***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I ask this in earnest
What has trump done for the economy? These people that are praising him for the economy how does that actually effect the american people? Like 16% of the US population actually owns stocks. So it can't be that their stock portfolio is booming....because we know with the pandemic it has been on a roller coaster. Do they directly coorelate some fiscal policy that trump passed to them getting a job that they would have otherwise not gotten? If so what was that policy.

I am so sick of this "he is a buisness man"....and "he makes great trade deals and it saves america BILLIONSSSS"....what are these deals and where do the BILLIONS go? To the boarder wall? too your 401K??? Or to corporations and other billionaires....

I am so lost in some of the pro-trump rhetoric and i am honestly trying to find something positive the man has done. Like some prison reform was solid....thats all i got :lol:

these people are living paycheck to paycheck (if they’re lucky) and they still believe in “da economy is boomin” “all da jobz are back” they believe whatever their told. They too far gone to be reasoned with, the racism and “owning the libs” is all they understand.
I ask this in earnest
What has trump done for the economy? These people that are praising him for the economy how does that actually effect the american people? Like 16% of the US population actually owns stocks. So it can't be that their stock portfolio is booming....because we know with the pandemic it has been on a roller coaster. Do they directly coorelate some fiscal policy that trump passed to them getting a job that they would have otherwise not gotten? If so what was that policy.

I am so sick of this "he is a buisness man"....and "he makes great trade deals and it saves america BILLIONSSSS"....what are these deals and where do the BILLIONS go? To the boarder wall? too your 401K??? Or to corporations and other billionaires....

I am so lost in some of the pro-trump rhetoric and i am honestly trying to find something positive the man has done. Like some prison reform was solid....thats all i got :lol:

here's the case for Trump's economy;

well the tax cut, while poorly designed and heavily tilted towards the rich was still economic stimulus. which was good for the economcy

he's made mostly good fed chair appointments and pushed them to keep interest rates low which is also good.

and the CARES act while a result of negotiations between Pelosi and Munichin, he still signed it and that was also good.

so if you squint, he hasn't done anything to ruin economy he inherited from Obama and other than the trade wars the economic stuff probably helped boost it a lil bit.
the economic case for any republican president is;

the senate has a 7 point bias towards republicans, which means Democrats will almost never control the senate, so senate republicans will obstruct all legislation and impose austerity

....until a republicans' president is elected, then the money machine goes brrr. So vote republican! :lol:
What’s really sad about politics is how close minded people are. The Rock says I have never publicly endorsed anyone and I have voted for both parties.

His fans attack him and don’t stop and think how bad it must be if he has to break his own rules and endorse a president. No one wants to listen and see the other side.
Correction: Republicans don't want to listen to the other side.

For the majority of the existence of the United States, only a select few have been able to decide the direction of the country. It only took 60 years of true democracy to make them yearn for that kind of power again. They do not think that those who don't think exactly like them have the ability to make sound decisions. That's also why they believe that no black democratic voter is making a pragmatic choice: for them, we are all sheep on the "Democratic plantation."

.... ing

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Daniel Cameron dropping like it's hot for the cops because...................it's his job.


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Which Republican's you think the rock voted for?

Imma say GWB x 2 (gotta support a war time president) and maybe Mitt.

Fake war president. The US started desert storm pt. 2.

If the dumb citizens of the US can vote for an awful president like GWB for a second term, sadly, what's stopping these imbeciles for getting Trump elected again ?
I ask this in earnest
What has trump done for the economy? These people that are praising him for the economy how does that actually effect the american people? Like 16% of the US population actually owns stocks. So it can't be that their stock portfolio is booming....because we know with the pandemic it has been on a roller coaster. Do they directly correlate some fiscal policy that trump passed to them getting a job that they would have otherwise not gotten? If so what was that policy. Are they all business owners that have some how benefited from some tax break? If so what was that tax break

I am so sick of this "he is a buisness man"....and "he makes great trade deals and it saves america BILLIONSSSS"....what are these deals and where do the BILLIONS go? To the boarder wall? too your 401K??? Or to corporations and other billionaires....

I am so lost in some of the pro-trump rhetoric and i am honestly trying to find something positive the man has done. Like some prison reform was solid....thats all i got :lol:
He inherited a great economy from Obama and tried to claim all of the credit. I really don't understand why people point to the economy under Trump as one of his accomplishments.

Unemployment continued to decline, and wages continued to rise slightly. Meanwhile people in America still struggle to make ends meet. The Trump administration and the GOP made it clear that cared more about passing tax breaks for the wealthy instead of helping average Americans.

The people benefitting the most from the stock market are those that are already wealthy.

As predicted he didn't bring manufacturing jobs back.
these people are living paycheck to paycheck (if they’re lucky) and they still believe in “da economy is boomin” “all da jobz are back” they believe whatever their told. They too far gone to be reasoned with, the racism and “owning the libs” is all they understand.
It was hilarious to see ninjahood ninjahood talk about da booming economy while not benefitting from it.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

As the president wages a re-election campaign that polls say he is in danger of losing, his finances are under stress, beset by losses and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt coming due that he has personally guaranteed. Also hanging over him is a decade-long audit battle with the Internal Revenue Service over the legitimacy of a $72.9 million tax refund that he claimed, and received, after declaring huge losses. An adverse ruling could cost him more than $100 million.

Scamming Broke boi confirmed.
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I don't know what he said but I'm sure it was wild disrespectful. It's tacky enough bringing up someones dead mom in a debate but your opponents?! par for the course for them. good she shut that down immediately. I'm waiting for Trump to bring up Beau and Joe shoving his podium down and rushing over to give out some radical left hooks
Did RustyShackleford RustyShackleford ever compare the potential economic impact of Biden’s plan for Black Americans vs. Trump’s?
I am still writing the post. But as a preview, it doesn't look good for you boy. I guess if you are gonna be concise, as you would put it, you should really fill the page will really transformative things.

In the interim, you are free to comment about Trump's tax information being brought to light while you wait.
The thing with Trump's plan is that it:

a) Contains few unique things to help black America
b) Most of the good things the Dems have already passed, or Obama/Clinton/Biden have proposed
c) Make extremely vague promises that he can't deliver on without a more robust policy agenda
d) You can only believe good intentions with you ignore what he does in practice. For example, his entire Healthcare section is ********. He is actively working to hurt the African American communities access to healthcare, and peddling plans that will not make up for the removal of the ACA.
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