by taking tax deductions on what most people would consider personal expenses, including residences, aircraft and $70,000 in hairstyling for television.

you--yes, you--pay more than the billionaire President in taxes, and this is what it gets you:


...is it time to get mad yet?
The thing with Trump's plan is that it:

a) Contains few unique things to help black America
b) Most of the good things the Dems have already passed, or Obama/Clinton/Biden have proposed
c) Make extremely vague promises that he can't deliver on without a more robust policy agenda
d) You can only believe good intentions with you ignore what he does in practice. For example, his entire Healthcare section is bull****. He is actively working to hurt the African American communities access to healthcare, and peddling plans that will not make up for the removal of the ACA.
They put so little effort into this plan.
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